Whitby Free Press, 2 May 1990, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WH1TBY FREE PRESS, WENESDAY, MAY 2, 1990 Centre offers four workshop for parents mhe Farnily Education Remurce Contre -of Durham House is offring a sories of four workshops for parents of eidren, agMd 1 to 10, in Oshawa this spning. 'Why do Children Misbehave'is on Monda, Ma 7. Why do children behave the way they do? Why is raising children so different today than years ago? Th-is- workshop will look at the imotace of birth order in ho pig parents understand their childrexl's behavior goals. 'Disciplfine Without IPunish.. ment,' on Monday, May 14, will offer ,Borne practical ways to discipline effectively without using punishment. <Paronting Especially for Single Pare s9; on Monday, May 28, will ocu~ on the advantage to begaienedbybeingpart oa siogleparnt famxilyas Weil as introducing mkills to deal with the probleme of task and emotional overloati. I:eastohelp your c1hildren t rugh _their possible feelings of ,ofson, guit ,nd fear will be *~scussed. 'Perseal Safety for, your Children, is on Moçgday, June 4. Eve*yone deserves 4n buse fme Chil ho.Learn Zhat 1is child selbuse,to idèt«yigai of abuse, what a childneste hear i cases of disecoure~ and wha prvenionstrategies let as paienta, can use. *These wbrkshops wlldal be held from 7 te 9 p.m. at the South Oshawa Commumity Héalth Centre, The coe.t is $20 for, the series of four workshops or $8 for each separately. Pre-registration is requi*red. l'or more information and te, egster for these workshcýs cail the Family Education Rèsoro Centre at 579-2021 or 686-35. Understandng mshehavior LT BERTY INTERIORS LTD. ]RETIRING FROM BUSINESS SALE LIBERTY INTERIOIRS MUST CLEAR AIL MERCHANDISE BY CLOSING MAY 26TH veAfter aeig the Whitby Oshawa oeea, ainoe 1952 Mr. Wells is rtrugand eve hn ut be sokiL The folloing is a list ofasoee of the high qualty brand naine nerchandise avaitable Wt very aubatantia savings.- Lamps by Stiffel Table model 55W2 et Il 6029 IlN 6030 leN 6032 N 6035 SN6132 NN6133 Nt fi< 6159 SN6160 NN7506 Floor model Reg. Price $ 260.00 475.00 275.00 310.00 299.00 449.00 475.00 400.00 435.00 675.00 790.00 595.00 630.00 489.00 2264 3378 3395 3611 Pendait model 880 Clearance Price $ 185.00 250.00 220.00 249.00 239.00 245.00 299.00 269.00 289.00 449.00 QLiantity 2 i i 2 i i 2 i i 2 525.00 395.00 419.00 M2.00 539.00 359.00 ALL SMCIIAL ORDERS lis OFF REGULAR PICE Do you sometimes wonder why your chiltiren behave the. "y they do. "Why doms my son talk backr Why does my daughter suck ber thur' "Why are the itis fighting ail the Urne?" "Whmy doos ho wet the bedr 'Why is it so difficult to get theIdds to bed at night?" 'Why do they alwars bug me when Fm on the phone? These are, some of the questios which will be addreused at a workshop for parents which wifl be held at Qusen Elizabeth public school, Oshawa,fi-om 7 to,9 p. on Wednesday, May 9. Mie cost is $8 per person. F'or further information and to register, cail the Family Edtucation Resource Centre at Durham. House 579-2021 or 686-4353. Suggestions offezred, to dieal with separation anxi ety By shelaghLk Early Cbuldhood Educitor Soparation aniety is a normai proeess which occurs durig a child's devobopment. Ail childIren will experience 'separation aniety'bu toa dff e ee permnenc, ie. the child not ein abb7Ze te believe that someone or somethiing excista without being able te sa. it. A young chilti, being dropped off at a caregiverls home or daycaro, whon eeing mom or dad bave, may believe that they are not roturning because the child cannot se. them. The most coenmon Urne for this te happn is in Septomber when clidrfen If your child is èxperiencing separation anxiety,, you xight find it helpful te: 1)Stay with your child for a day or two before loaving them alone et the daycare. 