WEMTY FMEEPRSS, WEDNESDAY, APIL 18,1990, PAGE il Campaigu soon goes dooratondoor A dooit-to-door canvass -to raise rnoneyr the Whitby General Hospital Ubgns on May 1. Contrifritions will go towards renovati >ns and new eauipment. If your door isn't knoc4ed on b May 15, you can make your conribtin a ay downtewn bank, or b istng thé Whitby General H ti Firýt Glass Fund carnpaign office at 186 Brock St. N..(corner of Brock and Mary -- above the Bank of Nova Scotla). TAPA STALK (bit) and Jacky Bramma are two of the Whitby Brase Band members tuning up for the 'Spring Conoert' tommorrow (Thursday)p 7:30 p.m., at Heydenshore Pavilion. A varied program wili b. offered by the band to appeal to all ages. Admission is free., Walkmam*thon May 5 The second annuai Whitby General Hospital Waik-a-Thon will take place on Sunday, May 6, rain or shine. The 10km route begins and ends* at the hospitai. Wa]kers may start any tinie between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.AUI proceeds from pledges will go to the hospitai's First lass Fund Cainpaign te raise a total of $5.5-milion for new equipment and renovations. Waikers may choose to, do the entire 10km route, or only a portion. Everyone is invited te participate. Pledge sheets are available until t e day of the waik at the Whitby municipal building, fire departnient, Iroquois Park, Watchdogf .FROMPAGS 1 aim te preserve ,reen space but also ailQW( devopment where warranté&. She stressed that this would not be a comniittee that dictates to anyone, it would only give advice.» In addition te the advisory committee proosa, the brief contains a nmbr of recommen- dations for inclusion in the Dur- hami Region officiai. plan review now underway. The brief congratulates council for its «dynanxic and enlight- ened" approach te protecting environmentally sensitive areas but. says further steps are - recognizin that protection of envirnmenta ly sensitive areas is essential to the Region's natural heritage - establish within the officiai plan the characteristics that lead to designation of an environmen- tally sensitive area - estabiish what is required of an environniental impact study - recognize the potential im- pact that certain uses of lands next to, sensitive areas might have - prohibit the following in sensitive areas:. quarry or pit; new road or main pipeie; sani- tary iandfill site; groundwater extraction project that is likely to have a negative impact. The planning committee refer- red, the group's brief te staff for review and comment. BEAÀ&CH OUT? Whitby General Hospital and the Downtown Whitby Business Ixnprovement Area office at the four corners in the downtown. ARNTS. TOPSOIL Unilock lutedrocklng PmvIng Stones DlIIverd or CustsmePick Up justobn end Landscoping ais Avuilbe FREE '.O-IT- YOURSELF" SEMINAR (Interloekiing Stone & Betaining Walls) April 21, lOarn, l2pm, 2pm Bain or Shine *TOP SOIL *Sand *Curbs *Rockery Stone *Gravel FUREWOOD *Limestone *Pine Mulch *PatioSlabs *Treatod Timbers For Qulck, Relluble Service Cmli 683-0887 048etnAmm LMWJ"tv MCONC toi FI N L oe