,~eryr~y #<~pr <.V~f ~ 1QÇ.Lw.nM,.~rg~'L~1J.5~( 'PAGE38. W~TBY FREEFRESSI WEDNEW)AX, m~x z, 1990 TmA~I' 0 W~uYOUm 1Imfq M c L it mu EI@WINsNTj You can combine business with pleasure in this exciting field and our course includes on-campus C.R.T. GEMINI (RESERVEC) training. Six months from now you coluld be in an interesting job. BANK TELLING & FINANCIAL SERVICES You want a CAREER flot just a job. We'll show you ail the SKILLS you need to help make it happert. Banks are"expanding their financial services and offer good career opportunities. MPATE YOUR JOB SKILL,-:# The more you know, the more you're worth.' Cal the Micro- computer Training Expers. Class times are tailored te meet your sohedule. Cal now te register. Registered with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities since 1984. Computer Learning Centre., 668-9713. FREE COMPUTER TRAI NING. If you are 45 or over and have been permanently laid off or are out of work due to business failure in the last 6 months, you may qualify for fres tuition, books and suplies. OJIl now to register.- ReglAstered wlth the Mfinistryr of Coileges and Universities sinc. 1984. Computer Learning Centre. 668-9713. PART TIME Fundraising Salesperson Required te seli Nevada Break-open tickets te miner sports and non-profit groups within your local area lnteresting and profitable. 1-800-263-1230. B WANTED: Overweight people te loe up to 25 lbs. in 30 days and earn extra $$$. 100%/ guaranteed, 100%y natural. Cal tolires 550-0226. B CREATIVE CIRCLE Needlecraft. Ambitious representative needed te si needlecrait through home demonstrations. No deliveries or inventory. Earn $50-$100 for 3 heurs workl Join for,$15 or $30. 1 (705) 435-6316. B STUDENTS: $1105 TO START. National firmn has immediate summer positions available in their marketing department. Alil majors mnay applyr. Scholarship and internshlps possible. Start after finals. No experience necessary. Training provided. Must be 17 or over. Details covered ait Interview. Calil 436-7394 between 9-6. LOOKING FOR RESPONSIBLE high sohool student to work Sundays in sumnmer. An easy way to pick up a tan. For more information ciali Chris. Weekdays, 668-6369; Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., 432-2422. CARPENTER'S HELPER - labourer. Minimum on. year experience. Hard worker, reliable. $9. te start. 432-2449. t*m-u, - a, - munomumunemornmu » PART TIME a SALES HELP Required for large Wallpaper outlet. ;Must b.emature *welçigroomed - able ta work flexibe hours, * days and evenings A PPL Y IN PERSON TO:- * 1121 DUMDASST. E. ~ UNIT #9 --OR CALL: 430-138 n a. sn.. ~. - @non,,*u HAIR STYUST required. Full or part time. Wages plus commission. Heafth and dential b.neffts. Fniendly atmosphere. CalI 434-2324. COMPUTER FUNDAMENTL 12 HUS$9 Leamn the basics of your cdmputer Indtudlng DOS. 4 Evenings 6:3Opm-9:3Opm or 2 Saturdays 9:OOarT,.:OOp LOTIJSI-2-3 12 HOU&R S $195 Leamn the most popuar spreadsheet program. 4 Eveniniga 6:3Opm-9:3Opm or 2 Saturdays 9:O0arn 3:OOpm WORDPERFECT 50 12 HOURS $195 Leam word processino 4 Evenings 6:3Opm-9:3Opm or 2 Saturdays 9:O0arn 3:OOpm Some pre-requlsites may apply. PCEIGCAMPUS TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver lob training wth placement help is avallable. Comploe details can be mailed to you. Plhons Rlodgers School ai 1-800-668-0031, Include postal code. B EXPERIENCED Tractor Trailer Drivers, fulI-tîme and part-tlms. Cronkwrlght Transport presently has some openings for general freight et Toronto and Steel si Nanticoke. $1250 per hour after 30 days. Premium mileage rates equal to $14.60 per hour. Overtime after 10 hours per day, il paid statuatory holidays per year and overtime if worked. Up te 6 weeks vacation per year. 100% company paid benifits, including dental, vision and drugs. Lfe insurance. Uniform, safety shoe allowance. Cali 1-800-265-8010. B APPUCATIONS WILL BE accepted until Friday, May 25, 1990 for the position of club pros and freelance pros for 1990-91 season. Must have level one certif ication, coaching update clinlo and evaluator's clinie. Send resume statinp qualifications to: Newcastle Figureskating Club, P.O. Box 525, Newcastle, Ont. LOA iHO. RESORT ACCEPTING applica- tions for: dining room, recreation, kitchen assistant, chef/cook (full time positions available.) Good wages, staff training and recreation program. Accommodation, meals available. Must b. available May 25 to Oct. 31. Deer Lodge Resort, RRF 2, Haliburton, Ont;, KOM 1S0. (705)457-2281. B TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Now la the tîme te train for your Class *A* licence. -Fer pre-screening Interview and lob rclaement information contact Mrv Ore's Transport Driver Training. 