PAGE 34, WBITYFRPM PRESS, WEDNESDAy, APRIL 18, 1D90 Whcatts. worse than changing a tre in the raim? ChanIn a tire on"a house .in- theramn fourlanes q. ..Last.T...sday was not a good day for house Tetafflc lights at Henry St. had Io be ............. ...........mover, Lui McCufloch. Not only was it turned out of the way and at Cochrane St. he rining but no sooner had he pulled the signal poste on both median strips had to be historie 185Ws, solid brick, Regency cottage completely removed. off its lot at 404 Dundas St. W when one of -A couple of Durham's heaviest duty tow ite twenty-four tires camne loose. Jacking up trucks were used to help haul the house off ite a house to change a tire while region, town original foundations and were standing by hydro, telephone and cable staff wait is thogotte short trip to a former u=e car expensive and frustrating. lot -acrossfrom the Spruce Villa hotel where Two houre later the move was underway, the house is'parked until the haif load limite ....................Because of the width of the house, 42 ft, it It will then be towed to- ite new location ini blockedateeliftedefrourtheneroadshm avcouple'ofoWeukL Above% AS THE HOUSE -INCIES towards Hoery St., it block the fMl width et Highway. 2. Below, A USED CAR LOT becomes a used'bouse lot fer the next- few weeks. MCIIIocbJ oeew refuUly bocks one house cnto the lot wbile a seond -waits to be, ]parked as--wefl,. Bëth bossweeioved to accommodate a niew tbree-storey office buildig.A tbird house was demolisbed. Abov% - LAURJE. McCULLOCH, centre, Second Woeld War tank mwver. The front confers with a couple of hie staff after. porch wae dismantled fer. the move and the'house clears the sidewalk Efrom its the stained glass. windows bave been original site aoemssEfrom the Whitby ,,-boardd p for protection. Library.- McCulloch's truck is a 1942 *