PAGE 18, WH]TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28,1990 - Phone 668-6111 Home improvement centre relocation approved LOCAL 4H memibers Dave GrandY tickets to a Blue Jays' gaine while and Christy Wilson are joined by a Betty Somerville of Seagrave won a white, furry friend as they pick the gift basket firom White Feather. winners of a draw held durmng the More than 50 people attended the 'Farily Information Night' on Wed- 4H information might in Brooklin. nesday last week. Matt Grills won By Robert Gerlsbeck Despite the conerns of nearby residents, Town council has giýven Mitchell Bros. the go- aead to move their home im- provement centre from Brooklin to a new location off Hwy 12, just north of Spencer Rd. Many residents living near the new location are worried that construction in the area could cause contamination or a disrup- tion in the flow of their well water. Ini a speech to council on Mon- day night, Glenn Br:yers, a Rob- mar St. resident, said he is flot convinced that a. planning department engineering report will ensure water quality for local residents. «We don't know of any way the applicant can guarentee our water quality,» smid Bryers. He went on to say that any effects on the quality and flow of water will have subsequent effects -on the value of properties in the area. "A home is the biggest single investment for us," said Bryers. «The value of our homes is dependent on water quality.» But Bryers enraged some councillors when hie said in- fluences and pressures put on planning comnuttee were partly responsible for the proposai being approved. Councillor Joe Bugelli replied, "If anyone is utting pressue on us it is you. I have neyer had MY cofleagues put down lilce this.» Planning committee chairman Ross Batten said, 'TPm sorry the residents of Robmar St. chose to challenge my integrity. No one put any pressure on me." 1Bryers later apologized for his remarks. Donald Mitchell, who spoke in defense of the applica- tion, said that concernis about water quality were unfounded. for over 50 years,» said KfJitchel. "I know the area, I was raised there. The well water doesn't come froniour propertythe water cores from Xha e.n Mitchell added that there was also no threat of toic chemicals seepinp into the groundwater. "Were not polluters. Paint wjll be stored in the showroom and lumber is a natural thig,» said,* Mitchell. «I. love Brooklin. I wouldn't do anything to harni in response to a question by councillor Marcel Brunelle, Mit- chell said he would drill a new well for anyone whose water might be contaminated by the operations of the home improve- ment centre. This statement satisfied most councillors. "If someone like Mr. Mitchell malces that kind of comruitment, itle g ot to ha good for something,. said councillor Tom Edwards. «I hope that this will reassure the residents of Robmar Stv» Ile has credibility," added counicillor Joe Drunim. But councillor Denanis Fox 'w'*as StI worried about water con- tamination. SEE PAGE 24 Ashburn board to hold seminar on recycling The Ashburn Centennial community centre board will hold another in a series of informal guest seniinars, this time for recycling in the north Whitby Township area. lIn the past year the board has been lobbying the Region of Durham to be included in the Begion's recycUng prograni. They have invited Gary Herrema, Durham regional chairman and member of the Region's waste management comyittee, to speak at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26, at the Ashburn comniunity centre on Myrtle Rd. in Asliburn. Herrema will discuss recycing and the Region's initiatives and successes. .Ashburn, Myrtle and Myrtle Station receive no blue box pickup nor do they have a drop-off depot for recycables. Clareniont has a depot and Re n as blue boxes. the past year, the community centre board held a public meeting with Durhamn FOR AL VOUR PRESSURE TREATEDýe. LUMBER NEEDS I ISIZESI 1ecyding managaer Glenda Geis and showed two recycing videotapes ùi an audience of about 50. A second meeting, similarly attended, featured a guest speaker fromn Pollution Probe to help encourage public awareness. 1In December, questionnaires were circulated and a petition in the Ashburn General Store was signed by 91 people. The petition was presented to the Region's waste management comniittee on Jan. 30 in order to make them aware of the strong community support of this initiative. The committee told an Ashburn representative that if the Region's 1990 budget is approved, Ashburn and area will have a depot in 1990. Beyond these activities, the cmuiy centre board bas also spoken with local landowners, businesses and Town officiais to help establish candidate sites for a drop-off depot. The most likely locatio-ns wiIl be presented at the March 28 seminar for comment by interested parties. Comments will be passd on to the regional -planners te help expediate placement of a depot. Organizers invite ail north Whitby residents to the March 28 meeting. For further information cail Steven Usher at 655-3496. 5 Brooklin servio clubs attend ' Fellowship N ight' Representatives from five Brooklin and area service clubs on March 22 attended "A Night of Fellowship' .ranzd by the Brooklin OddfelloýwsBeh Lodge, Bmanch 165. Guest speakers were Bob Rumble of the Deaf Centre in Toronto, and former Canadian Football League star Terry Evan- shen,' a Brdooklin-area resident. About 100 people attended the event, described by Oddfellows member Arthur Budd as a "hume success.» Dinner was served by the Rebekahs, at the Oddfellows- Compensation to be discussed ,Ile public liaison committee of the Durham Region Waste Management Master Plan will hold a public meeting on 'Com- pensation' at the Brooklin com- munity centre 45 CassaIs Rd., Brooklin,' on W'ednesday, April 4, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Municipalities in Ontario are now considering compensation policies at an early stage in the waste management siting pro- cess. Compensation fis for those who may be adversely affected by the establishmnent of a waste management facilitv (iLe. landffl site or energy-trom-waste faci- l:e meeting wiîî explore vari- ous compensation policies and look at the liaison committee and public can contribute te policy development. The meeting was arranged as a result of commente from ques- tionnaires during Januazy and February. A second educational meeting fa tentatively scheduled for Mpi 25 on '¶icineration.»' For more' information oeil 1- 800-465-4216. Bebekah Hall in Broolcun. Each servtce- club outlined their aims and objectives. "Every club bas their own pro- jects. We just filled each other in on what proj»ects we're working on,» said Budd. «We hope te, make it an annual event.» Allan Carson outlined Oddfel- lows' projects; Paul Brown spoke for the Masons- Brian Irvine, Lions; Charlie IMason, Kinsmen, and Diane Livie, Optimists. Representatives froma the Brook- li Leg-on branch were unable te Members of the Oddfellows committee who organized the event were Budd, noble grand Doug Morden, Ray Ingleton and Mlan Downing. Horticultural Society te meet Brooklin 1lorticultural Society will hold its next meeting today at 8 p.m. at St. hoas Anglican Church. Thi month's presentation is 'Mid-sumer Flowering Pereniial and there will also be a bake smle. Visitors can bring homemade goodies. Ail welcome.