1-800-265-3559. Head Office: 16 Corydon PI., Cambridge. START NOWI IF YOU ... want instant earnings, unlimited potential, job flexibility, indepen- dence, and love beaùtiful lingerie and clothing. Oeil collect (416) 632-9090 MA CHERIE HOME FASHION SHOWS. (Est. 1975). B EXTRA INCOME! W. train you ta grow big baitworms in your basement, garage, or shed. Odorlesa operation. Low lnvestment . Market guaranteedl Free Information. Early Bird Ecalogy, RR1#1 Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0, (416)643-4252. Chathamu Kent Bait Farm, Fff7 Chatham, Ontaio, N7M 5S7. (519)683-2468. Kurmari Bait Farm, Box 69, Camden East, Ontario, KOK iJO, (613)378-0023. B SUPER PROFITS frem your crafts. Stay home and make big money. Free details. S.P. Enterprises, Box 313-0, Station A, Winnipeg, MB, R3K 2C2. B INVEST $12,000o in a hîgh end dock waterproofing dealership for this area. Top quality product lin. allows for above average returns on investmnent. W. supply opening inventory, tools and training. Sucessful dealerships establashed across Canada. Phone collect Mr. D. Chaisson (604)860-1200. B STAY AT HOME andl, make maney. Lots af monsyll Hundreds of very profitable plans, potentilly Miillionaire making. For further inf send a SASE to International Sales, 34 Stangate Dr. Waodbrldge Ontario, 141 SPi B HOUSEWIVES, Methers and interested persons needed immediately ta sel toys anid gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investment, deliveries or money collection. Cali (519)258-7905. B START NOW! IF YOU.... Want instant earnings, unlimitod potential, job flexibility, indepen- dence, and love beautiful lingerie and clothing. Cali colleet (416)362-9090 MA CHERIE HOME FASHION SHWS. (Est. 1975). B MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING SUPER VISOR The Corporation of the Town of Whltby, a, fast growlng and progressive community (population 53,000) located 30 miles east of Toronto, requires applicants for this position. This is a management position reporting. to the Manager cf Engineering Services. Ikider the provisions of the Town's subdivision and site plan control requiremnents, you wiII be responsible for the Development Division, overseeing ail residentiai, industrial nd commercial development projecta within the Town, incluclng planning Input, design approvals, developer negotiations, utilityr coordination and construction. Vour technical expertise and well developed management and com- murucation skills wilI be needed te meet the challenge of dealing effectively with the public, consul- tants, govemment agenicies and edl ameas of the development' community. Vou are a Professional Engineor with a. minimum oaiveysyesrsreWaed engineering experlence ln munlc-ipal/ consuttlng or lard developreent. Your background shotà i n"l a proven record ïas a tom manger. This position offers inividua challnge and the opportunity for acquining extensive*expeionce ln ail ares cf municipal engineering. SaLw subjete skills, ability and Please forward a detailed resumne indicating oducation, experience, references, etc. prior to ednsa MU23 99,te: Personnel Department The Corporation of the Town of Whitb 575 Rossland Road East WHITBY, Ontario LUN 2M8 NOTE: ()Acknowledgement wiIl only be forwarded te those applicants who are invited for an interview. (2) AIl applications recelved will be classified as *CONFIDENTIAL. NEW RESTAURANT OPENING SOON TIFFANY'S is Iooking for FULL TIME and PART TIME SERVICE STAFF CONTA CT PA UL OR JOHN 666888 -MANAGER 0F 'OPERATIONAL SERVICES The Corporation cf the Town of Whftby, .aà lefst .growsng e.'nd progressive community (pop'ulaion 53,000>)located 30 miles east cf Toronto, requires appicants for thîs position. This is a senior position and significantt experience in a murucipai Operations envirornent is -essentlai te this challeniglng opporturoty. Reporting te the Director of Public Works you illi be responsible for the Operations Division which Involves the devetopment, coorcination, and administration, of ail maintenanice activities related te roadwas,,storm sewers, sidewalks, sold* waste collection, %let .operations *-and transit. You wii averses ai current maintenance management and transit sses and 'the develop- ment 0fort, and lON range progrms:which meet Orpor" e Vour Well developed commwulcation skills,,cL>e withi your technicdl expertise Ulb. essentid i li. the preparation of written reports, yer presentetlons'aid dadkig efectively with the pil on M relmedIsesM. This position dSaisehlhlghts the rieod for stronp nterpesonal skls In dealing wth bath maaeetnd wiionized personnel. Vaur ive 't sevenYeos of ressaymanqefgo"expedanc in per atians wil have a praven record with a camiprehensive, undear- stancing af maintenance manage- ment systems and relaied computer application. 'An engineringdege with proliessionai certification Ir, required. Salart subject te skdiEs, ability and qulfcatiens. Please lorward a detalled resume inlcating e&icatien, experience, references, etc. prier taWdsa. Personnel Department The Corporation ai the Town of Whitb 575 Resslnî d RomiEast WHITBY, Ontario1UN 2MB NOTE: foware e Mhs api ts who ore invited fer an Interview. (2) Ail ppfcationrecelyedMI be casfeas wCONFIDENTIAL.