Whitby Free Press, 21 Mar 1990, p. 6

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PAGES, WHITBYFREE ~ WEDNESDAY, M&RUEI 21,1990 T VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN The only Whitby newspaper independently owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents. Published (very Wed nesday By 5772)9 On tario Imc. Phon?: 668-6111 66'8- 6112 6d,8-6369 iDogAdro 131 Brocý'Street North, P.O. Box32p6, Whitby, Ont. TIN 5S1 Maurice Pither Peter Irvine ,Advertising Manager Alexandra Simnon Production Manage r ~nd Class Postai Registration #05351 "Th e system has flot grown with the population." That's the problemn, according to a local lawyer, with the current Judicial system ln Durham Reglon. And one example of deficiencies ln the system was In evidence last, week when a Judge falied, to show ln provincial court, leaving 27 people to corne back at another time. No blame was placed on the judge, but rather on. the provincial govemment which has not adequately respon- ded to needs. Two provincial court Judges will be added, and more staff are proposed for the Crown attorney's Ov9qeload office. But will this be enough to.more properly handie the caseload now befôre the criminal courts. And àt may do nothlng to solve the* huge. backlog of cases ln civil court. Is it fair that an accused person'may not get to trial within a year or more? Or do "'unreasonable delavs" actually benefit the accused? The process and length of time should be simîlar ln ail Judicial areas, but that is apparently flot the case. The attorney-;general's office has taken ' steps to address shortcomlngs in the Durham Judical system. But more attention should be paid by the Province to the continuing concerns expressed by those who work In'the local system, ln civil as well as ln crimînal cases. Problems remain, and that could be dlmlnishing the'right of everyone.to fairness and justice. We don't.eda bigbuck S' authority To thi.e dtoe'. I read with mixed feeling the excerpts from CLOCA chairman Jo. Bugelli's speech, r.printed in your paper recently,. and fet compeld tero nd I bv dealt with CLOCA, and with Mr. Bugelli birsell, several times in the past few years inan effort ta -stop enviranmental damage along Corb.tt Creek. Careless and inapgpnrately placed development h as -been seriously tbreatening a provincially- significant wetland i the heart cf Whitby - Corbett Creek marsh. CLOCA has net managed to contrai encroacbment to date, nor bas any CLOCA official even tried te reassure me that they wiil b. any more effective in future. Mr. Bugelli says he wants ta keep tabo on public opinion, se like ta, teil bim this. publicly -- that CLOCA's principal mandate should b. to, preserve watersheds - the streams foresta and wetlands of Durham Region. To do so is simple and cheap: leave a nice wide buffer of trees between them and any development.. If that was done there wouldn'tb. a need for the e«pensive, environmentally destructive and very ugly channelization projects that are carving- up aur waterways W. don't need a 'big bucks" conservation authority ta b'ire experts and do costly recreational studies. Studios bave already shown tbat the favorite recreatian for 75 per cent of Cjanadians is walking. The. thousands of people- moving ýta Durhs.m ýrRegion are goeng, ta want the. -mme thing those of us already living hero want - a place ta go for a walk on a' Sunday afternoon that's a littie wild, beautiful and naturel, that isn't managed, trimmed and- surrounded by concret.. Mother Nature left us several places that fit the bill mcely. I would hope that our "conservation authority," on. of the few government bodies that seems to cdaim anv concern at al for our watershods, ýwcud educate dovelopors about wbat they are and are not a#1owed te do in proximity te aour cre.ks and marshes. And as, for lands tbat CLOCA owns, let nature.mng them. Ites simple, Jo. Kep development off aur floodplains, out of our woods and awayfro aur creek valleys. Yâd Ilsavo Durham Region a lot cf grief -- and the taxpayers a lot cf money. Margaret r Another-kick atWhtshpeigwhthbusyem 1 ~ 7 7 i htshpeigwhtebssse t,1D e JSE:lgllSf Ca t To the. editor. Ne ad it up to here with ------ afsmI If Quebec hadn't first tossed the bail out on the court, there wouldn't have been a bai tekidck. For a number cf y"ar now, w. bave iuad se many thinga rammed down our throats 'with neither consultation nor choice. Now w. have this tbing with the compliments cf Mr. Peterson. If they would just ait back and shut up, we will automaticay become bilingual anyway. Since World War 1 when German was dropped for Frencb, it was taught only in bigh achools. 'The. Powers That Be' bave finally corne ta their senses, and put it in grade 1 where it should have been in the first place. -Srnai childron's brains are like sponges, but they tend te harden as we age. And the GST - 'They were se desperate for more money." Sa. they spend $1.1-biflion te set it up. Then propose té pay the bank $1 for each GST deposit'a company makes. It seoms ta, me te b. another kIck at the English cat. Ini 1977 there was- a man named J. V. Andrew, Lieutenant Commander CAP. retired), who wrote a book cailed, ' Bilingual Today, French Tomorrow.' It was said ta, be 'Trudeau's Master Plan and how it can be stopped." It was published by BMG, Ricbmond Hil.TTis book was thoroughly panned by bath the radio and the. newspapers. If this bock wore te b. written today, I wonder wbat the reaction would be?, We Canadians are so placid, I wonder bow much more we will take before we finally get mad enough te cail a hait. D)o you suppose the GST could b. the catalyst? M. Joues Whitb~y TO thi.editoe. On Aug. 20, 1989, Wbitby was introduced ta a wholo new bus system. On Jan. 2, 1990 Whitby was then bit with a transit fare raise. What bas bappened te Wbitby's bus system? SW.em now being chargedl higher fares and yet service bas been cut, first. with buses not runnMng -te, 9 and now the cut with rush haur buses. Instead of getting better. service we are receiving cutbacks. Sure its going te save Wbitby- municipality $112,00 ta cut rs hour buses, but we stl have te, pay the same fares and.taxe. No wonder Wbitby people are not riding buses, especially studonts- who bave ta pay the same rate as aduits. When you rais. the fares yau' baveto pravide better service, not cutbacks. LETTERS The Whitby Free Press welcomes letters to the Editor on any subjeet of eoncern to our readers. Letters should be brief and to the point - rarely more than 300 words. Ail letters must be accompanied by the name, address and phone nuxnber of the writer; however, on request, your name rnay be withheld from publication if we agree that there is a valid reason. The paper reserves the right to rejeet or edit ail letters. Send to: The Editor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario LiN 55 or drop through our mailsiot at 131 Brock St. N. 2nd Class Postal Registrailon #05351

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