2)Ljeave your child for LI2 hour the first day- telling the. cbuld you wll bo back i 12 hour, and thoný foilowing through on this. 3)Increase the Urne you - bave the child to one hour - thon te two hours, until finaly you leave the. child for the entire day 4)Teil your child tht you Winl be back, snd when you return, roinforce this. Mèe is Mommy/ Daddy. I told you I would be back.' 5)Never sneak out sy "Good-bye" te your child. Butler & Roberts fur-niture (Manufacturod byr Barrymore> Wing Chair modal 617 19666.00 825.00 1 Ne N 653 1,666.00 875.00 1 Ottoman (matches 653) 645.00 320.00 1 Sofa modal 710 23,600.00 1,560.00 1 et 629 23,620.00 1,575.001 Ne 833 29919.00 1,750.00i Love Seat model 800 10934.00 1160.001 Chair modal 615 19251.00 760.00 616 1,341.00 799.00 AIL SPCIAL ORDERS 113 TO 40% OFF RECULAR P¶UCE YMCAofrs'dventure Camps'- The YMCA offers a spei 'Adventure Campe for ;fflsud 6-year-olds this summer. Tboy will spend the fuil dq et camp with their specialcoemsellorn. Small,.warm croupe cf no more than eight wiU eiijoy a d.IighU'u ran~ge cf arts and craftu> nature. games sud specialeventa. For eitae an information phone 668-6668 or Bevan Funeil (Reproduction furniture madie in England) Reg. Price V815 Mahog. Dining Chair $ 699.00 V56 Io Music Canterbury 895.00 V662XS"l Desk 3,150.00 V557 lu Wine Table 575.00 V579S lu Nest of Tables 1,350.00 V530S et Desk 2,250.00 V501E le Console 1,075.00 V832AX lu Sida Board 4,650.00 Y1102S Yew Desk 2p975.00 Clearance Price $ 599.00 567.00 1,895.00 359.00 835.00 1,695.00 1669.00 3,995.00 1,975.00 Qun-nt ity 8 1 1 set AIL SPECTAL ORDERS 1/3 OFF REGULAI FIUCE ALL CUSTOM MADE DRAPES IN SEIETE FABRICS i/3 OFF FABRIC & LABOUR Drapery remnants as low as 10 cents Drapery fabrie specials as low as $1.50 yd. Upholstery fabrie remnants as low as $2.00 yd. Various venetian blinds (our mistakes) from $15.00 Various vertical blinds $20.00 ea. Various wood poles $1.00 e&. Odd wallpaper rolls (good for small areas and wrapping paper) from $1.00 Mir. Wells wislies to say guodbye with ainoere thanks to ail thore lie lias lad tlie pleasrure of aerving over thie past 38 years. Liberty Interi ors Ltd. 103 Byron Str.eet .South, W7hitby 666-1454 PAINT-BLEMISHED SEWING MAC INES NEW 1990 WHITE FREE ARM IN BOXES Due ta slight enamôél biemishos, WIiTnE Sewing Machine Company has just reieased for sale ta the public a linited number of new special 1990 HEAVY DUTY FREE ARM Zig Zag sewing machines that are made af METAL No tension adjustment needed, and sew on ail fabrlcs: Levl's canvas. upholstery, nylon stretch, vinyl, silk, EVEN SEWS ON LEATHERI No attachments needed for buttonholes (any sîze) monograms, hems. Sews on buttons, satin stitches, overcasts, dams, appiiq-ues overiock and more. Just set dials and see magic ha n withaut cid fsilond cams or programmera. These machines are suitable for home. professianal or school room sewing. 10 years warranty. Your price wlth ad $298.00. Prevlously priced at $499.00. Free service and lessons. Terms avaliable. We take trade-Ins. Lay-A-Way. This is the machine your niother wanted. lLJr LIN'SEW.ZING CENTRE'~ 400 King Street West . Oshawa, Ontario 579-0742 571-1385 - .~ ..-- ~ - S~'1 I 1

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