Whitby Free Press, 21 Mar 1990, p. 41

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WB1TB FREE PRESS ,-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21,1990, PAGE 41 Company loeles 3 ves.sels i harbor 1By Trudie Zavadovies A contract ta, dredge part of Whitb harbor bas dredged up more Zostility than money for a Downsview company., hn les than one montb, tbee of the company's vesseis have been sunk, costmng theni close ta, $175,000.- Bath plice and owner Stephen Richardson of Foet Richard- son, a marine contract company, suspect fouI piay. 'Tve been threatened a couple, of tumes for doing dredingin Whitby harbor,» as chard- son. «One persan threatened ta, sink My, equipment and the. other thireatened ta punch me out. 'Td like tagt hold of the guy, but there's noting oucendo What started out as*a ten-day job for the company has lasted, ta date, 168 day s. The dredging was more difficut than expected. What's also difficuit for ]Richardson is. that hie employer la only willig ta pay hlm or the ten days' work contracted. As for, the rest of the money, hey've tol hl ta"gowhstle for $V 41rmWýorkig forai è-onjfr-actor whos working for the Depart- ment of PubliceWrk or Public Works' Canada.» Richardson says they are acting on behaif of Msheries and Ooeans or the Town of Whitby. Richardson la dredging a chan- nel for a new amail boat launch- ing ramp on the northwest éide Of the harbor. The. federal gavenmen isnow nàadispute withRichrdso ove souspecifi- cations. Richardson's going ta, have ta, take the. s on the. chin because h.' b as no insurance on bis ves- sels. 'TI have ta reach deep inta my pockets and paLy for it. Crafty people« soughtbyCLOC The. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority il oking for crafty people who are lnterested in displaylng or selling their handlwork at its firet annual 'Ester Eoe Hunt and Craft Show.' This spectacular event takes place on Sunday, April 15, from moon ta 5 p.m. at Ifbr Down Conservation Area. If you knit~, sew, paint , mak stained glass windows, or take part in any other artitc activity, con articipate in CLOCA' 'Easer Egg Huünt-and Craft Show. If you wouid 1ke ta difspiay or seil your work, or :for more information, contact Gord, Gelsaberger at CLOCA's office at 579-0411. New dimensioin iirealymrketing by Trudie Zavadovica Realty World - Heritage Whlitby Realty. bas added a unique new dimension ta their marketing tecbnigues by openg a kiosk ln the Wiutby M al, g .Tue permanent dispiay advert- ises availabie properties by sbowing eight full pictures of the proerty, consiéting of a front and back view wlth six interior photos. .The concept- wblcb is exclu- sively that of keýaIty World's, la in place i time for the com- pany's grand opening in down- tawn WhitbyVMarch 26. Although the company bas been firmiy planted in their offices at 132 Dundas St. W. since last September,they have chosen this month, with their new marketing concept ln place, for their officiai opening. "«Me .kiosk is manned during mail hours,» says Broker RicE McMulien. "It's worked very weii. Peopie are very impressed. It'si a unique marketing method, extra froni MIS, ta expose more, and more properties througbout Canada.» *- Another advantage of the. 'Reaiscope' presentation ia that it ia potble and can betaen inta the home ta show prospective bu ers available bouses. 'It's given us a marketing edge a1jer our campetition,» says McMullen. He says that they are weli situated i Whitby but hope in tii. utureta epand their office and the. 'ReaIscope' marketing concept tbroughout the region. System pressed to the limit FROM PAGE 1 ment has responded ta sanie of bis Lgroun's concerns. "It!s not unusuai for civil cases ta wait 18 months to twn vears Staff Sgt. Bey Graham o 8 Division Baya the-iiildngs ilare under investigation. The firat incident* taak place Feb. 8 when a 60-foot tug, cJlied Jean-T, sunk, a resuit of someone partialiy opening a main intake valve.. Richardson had ta swim, down 15 feet ta clo se it before the tug couid be retrieved. Damage was $15,000. March 16 was the lasit time a cordraulic 100-foot andtugboat were seen. They saa n leght feet of- water. Polie were notifled on March .18. "We can assumne bath were done by sommoe who knowa the worlcing of tuga and dredges,» sayaGrhani. H. says ta alio-ughpolice patrol the ares, they do not go inta the yard. *Point They will join three *udges «erigetting two new judges before etting to court.