ITBV.FRE PRESS, WEDNE SDAY, APRIL 18e 1990, PAGE 38 WHITBY FRE P]RESS REAL ESTATE SECTION Increase the 'howa bilty of yOur home wen selling, This article is pm ide y the Ontario Ra Estate Association (OUEA) for the bonefit cf consumers ini the real estate market.. If yeu are planning to put your house on the -market, you will want your property te look its best. By increasing the #vshowablity" eof your home, you may increase its saleability and prefitabililty. Nothing attracts tential buyers te a bouse quite e spaciousness, good housekeeping and a home in good condition. Conversely, dirt, lack of light and space er a home which requires a lot of repaire, can- deter a proepect. - There are many things you can do to enhance the saleability of your bouse. Conoentrate on the exterior flrst. A fresh coat of paint will mXake the house cleaner lookinff. Before painting, mcrpe any blistered or peeling paint, repair gutters. and down spouts and replace Wood shewing dry rot. If the entire bouse doesn't need a paint job,, paint only the front shutters and Windows. Make sure the lawn is well manicured. Weed flower beds, remove and replace dead plants and trees. Water the garden regularly during grwing seasen. With desert landscaping, make sure that no underlyin plastic is exposed, that rocks and sand are tidly, and that weeds and grass ar rmved. Check the patio and walkway for broken paving stones. Remove overflowing trash cae and childrenls toys fr-om the driveway. See that the garage door opens freely and if you have an autematic door opener, make sure it is in good working order. A nice display of outdoor furniture on a paio looks appealing. If necessaz, borrow somne furniture from a friend te erîhance the "showability" of your proprerty. If you bave a swixmning pool, keep the water élean, hae dutand cobwebs from filtration equipment and store chemicals and tools neatly away. Clean Windows. until they sparkle. For extra dirty Windows, try pure vinegar or ammonia. Repair or replace tomn or bent screens or any cracked or broken panes. Pay attention te oliage near a window. A window framed in ivy cen give a warm feeling, but cut- it back if the foliage ie restricting the light coming-into the room. Paint the -front doar if needed.. You may wish to use a color different from that of your house sEN that tbe entrance stands out. AUil doors with boles should be repaired. One method of repair short of replacement is to, cuver a hole with a mirror or piece cof panelling. Check tu see that aHl douo open and close freely, including ,closet door and patio or sliding glass doors.< With just a few ner repaire and decorative ideas y ou can spruoe up the interier o a horne. A cluttered' look i the living room implies lack of organization. Toe much furniture or too many extras can prevent a prospect frmappreciating the room'sé true features. Tlhe least expensive way to, improve "showabililty' cf your home is te open up as much as possible. Overstuffed roons and closets give the impression of being smaller than they really are. Open up storage areais by getting rid of items you're net using. With counters and cabinets, overcrowding gives 'the impression of inadequate space in the bathroom and kitchen. As wth exterior painting, notbing freshens up a room like a new coet cf paint. Patch ail major holes in waiboerd sud plaster befere you peint. Outlandish colors may overwhelma a prospect. White, beige, crearn and bone are safe,, conventional colore. Pastels aiseo coordinate easily with moet furnitur. If you bave a fireplace, makeit the focal point of the room. Add a woo.or mabl mentel, or enclose the opening with a glass door. Loes fluor tiles sheuld be cemented firmly in place; missing or damnaged pieces cf tile should be replaoed. Dont' forget te poiah and wax your floors if needed. Steam cleaning is the best solution for soled carpets; shampooing seldom doms the job. If pet adoreare present, dlean the carpet some time before your home is placed on the market te ensure odors have been elrninated. The atmosphere cf a bouse should be airy and brigbt. Raîse the blinde sud pull back the draperies. If showing in the TOP 0F WESTNEY 2 Westney Rd. North, Town of Ajax Minutes to GO Train & Pickering Town Centre NOW RENTING 2& 3 Bedroom units & Penthouse Suites FROM $995/month FEATURES INCLUDE: 5 appliances including ensuite, Iaundry fac-ilties -Wall to wall carpeting lndividually controlled heating and air conditioning Outdoor pool eWhirlpool, saunas and exercise room FOR APPOINTMENT 428-7162 ASK ABOUT OUR ATTRACTIVE MOVE- IN BONUS evening, leave on the porchlight and any outdoor or ga:En lighting, plus room lighting. Finally, remember most people will net relax and inspect a house cloeely if the owners are present. Se try to arrange to turn your house over -te a' real estate salesperson, and be'absent during the showing. DEVELOPMVIENT LAND. Unlimitod Profit potential. Suits 3-5 year investors, syndicates or lndividuals.Vendlor must seil. 5 5 acres( MOL) at Harmony Rd. North, with large, 2 year old executive open concept home. Suitable 10 divide into 31 estate type lots. Asking $2.4 million. Attractive vendor take back finanacing. 20 ace,*ML js Ast f S*A Lýsiwa (416) 655-4351 WATERFRONT COTTAGE, HALIBURTON $169900 Fabulous. Immaculate retreat. 3 Bedrooms, wlnterlzed. wlth boathouse, garage, docks and Marine Rallway, Breathtaklng vlew from dinlng room table. Less than 2 hour drive from Whltby. IMMEUIA IbTE POSESSION $ï152,90O. Super starter. Don't let the outslde decelve you. This 2 + 1 bdrm., detached b/spllt with eat-ln kit. and a good backyard Is an excellent OPPORTUNITY for couples needlng hep wlth their finanicing. Vendor will want 10 see you ownlrtg your own home. Convenlent Oshawa location. Primed for auik &-dein -WeiI mantatned charrrind older home. 3-.Ibedroorm. rec rmi.. riginal trim, euut 1,1 990c r e posibe A b l e f r s l o n g e wanting Wa1tiveIOhaa [ 1 *f* 'EA r U"dY g ~Oshiawa (416) 55- ,4351 UIIUUKLIN BEAUTY! 16 month unew", 1850 sq. ft. bungalow situated on lovely 1/3 acre lot -in mature, quiet neighbourhood close to schools & shops. Features 3 bdrms., greenhouse kit. wilth walkout, sunkenà family roomn with custom brick fireplace, fulI unspoiled bsmt. with entrance to garage. Corne and take a looki $314,500. Cali Brian or Jackle Wright at 655-8444 or 655-8930 R F/MMK, toronto IIne:427-1263 REALToR' u lColbert Caldwell 55-baldwln-st., p.o. box 491 brooklln, ontarlo LOB ICO phone: (416) 655-8444 19 Benjamin Bankeri Jack Grant Colbert Cadwell began is real estate'career i 1906. lIn 1914, Benjamin Bankerjoined hlm in what was to be one of the most dynamic real estate partnerships ever in North America. lIn 1990 JackGrant bas affliated with Caldwell Banker. I cJU mli TRAFALGýAýý'ýR REALTY *INC. RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE- 668-4000 Expec the est. M m w 1