PAGE 16, WHI'rY YREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1990 Volunteers appreciated across Durham region THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY RDD7D)0F DURHAM DURHAM NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regianai Planning Cammittee wîII consider at a meeting ta b. held on: Tuesduy, AprIl 240 1990 at 10:0 &.m. Planning Depurinent Bourrom 105 DdIv.. WhIlby AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN The arnendmnent, as subwnitted by the applicant, 'proposes the extension of municipal water and sewer sevices ta the Whitby Hydro Electnic Commission faciities Iocated within the Site indlcated an the map below. Subsequentîy, the Regionai Counicil wili consider the recommendation of the Planning Committe. at a meeting ta b. held an: Wednesday, May 2, 1990 et 10:.00 ar. Councîl Chambers, Reglonsi Headqusrtoes Building 605 Rosuland Road East, WhItby The report related ta the oennkient application is availale for inspection in the offices of the Planing Depoetment, 105 Consumeérs Drive, Whitby, or by cailing PMs. Kay Dryden, Planning Department (Whitby> 668-7731 / (Toronto) 686-16B51. Requests to make a presentation b.fore the Planning Committee conoeming the aniendment application must b. forwarded ta Dr. M. Michaal, M.C.I.P., Commissioner of Planning, 105 Consurners Drive, Whitby, Ontario LUN 6A3, anbd shauld b. received by Fniday prececdng the meeting. Requests to makçe a presentation before the. Régional Council concemning the amencknent application must b. forwarded ta the. Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Buiding, 605 Rosslarid Roui East, Whitby, OntarioLUN 6A3, and shauld b. received 48 haurs prior ta the Regional Council meeting. FILE NO. 89-711D Gary Herrema Rlegional Chairman C.W. LuncVi, A.M.C.T. Regionsi Clark The weel4 of April 22 has been proclainied as Nationai Volunteer Appreciationi Week. 'The Volunteer Co-ordinators of Durham Rýgion have organized recognition:events for the many volunteers who help at-heaith and social agencies. The W«itY Seniors'Activity Centre 'il hold their annual formai cinner for thefr volunteers on April 24. This year the centre is celebrating the contribution Whitby seniors make as volunteers, helping not only at their own rentre but at the BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN NATUBALLY In an effort to better our approach to effective and environmentally sound lawn care, we are introducing a fortified natural organie fertiizer to our lawn program.. This balanced fertilizer will not only enhance turf growth, but will also aid in thateli redluction and encourage soil neutrality. ...We really do care -about your lawn. - Cail today for a no obligation estimate and analysis. wf54;e666-4952* Serving the Whitby Communityfor 5 years. - à . 4. à . ft K Ail 's - f eii *e& f'fM $ f A ~ * i4 4 , à ,tte 0e t 4, i I1* âp-k hospital, Community Car. and other groups by offering an invitation toalal Whitby seniors ta corne ta a coffee party on Thursday, Arfi 26 from 9:30 ta 11:30 a.m. Town administrator Bill Wallace, the current Peter Perry Award winner, will s&a few words on volunteerisni. There wMl b. door prizes, fun events and liht refreshments. Whitby Psychiatric Hospital will hold recognition events througout the entire week with diaplays, luncheon and a promotion ta, staff ta, recognize the help their volunteers give ta, the hospital. CORPORATION 0F THIE TOWN PLANNING DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, May 7, 1990 7:30 pmn Meeting Hal, Whltby Mwldpai Building Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting wifl b. held ythe Planning and Developmnent Committee of the Corporation of tii Town of Whtby to consider a proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-iaw Amencknent application subnitted by Tysen Group Inc. The subject property is located on the. south side of Rossland Road East, east of Anderson Street and west of ThicksonRud North as identified on the mnap below. ROSSLAND RA PICKERSOtLL CT GL STEPHENSO zRCKO The~~~~~~~~~ p1p17fteapiato st eint adzn h ujo proery t prmi aloal omercallza The purpose of this meeting ~~~IsLapIe eqaenortinath puli ad a eri iteesedpesast Z potiîyt ac rersnaio0nrsec fte0zoigapicto.I yuaIuaL e to ~ ~ ~ C atedtemeigIar ersnaincnb L e Unwrtnb mail ~ ~ ~ ~ I or(r0a eiey amc h lnig eotetntae thanreguar orkig hors n Ma 14.99W ineete esasmyinpc actonlifrmto ritngt>h abv ppiaio nth imigDpumn, ee 7 7 Rsln RIEturnreiawoinghrsMoaytFidyoma cotcMtIPanigDpatet1ytiehnn (1166-83 Rent review educational forum April 25 ýThe. Rent Review* Hearings Board will pesn an educational1 fmrm in Ohw regarding the appeal procesa as it relates ta rerit review. Ti.aeda for the forum will include an overview of the rent review system followed by a question and answer period. 'The. = u enanswer session will be aclttd by experts fi=m the community and the hearings board. The objective is ta provide landiords and tenants with the groundwork for dealing with what can sornetimes be a complex Th. forum is ta b. held on Wednesday, April- 25, at G. L. Roberts Collegiate front 7 ta 9 p.m. in the lecture theatre. Your Business FROM PAGE 10 You will also have a piece of pae ht legitimizes your dlaimt and deonstrates that you'll go ta, court ta ensure others honor contracta as you do. Dont' worry about getting a bad reputation because the court settled Your dispute, either. As McBeY Baya: "SometimÎes you have to a e people ta court ta, establish that youIre serious about getting pid. Otherwise it may become known that when you Send out an invoece that says net 30'Your customers can pay whenever they feel like it and get away with it.- -Obituar y SPHANMlKASHA Stephanie Ollule Kashak of Whitby, forrnerly of Thunder Bay died on April 5 1990. She iýs survived by son Gerald (and his wife Linda) and grand- sons Neil and Paul (and bis wife Sarina). Mrs. Kashak was predeceased by her husband Peter. The funeral was held front the Blake Funeral Home ini Thunder Bay. Interment at Mountain View cemetery ini Thunder Bay. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust " Family Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markcrs ROBERT B. SHORT Dînector of PlannIng CorporaIon of the Town of Whitby