Whitby Free Press, 28 Mar 1990, p. 3

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Optiist tohold siumer 1 LM e Recommenda- tions from the Operatio ns Committee That the Whitby Hydro- Eiectric Commission be granted approvai ta Instal aeriai hyclro lunes on 50-ft. concretejoles ln downtown Whftby. Th e lnes wili be Installed ln the vlclnity of Bilr, Ash and Dundas stmeets. The lines are needed ta meet Increaslng power demands ln the downtown care. Camred That the $7,303'tender submitted by Wyant & Comrpany Ltd., of Scar- barough, far the supply af paer products ta the Town, be accepted. The tender represents an 8.6 per cent Increase over 1989 pis. Carried That the Ontario Mlnlstry of Transpartation ho asked for an additianal $35982 ln subsidies ta caver 1989 transit expenditures. The Town's original subsldy af $390,612 from the ministry was based on estimated expenditures. The adclltianal subsldy request represents the actual expenditure. Camred Items fromn Whitby Counc agenda(s) March 26, 1990 Recommenda tions- from thi &'Fun. agenda. Planning and Development Committee That the Ontario Mlnlstry of Environment undertake an engineering solutions study Into the problemas with drlnkln g water ln Ashbumn. The study wouid examine al private wells ln Ashbum and recommend solutions ta contamination problems. The request stemas from an earlier study which faund that chioride, nitrate and bacterla leveis ln many wells were abave mlnistry standards. <CB>Carrled That council approve an automobile service station proposed for the southwest corner of Rossland and Thickson Roads. The application by Petro Canada lnc., wiii allow for a six-bay garage and gas klosk. <CB>Carried Effki.fentu ifort a Fer wIeu Central Air Cenditioners SA VE..-' Wfth Naturel Gas &AIR CONTROLI1 Convort your cil or ulsddcosyst.to ratural ga & am Ip ta 60% on yowr htlng bik 1 il By Trudie Zavadovies Three hundred children will be «happycampers' thi' summer, thaxis to the Whitby0Optimists. The Whitby Optimist Club is holding their f ir n amp'for children aged7to 12 durmn h weeks of July 9 and July 16g h Fun will ho a to p rority lm children get totry th efr hand at tennis, bas3ebail, roller skating, sooeer, lacrosse.and hockey. 1 "We'U be teaci* kdsthe fundamentals of these soirts,» says Ken Skellcher of the W-h Opitiiits. He, alonq with c1uS president Jim Dinutroif, have put i a lot of time and energy te make sure the project is top- notch. "It was vevy much a collabora- tive effort says Skellcher. UWeýve worfced on the program for about two montha and it got approved on the spot last week.» Much of the town has alo co-operated te make the Tmin Camp' a reality. roquais Park will be the base of the camp and most of the activities. Kids will also trip off to the roller rink, gokart track and spend time at the niovies. Other Business That a request from GO Transit chairman Lau Parsons that Whtby cansider Joining the American Public Transit Association ho received and f lied.* Cast af mentbership wauld have been $1 ,000 ln U.S. funds. That a request from Steve Moynes, president af Mr. Tube Steak of Winnipeg, Man., ta allow hat dog vendors ta operate on tawn streets and parks, be réferred ta the aperations commlttee. The clerk's departrnent will prepare a report on the matter. CmAred 'I fil I Il * i Il eH 3 .There will be -T-shirts, toto bags and baIl caps for aIl. Activi- ties at the two week-long camps begin at 7 a.m. each morning and finish up by 5 p.m. Lunch is provided at camp. On oach of the- Saturdays, there will be a family barbecue where campers can ail gather te say goodbyo and bring thefr famn- ilies for a day of fun. The only equipment children will need is ice skates, as eyerything else is prvded. Skellcher will be ass- îsted by 14 councilors from the Durham College Sports Adminstration program., since 1978»sysSelhe,'F want te let Imple i the, ares know about this opportunity.» The Otimie are now takin~ registration. Everyone is wel come until registration is full. The registration fee for the week is $75 for one child and $Q~5 for each additional child. There are 309 sae ieach camp reservod for famlies roquiring financial assistance. For more information cali Ken Skellchor at 442fl-lflrfl. Cap'e for kd nutri'e/syste MtA 1 IN(Là AND AIH CONDITIONING LTD. 600 FUCLID ST., UNIT 010 WFIIIE3y d430-3633oR 686-3511 Serving Durrani H(,qýori Hesdeniial. Commercial & Cusioni liome!ý Aud"twdFEATURES: Comume Clmhfclncy hmVYI PLT OUR PUCHSaAlape I¶ ON VOUR GAS BILLIIUF'dor<lim Oeil Air Cantrol for daellol n# ne TAKE AD VANTA GE 0F THIS LIMITED TIME SPECIA L' M VALUABLE COUP ONN- I~ icLECTRONIC AIR CLEANER* Wth the purchase of your central ai'r fumace yohioffer) (Exp. Aprit 30/e.)I I lit

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