9 Brunelle wrsfubaà sralaong lakefront By Mk.Kowaoek Border. between urban com- munitios along Lake Ontario muet b. clearly. definod, says Whitby councillor M arcel Brunei. if not, individual communitios riek falling victim to "urban sprawl,» warnod Brunelle, during Moniy night's Town councils discussion of a planning dopart- mont repr on Whitbs groen- The report was propaedfor sumisin oToronito p o Kater, who is proparing a genlande strategy for the groa- te oronto area. Kanter will make bis rocom- mendations in conjunction with the Royal Commission on the Future of tho Toronto Water- front, héaded by former fodoral cabinet minister David Crombio. When told that the plannng report waseossentially a suznma- tion of Whitby's greenheit poli- cios developodt over tho oears, Brunolle said ho had problems with the documont. - Ho referred to one sontence in the report which states that un- iegs an open- spaehan a natural or ocological function it should not b. protected -froni dovelop- ment.* "I can't beliove this council wants to som urban sprawl acrosa the waterfront. There should be some bernier'or soparation bet- weon municipalities" said Brunolle. Ho asked Planning diroctor Bob Short if tho report moant that an "urban soparation» bot- woen h* n d *ax would not Sort ~replied that tho report was flot imphýlyving that scenario. Councill6r Joe Bugelli rospon- dod that the oporative clause wae containod in t ho paragraphs openingsentence. The sentence reade in part, the sfratogy is' diroted toward lon term proservation and utili- zation of significant natural aroas, the detnnition of green- lan de should roma'-in sipociflc and not ail encompasin did no W7iinollo sa-i tharfstill dno answer hie question. Mayor Bob Attersloy said the planning report doos iot estabi- is3h specific policy but only serves as a guide. _ <It dZoo flIck us in;» said Attersley. Council voted to forward the rep o Kanter and to the Durham Region planning depart- mont. Trent U niversity "E h nui/system' i at ýDurham,College Summer 1990 More than 75 courses are being offered in Oshawa, Peterborough and else- where during the day or evening in the following terms: " 8weeks: 2May-27June " 12weeks: 7May-26July .1 6weeks: 3JuIy-loAugust Brochures are available ai libraries throughout the region. For a brochure, counselling or information on admission please cali 416) 723-9747. Excusve FABULOUS CREAhlONS p- ~IN QUAL1TY -aiaJug SIY4KGOWNR MdAWNd ng Rend Beaded Bridai Gowna PCAMO*MOU~ Brida] Acoemariea Catom Tauil* ta aU Gowna Mother of Bride =ndGr=omFamhiana Claaac Eveming Wear AfnrabePrime A mülbkÉ EcWiWey in Durh.m Rleio.1 413 DLdi SL E. litu Z.WheYb FrAppoiemm tCIL (416) 430-8985 BEAUTIFYYOUR LAW"NNATUKALLY In an effort to better our approach to effective and environementally, sound lawn care, we are introducing a fortified na.tural organie fertiliger to our lawn program.. This balanced.fertilizer will no1t only enhance turf growth, but will also aid in thateli reduçtion and encourage soil neutrality. .We really do care about yourr lawn. Cali today for a no obligation estimate and analysis. Cae6' m9 2 Serving the Whitby Community for 5 yea] MMUUMM