WHITBY RE R SRALETATE SECTION Another benefit of lVeilllannied commniIties: buying a new home Today's home buyers are more knowledgeable and discrininat- ing than ever before, says the Toronto, Home Builders' Assocation.' They are informed about-the buyingý process, and they have a better graspof the -product than buyers did even just ten .,year ago. They. take a well-orgamized approach -to buying a home and they demand full, value, for their money. Today's consumes require excellénce'and a ful spectruin of lifestyle a menities, hlot only in the new Ihome 'that they choose but aiso in-the' new community where they will be living. ýWhile the house - that is, the physical s 'tructure itself - is still at the focUs of any buyer decision, the comrnunity in which the house is loeated is also an, important factor in making thatý deciuion. Increasingly, home purchasers are looking to live in areas that offer a wide range of benefits, fromn easy access to shopping, schools and health- oriented activity areas to consistency in design philosophy and construction guidelines. Builders and developers use hom e buyers' concerns as guidelines for planning new communities. Hlowever, many of the regulations governing the development of a new community are municipal, and local requirements have a great impact on each project. During the planning stages of a new 'community, developers and builders therefore work in close co-operation with municipal authorities. The concept of 'lifestyles" is central to a well-planned new community; that services are readily available and that well-equipped playgrounds are within easy walking distance. Further, it means access to new sehools that are buit. to today's standards that include adequate air-conditioning, heating and ventilation systems to ensure a hea1thier indoor environment for the children. Swimming pools,, playing fields and indoor 'hokey arenas let families join together.with other people lrom tme neignoorhood in cheering for. the youngsters, coaclung, asssting and getting involved in the community spirit. Point A Rare Rentai Opportunity 'In-A Luxwious Lifestyle For 1990 HWY. 401 & BROCK ROAD (Minutesfro e kering Town Centre) I l- Bedroom & Den,,009w sq. ft. & up 2 "Bedroom Suites, 1,074 sq. ft. & up IN-SUFRrS FEATURES,inldg *5applianoes, *Wall towiall .cl in -suite qualâty broadloom laundry faciities e Individually controlled *Solarium heating/air conditioning " Indoor pool, whirlpool Card acces sauna., squash. entry system " Resident and Easy acoess to visitors parking GO transit *Guest suites Party rom MODEL SUITE OPENINVG SOON FOR APPO1NTMT 9ALLe 686-6860 OR 229-9800 EXT 844 RENTAL CENTRE ROIJR& Monday to Friday -12 nmon to 9 pm Saturday and Sunday - 10 amn to 6 pm contro Pk kqHwy2w Mf Other fine model homes available, "Durham" 2039 sq. ft., "Cambridge" 2578 sq..ft. Builders. of excellence sînce 1 S2nd mortgages avaîlable No G.S .,we guarantee Blows Away The Gloom And Doom With UNBELIEVABLE MORTGAGE RATES LOWER THAN THE BANK RATE w' Muffl 'wR1TYFREE' PRESSEV WEDNEsDAY, MAy 9,1990,-pAGE 37