WHFrBY FRn 1¶oUM WEDNEAY,-MAY 9,,199, PAGE 48 - -1-- STU McGEE Floor Sadig FREE: 1990 GUIDE to study et YOU CANT misssiT -- This is EXERCIS E BICYCLE - new - Sanding, refinishing, repairs an home correspondence Diploma the garage sale of the year. nover used. Muti-function, staining. Supplied, laid an courses for prestiglous careers: Furniture, clothing and much more. adj ustaeeseat and foot straps, 60 finished. Over 20 years Accounting, Airconditioning, Book- l-kurs: 9 - 5 p.m. Saturday, May 12 minute timer, mechanical odom- expriece Cal cllct ite 6 keeping, Cosmetology, Electron- and Sunday, May 13, 1990. 1.5 eter/speedometer. Musti sou, $250. epm., ce (705) 944-5529. er i, Legal/Medical Secretary, Fulwood Crescent,. Whitby. See 428-9369. p.,(0)9452.Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) you therel Ramn or shine.______________ - 263 Adelaide West, Toronto,- VRBD' CO END SHELLED PAINTING and 1-800-950-1972. BEVRBD' CNCRE Decorating. Pant and Walp er Cleanlng. Brush, Roll, Spray. Cauîking, Woodstein. Residential, Commercial, Industriel. CalI 434-1325. HURTUBISE ELECTRIC Service Upgrade. Installattion of dish- wesher, central vaeý--garage door openers, roc room, out door ightlng. For free estfimate, oeil 668-5974, Whitby. POOL OPENINGS AND repairs-- maintenience, vacuming, liner repeir cail 433-0908 or 430-1M3. REUA'BLE DAYCARE avadaâble in my home. 7 yeers e xperience. Gardon and Manning. 9 months and up. 430-7052. REGISTERED NURSE & mother wilî babysit in her home. R.A. Hutchison Sohool » area.. Cali 430-6335 for information. SUMMER I FALI DAYCARE. Mother of 2 - Palmerston Ave. school area offers daycare. Caeil alter 6 p.m. or weekends, 668-0874. MOTHER 0F TWO would liko to baby sit your pre-sohooler. Gardon and Bradley erea. 430-1453. LEARN TO DANCE tonight.1 Arthur Murray Dance Studio (singles& couples welcomo).t Phone 430-0014.1 TUTOR AVAILABLE for elomontary or high, school. 579-1610 anytime. $20. per hour. PIANO, ORGAN, KEYBOARD lessons. Teacher wfth 12 yrs experience. Your home or mine. Call Anno Marie, 668-1986. CERAMIC CLASSES, T-shirt Painting. Tues. 6:30 to 9:30 or Wed. f230 to 3:30. $300 a class. Supplied extra. Meke your own gifts. For more information, oel Gingerbread House Ceramics et 668-5485. HAY FOR SALE. Ploase oel 655-4182. LEARN AUCTIONEERING et the Southwestern Ontario Sohool of Auctioneering. Next cîass: June 9-16/90. For information, contact: Soutwestern Ontario Sohool of Auctioneering, RR#5, Woodstock, Ontario, N43 7V9. (519)537-2115. B MARKEL 1-800-265-7173. Class AZ-DZ Professionai Transport Driver Training. Cereers? Financing? Tex Deductible? We've got the answer. Markel Institte of Professional Transport Training, Guelph 1-800-265-7173. B ~'GARDENPLT for ront. 30' x 501 $25. Northwestý corner of Rosslend and Garrard. Cell 668-1116. WHITE BIRCH, $25. Blue Spruco, $25. Golden Pftzer, $7. Andrea Juniper, $7. Mock Orange, $7. Nen King Cherry, $7. Bridai wreath, $7. Phono 655-8088. OVERt 4000 VHS MOVIES for sale or bease. Open your own vido store. Lease 1000 min. 79C per month. Caîl (416) 939-7916 now. B SEIL STAINLESS STEEL distillers for Purest Drinking Weter and eam extra incomo. WhoIesl pricesl Contact Wator Purity Systems, 5312 Walkers Lino, RR #2, Milton, Ont. L9T 2X6. <416) 336-7950. B INVEST $12,000 in a hi gh end dock waterproofing dealership for this area. Top quality product lino allows for above average return on investment. We supply opening invontory, tools and training. Successful deaierships established across Canada. Phono colloot Mr. D. Chaisson, (604) 860-1200. B PET STORE FOR SALE in Whitby. Must soîl. Oeil 668-8865. Askç for Audrey Moore. READY TO QUIT? Why nat b. your own bossl Stert your own business from home. Free Deteils. Canimex Enterprise, 934 Childs Drive, Miton, Ontario, L9T4J6. B ANTIQUES AND UMITED Edition prints. Bateman, Romance, Brenders, Casson. Washstends, P.B. rocking hair, dressrs, wicker chairs, ail Iernps, tables, etc. Set. May 12. 9 e.m. ta 4 p.m. 25 Coulton Court, Whitby. GARAGE SALE. Set. May 12, Kenton Crt. Garage street sale. West Lynde.. Something for everyone. 8 a.m. - 3 pi.. STREET-GARAGE SALE on Barberry et West Lynde. Set. May 12. 9a.m. to2 p.m. LARGE YARD SALE. Set. May 12, 9 - 4. il Valley Court, Whitby. Notable items: 3 sofas, weterbed, chair, antique bathtub, etc. SATURDAY, MAY 12..- 36 Hemmingford Place, 9 - 12. Furniture, rugs, kitchen stuif, gamnes, books, etc. Rain or shine. GIGANTIC YARD SALE - Set urday, May 12. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Rein date, May 13. Antiqus, ean household goods, books, air conditioner and much more. 125 Ferguson Avenue, Whitby. CochranelWainut. