-t -- - - -- Iteéms from Whitby Council agenda(s) March 199,1990 Operations Committee That counicil approve a $75 permît tee for an application ta Instail an access gate tram a private resîclence into a local or district park. This tee will be ln addition ta the Town's cost 0f installing a gate, estimated ta be between $800 and $1,000.« Recommended to counciL That parks and recmeatlon staff Investigate the posslbllity of a playgraund at the end ot Brlargreen Court1-Thls recommendation.stems tram a petition tram 146 residents ln the area requestlng a fRie menedté counciL, That the Tawn participate wlth the Whtby district scouts ln their annual Trees for Canada program. ln the event that the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority does flot donate the trees, the Town wiII pay the $825 cost, plus ereot slgns lndicatIng who planted the trees. The trees will be planted on May 5, In an area bounded by Rossland Rd., Anderson St., Manning Rd. .and smaller streets to the West. Recommended te counciL. 41iat 'the Town request $30,000 t ram thejOntario Mlnistry of Transportation ta offset the cast of installation oftafc sig naIs at the 'Intersection of Blair and Burns streets. Total cost of the signais is $60,000. Recommended to council Plannng and Development Committee That the Town sign a provincial-municipal agreement providing for provincial f unds for the southwest residential communlty Improvemnent project area of downtawn Whtby. Councîl approved the plan last NaverTtber. The for Information. The report says the Durham Region works department favois building a new facilty on the site of the exlsting Ajax water supply plant on Harwaod Avenue. The works departmfent rejected il other possible sites, lncluding one east of Lakeridge Road ln Whitby. Regional council has not yet vated on the recommandication. Eecommededto coumciL. WHITY FREE PRESS, WýDNE8DAY, MAR 21, M9. PAGE a conoerned about plannd aerial hydro uines 0yMieKowalsld A pro osaitainstalaerial hydro linoes on 50-foot concrete pales *i idawntown Whitblai castgconcern among own ofciais. Although Town counci's oe- rations committee recommended Monday that the hydro linos ho installe&. officiais. are worried that notig may be dono ta ureent a similiar request in the The Whitby Hydro-Electric Commission has asked for appro- val ta run limes on the west side of Blair St. from the hydro sub- station ta Dundas St. Eand on the south side of Dundas fromn Blair ta Ash St. The linos are needed ta meet increasing power demands caused b commercial develop- ment in th downtawn core. They will connect to other high voltage linos ini the -area.1, Town administrator Bill Wal- lace told the committee the com- mission's request should be gran- ted because of a pressing need for the linos. However, ho was critical of the commission for not oxploring the psibilit of underground power linos in the future. «They're not making any pro- visions for long-term use, they're not looking at underground linos » said Wallace. Pod that the cost may ho toc> prohibitive- Wallace replied, <'Maybetfiey < commission) should ho looking at user fees.» In a letter supporting the request, hydro commission general manager Tom May said underground installation o f high- voltage linos is too expensive.. In order ta go underground, May said hydro would have ta, instail a duct snd manhole sys- tom. 1I would estimate the coet of such an installation at well over $1-million,» said May. "Thids estimate is exclusive of transformer vaults, transformers and switchgear'that would ho needed ta make the system operate. These costs could approach a half a million 'dol- lars. May estimated the tost of the overhead systemi at less than $200 000. Pulic works director Richard Kuwahara said. hydro has no about 20 minutes to, extinguish the fire that sent 29-year-old Hossein Zakikhanky, who occu- pied the apartment, ta Whitby GeneralHospital for smoke in- halation. Ho was released within hours. There were no other injuries. Damage to, the apartment is estimated at $100,000, with another $10,000 in content damnage. The cause of the fire lu stili under investigation. No éhaýrges have been laid. _________________________________________________________________________M