PAGE 3at WmIT.BYFREi ss-,WW SDY, LMAY Ù ï" WHITBRY FREuvE PRESS REA ETATE SECTION Landscapin g yo>ur new home TOP 0F WESTNEY 2 Westney Rd. North, Town of Ajax Mintes to GO Train & Pickering Town Centre --NOW RENTING 2 & 3 Bedroom units & Penthouse Suites FROM $995month FEATURES INCLUDE: - 5 appliances including ensuite, laundry facilities -Wall to waIl carpeting Individually controlled heating and air conditioning Outdoor pool, *Whirlpool, saunas and exercise room FOR APPOINTMENT 428-7162 ASK ABOUT OUR ATTRACTIVE MOVE-IN BONUS Picky P ec a The Coldwell Banker Blue Rlbbon Award. ~ Only homes that pass a comprehensive ~ evaluation by a team of Coldwell Banker professionals quah1fy for this prestiglous designation. To buyers, the Blue Rlbbon Award distlngulshes homes that are prlced i tm ' comDetltlvely and enhanced to seil. To sellers, the Blue Rlbbon Award helps obtain a qulcker sale and, a better price. Homes that dlsplay the Blue Ribbon Award stand out from the competition in today's real estate market. If you're thinklng of buylng or selllng and would like to flnd out more about the Blue Rlbbon Award, cail Coldwell l3anker today. It pays to be picky. COLDWcJU TRAFALGAR REALTY INC. RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE 668-4000 f"Be fre are-s mre than just an éa yng.When it cornes to landscaping your new home, its the best advice money can buy. Toronto Home Builders' Association member Alexander Budrevic, a leading landacape acietand 'esdent of his own landacapingurm your propetys new lokis critical to its ultimate succes. And a new home, he added, has disinct advantages. "Owning a brand new home gives you the oppotunity to deuig and iplement your landsapiing reqmirements to suit your own liestyle and taste, Budrevic said. 'Tou do not have to cope with an existing garden that was designed for someone else, and which might flot ha suitable to your particular living habits and reqirements." Budrevic, who bas designed more than 3,000 projects and has won several awards for bis work, suggests new homeowners negotiate a landscaping allowanoe Not ail home buyers are looking for bargains and "fixer-uppers" - many want ta buy a home today and mov in tomorrow. Thatsé why Coldweil Banker Residential Real Estate bas introduced its new blue ribbon award program ta identify competitvely-priced homes i "move-i condition," and ta show vandors how to get their homes that way. "The Coldwell Banker blue ribbon award prograni was created ta help vendors seIl their bouses for the best price in the least aniount of time, and ta, let buyers know which homes in their price range ara tha 'cream of the crop,, P says Jack Grant, broker and president, Trafalgar Realty Inc., Coldweil Banker. "The programn helps vendors look at their house from a buyer's point of view rather thon an owner's. It's designad ta decrease the time on the market for axceptional listings in every price range," he said. To quali1fr for the award, a property must ho competitively prioed and in mint condition, kt must rate a score of at least 100 of 127 predetermined criteria points as evaluated by a teain of three of more Coldwell Banker professionals. Blue ribbon award winners are designated by large blue rihbons on'yard signs and in classified advertising. 'We expect vendors ta, experience great results and to welcome the blue ribbon award prograni with open arms, just as they did at Coldwell Banker Action Real Estate in Nebraska whree the prograni was introduced. "Average time on market there for blue ribbon award listings dropped ta, 22 days compared with the local average of 82 days with builders since the prelim- inary features walks to both front and rear entrances and sod i both yards are usualIy limitedL Aithougli a complete, landscap ing project may ho flnanciaiy impossible to undertake at one mune, Budrevic recommends homeowners devise an entire plan to include -)atios, plantîng lieds, s3hide twmi, flower gardons, play areas and perbape a swimmin pool. He sa.*d by creating a master plan, thoe firushed product wiil ho cohesive. "Do the plan for your total property even if your budget does not allow everything to ho dons at the smie ime," Budrevic said. 'It is unfikely that everything you imght like to have i your garden will fit in your properV~, so some important decision o what to leave ont will ha-ve to ho mode. It is much more conomical- to spend more Lime and effort in proper planning tImon té correct your mistakes after the work and money is spent i yoir gorden" he said. Prper grading of thejo rt is essontial to lnd-a-= prqoct% hle said. To avdwet basements and puddles in the lawn, al bard surface such as patios, driveways and. wolks, should siope at least moe par cent away from the building. Lawn areaa and planting boda should siopa, two per cent away, he addod, and romembor not ta block or alter oxiÃsting ,municipal drainage plans. For patio construction, a 12' x 12' area, should ho adequate,,for the placement of outdoor"gardén flhrniture, Budrevic said. As well, paving materials may conSist of reinforced concrets, pracast -con-" crets slabs, interlocking stones flagstones or similar bad iurae supplies, which comnpleent axisting building features. - If possible, selecte new- home with asouthemnbackjrd so as to ho oxposod to more sunf for, thoe proper cultivation of grass. for MIS proparties in the same Caldwell Bankar, located at, 519. area," said Grant. Dundas St. E., Why. The phonez! "Coldwail Banker Residential nuniber is 668.4000. Real Estate offices in St. Louis implemented a blua rbbo award Coldweil Bonkerbas over 2200" piot program and experienced rasidantial. rosi estate offices and similar, draniatic rasults." more thon '40,000 'sales*" More information about the representatives throughout Northý,' blue ribbon award prograni is America, and is a memiber -of the available at Trafalgar Raalty Inc., SemrsFiancial Network. DANNYAND Eobersa Brtick stand outoide of their Biue mUbboa home with Pbyffl YLefliane Coldwell Banker introduces blue ribbonawr program for houses in movemin condition Iryour property is currently listed with a real estate broker, please disregard. it la not our intention to nobcit the offérings of other real estate broken. We arc happy to work with thern and coopemte ffly- 0 1990 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate. An Independently Owned And Opemted Member Broker of ColdweU Banker Affillatrs o Canada hir-0 COLDWELL BANKER la a registered trademark of Coldwell Banker and Company. Li E-211-P-e c-1 the best'