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, books. ladies bike, pine wood pieces, unfinished for folk art, tools, electric snowblower. 9 and 12 Glenmount Court, Whitby. about weter qualityl 33 yeer old International manufacturer offers franchise for full line of paiented domestic weter treeting equip- ment. No franchise fees. 3 remark- able new inventions. (519) 893-4254. B FORE GOLFERSI Assemble and repair your own golf clubs and savel Send for our free catalogue of club components, special tools and instruction. Criterion Gogf Technology Inc. P.O. Box 15798, Merivale Depot, Nepean, Ontario, K2C 2S7. -B AIR CONDITIONER for sale, 8000 BTU's. 2 years old. $200. Ceil 666-0353. COLORIED SHEET METAL, 21"x10', 24wx8', 30wx6'. Caîl 668-8960. WHITE TRUCK CAP,, 60 by 89 (excellent), 2 beer fridges (good), fuîly equipped excellent file, grnder #1055. bell saw. 683-0863 efer 7 p.m. 40 GALLON ELECTRIC water heater. Ideai for cottage. Excellent condition. 430-0404. WHITE SATIN DRESS - brand V& ~ new. Nover worn and still in store, WINCI.ESTERready for fitting. Appropriate for WINCH STERprom, small wedding or formel COTTAGE OPEN ovening dress. Caîl 666-9626 for HOUSE more information after 6 p.m. SA T. MAY 12 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (in time for Mthr's Day) from 10 a.mn. to 5p.m. pretty victorian pkitLIe franes, ddJcateIY scented sachets, lacy'#m nadcoellars. Aiodred aw sa r omwraocens floor baskets, PfctLre gaIwids, ictnan hats, I Iw'reaths toplytsand mor Sewîng Machine Repairs 76 WINCHESTER ROAD f . AlMfe BROOKLINAIlhae <acras fm te arna)Compléte Tune-Up $39.95 (acro bomthe aana)Reconditioned SewinaMachines COME AND SEE aur oxceptional and gorgeous dried fbower basket arrangements. Scei-ted pot-pourri. AIl roses or mixed flowors.. per beg. Arrangements - small, imed- iumn or large. $10. and up. Excellent Mother's Dayý, birthdlays, etc.13210 Brook St.N. Whitby just no6th of Rossland and Hwy. 12 interseètion. Phono 668-4027. ARICILES*_ 1I 'ci FO SALE'.ýj MATTRESSES and box springs at haif price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. FREE CLEAN f ilI trom swimming pools., 655-8035. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, loveseats, sectionals, less than haif price. Large selection. McKee-n Furniture, 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. TO0PU NE "SEËWINflGCEN TRE 400King St. W. Oshewe PORTABLE NATURAL GAS BB13, Kenmoro washer and dryor electric, kitchen table, oval, with 4 swivel chairs, cabinet with glass sliding door (for books or nick-necks), drosser' with 4 drewers, 2 swivel rocker. chairs. 668-7581.1 PIANO FOR SALE. Very good condition. $650. Phono 579-3717 efter 5 p.m. ELECTRIC PIANO.. Yemahe CP30 with amplifier. Excellent. $800. 430-2833. ROCKWELL PLATES, set of 4, Rockwell on tour, $90.; arm chair, $50.; kitchen table and 4 chairs, $30.; console stereo record player, $50; blue and white table Iemp, $25.; sewing machine and cabinet, $40. 668-8432. OLD WRIST WATrCHES wanted. Eatons Quarter Century Club - mens roctengular wrist watches (25 years service watch) will. pey $3,000 and up for this watch. Also wanted -aId Rolex wrist watches especially the followlng Rolex Models- Prince, Qyster Royale, Chronographic and Cosmographic. Also buylng Patek Phillip, Cartier, M0ovado, Vacheron Constintine., or any other high grade or complice- ted wrist watches such as Choronogrephs and Moonphase wrist *watches (mens onîy) Cal (416)365-7240 colleot or write: B. Walsh.. 211 Queen St. East, Toronto, M5A 182. B OLDER PAINTINGS and works of Art. One or entire collection. KarI Mearns. Box 1266, Caledonia, Ontario, N0A 1A0 (416)765-6782.B 1988 MUSTANG convertible, white exterior, red interior, air, full power irîcluding door locks, fuîly loaded, 42,000 km. $15,0Ã"0. Julie, days, 668-6112. 1988 PLYMOUTH REUANT AC/PSIPB, cassette stereo systemn. Must- be seen. 54,000 km. Asking $6900. Certif led. Cali 1984 OLDS OMEGA - with air conditioning, PS, PB, AMIFM cassette. $3000. 668-6603. 83 HONDA CIVIC. 2 door- hatchback. automatic PS/PB. $3,000. Certified. AMfFM casstte. 416-430-6914. 79 CIUTLASS SUPREME V6, new tires, exhaust. AM#FM cassette. Runs good. Best offer. 668-4430. 1979 CADILLAC ELDORADO. Asking $2750.Caei 668-7944. 1980' CHEVETTE, 4-door. Cassette, 4 speed, good condition. $600. ob». Paul, 668-7926. 1966 FORD GALAXY 500 XL 2-door, hardtop, buckets, centre console. Asking $4750. Oei 668-7944. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurence bocause of ae, poo)r driving record, or suspension of license? Perhaps we cen help. Phono 666-2090. 17.5' FIBREGLASS ADMIRAL with 120 horsepower inboerd/ outboard. Mero. ioaded, $5,900. Also 10' salîboat, $650.-668-4104. m