~ A Rare iental Qpputun*ty based in Durham on a fu1tM e but rve not seen themn yet,» naid fopteçn personal and not A L x ro sLf tleF r1 9 basis, lus another three who Burch.foth association, Davies lays IA£. u ri m Lfs eF r1 9 also sit in neighboring jurisdic- «I thought they would corne on the blazne for Durham's pro-HW .41&B O KR A tions. Uine this month soI guess they're blenis squarely at the govern- HW fro401i&keri OnC ntre) In addition, the Crown attor- a littie behind schedule.» ment's doorstep. (Minutes_____________________Town __Centre) ney's office will be adding to its Burch -said'local officiais have "Tne system was buiît for ranks. formed committees to examine 100 000 people and we've got two 1 Bedroom & Den, 1,009 sq. ft. & up Two lawyers and a staff person ways of expediting the caseload ta tiree times that nummber, the will bring the nuxnber to 12 in Durham courts. system has not grown with the 2 Bedroom Suites, 1,074 sq. ft. & up lawyers, plus a special prosecu- The "delay reduction» commit- population. tor for traffic offeènoes, and five tee was initiated by the attorney- As morean moeppl full-time and two part-tiîne sup- general's ministry in Ontario move and Drhmore e ple IJ-SUIT S FEATURES, inlulding: port staff. communities with a significant more and more criminal and civil 5 applianoes, * a ll to wal Fitzgerald noted that trials are backlog of criminal cases. matters. nldg i-ut qahyrS Sn already being set for 1991 for The committee bas re2resen- "We need more men and fCU gm-it qulybraom offenoes committed in 1989. tation from the bench, Crown's women appointed ta the judiciary laundry facilities e Inýdividually controlled Whether this aniount of time is office, police, lawyers and court and the court - space ta, go Ïith Sohlatriumi conditioningý considered unduly long is some- administration, and is concerned it.» thing the Ontario Court of wxith problema at the provincial LIFESTYLE AMENITIS ic1u g"' Appeal has been asked ta, decide. court level. The court has reserved deci- A similiar group, -the «bench The Recent Advertisement for 9 Indoor pool, whirlpool * Card acs sion on an ixnpaired driving and bar" committee, la address- MAYFIELD HEIGHTSsa asqahntyytm offence which occurred in Dur- mng problems affecting district should have read*sauina sqEasy acc ste hamn, that took 14 months from courts.e sintadeE yacs o the time of arrest ta conviction in Port Perry lawyer Bryan A $5,000 initial deposit visiters parking Go transit court. Damies represents the law asso- $5900- 30Ã"cays later Guest suites 0 Party roem Lawyers for the accused suc- ciation on this committe. _________________ oesfuly ppaid te onvcton While acknowledging the '$10,000 In 60 Cays vililI on the grounds that 14 months delays- in the criminal, courts, rsveahn*f 19 wa nuraonbedlyi Davmes naid they pale m compari- possession. 686-6860or 229-9800 ext ý218 settling the matter. son ta, the backlog affecting civil Fitzgerald's office argued the matters The Whtby Fe Press ETLCNREH U S lower court's acuittai before the "There are 250 civil cases apologizes for any MoInyta FrCENT-R12 o e Sp court of AppeallIsat month. . ready for trial but there is oniy iïconvenience caused. Satuday and Suday - 10 mon ta 6 pm «The.Charter of R hts aran- one judge availabie i any one audyndS dy-10mto6p tees every citizen Ce right t a ek o hear theni,» said Davies. trial in a reasonabie priod Of tume,» said Fitzgerald. "ut what PIC ERNGHO E is a reasonable period of -tie? Tweive months? Fourteen ~ DESIGN CENTR montha? Eighteen montha? lk sanie areas they would be cotEsat C scrarnbling ta have a trial within ,an a r t bSIS. CNetnEnt He 12 months of the offence.» timeCnenio enr Durhamu iawyers have not b on a egular or pattreb hesitant tavoioe their feeiingson a e n rPikrig w'a this issue ta the provincial Pickering Home & Design Centre go erne. EmoemldPbint Pontai Ofie - unit 46 Dunharn Region Law Associa- HyO tion president Mark Burch, a ______________________ Whitby lawyer, said the govern- . -. . 4k 4,. k 4I46I~4S.*$4.- -44#4ê-- 5 * ..* * 73 QUEEN ST., BeROOKLIN Lovely 1850sq.ft., 16 month *new", bungalow situated on beautiful 1/3 acre lot. Mature, quiet neighbourhood close to shopa and schools. Features 3 bdrms. greenhouse kitchen, sunken tamlly room with customn brick firepiace, full unspoiled bsmt. with entrance ta garage. You can enjoy life ln the "countryu while boing only minutes from the "city". Offered at $314.50W. Cali *Brian or Jackls Wright: 655-8444 or 655-8930 -~"MATURE COUNTRY SETIING" Wlth A Million Dollar Vlew! 'Ashburn, weli maintained 3+1 bdrm. bungalow on .37 iandscaped acres with gorgeous view ta rear. Features eat-in ~'kitchen with w/o to new dock that runs vfuliength of house at rear. Separate "DR. also has a w/o. The finished st boasts a rec. room, 4th bdrm., 3pce. bath and w/o to patio. There is aiso a double attached garage with door« opener for your Qonveniencel $236,500 Cali Brian or Jackle Wright: S655-8444 or 655-8930

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