Whitby Free Press, 9 May 1990, p. 45

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BAHA'IS.-BEUEVE- Let your oye be chaste, yourý hand faithful, your tangue truthful, and your hoart enlightoned. Cali 668-8665. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus -for favors received. Mag the Sacred *Heant of Jesus be adared, glorified, loved and' preserved throughoutth world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heant of Jesus pray for us, St. Judoý worker of miracles pray, for us, St. Judo helper af the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nino times a day. By the sighth day., your prayer will be answered, n.egardless 0 f how hopsëless your situation. seems. Publication must be promised. IG HOME' MOVIES transferrecf f0 videa tape. European videa tapes converted. Low, low prices. 728-9565. BIRTH CONTROL and family planning couniselling. Free and confidential, available Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. Clinic eveiy Thursday 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. For- further information, cal 420-8781 or 433-8901. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSIPS. 'For holp cail ýtho Doniso House for womren -and childron. Taîl free 1-800-263-3725 - ,ýor 728-731l"Confidontially assurod.. <Farmorly Auberge.) TI4rANKS TrO ST. JUDE--and tho Sacred Headt 0f Jesus for favors recoived. May the, Sacrod Hoart 0f Jesus bo adored,* glorified, loved and ipreservod throughout tho 'worl now and foroyer. oh, Sacred Heart aI Jesus pray for us, St. Judo wavker af miracles pray for us, St. Judo helpor of tho hopoloss, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day. Bythe eighf h day your prayor will b. answerod, .rogardless ai how hopobss yaur situation soems. Publication must b. promisod. AM OVERWEIGHT? Try aur new Appetite ConitraI Programn. Lose Up ta 29 lbs. in 30 dals. No drugs. 100%ý guaranteed. Surprisingly affordablel, Cali (416) 338-5550.* Disfributorships now availablo., B ARTHRITIC PAIN? Aching back? Stifi joints? Sleeping hands? wBoulah 01i0 hoîpsîl $2 for brochure/information or phono (204) 723-2828. Beulah Land, Box 26, Treherno, Man. ROG 2V0. B> AUCTION SALE SAT. MAY 12 AT 11 A.M. For Mrs. C. Berry, 65 Liberty. St. N., Bowmanville. Comploe household contents ta include, fridge, stove, color TV, living raom suite, bedroam suite, droers, cranberry pitcher. iots of cups and saucers, vacuum cleaner, silverware & chest, kitchen suite, 10 f. pins harvest fable, oak hall table, old dishes, crystai and glassware, old radios, desks plus lots more,~ For mare information call 1-416-4252 GARRY K. POWELL, AUCTIONEER SAtURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION M&Y 12 Pethick Auction'Barn, 1Haydon. 10 mi. NE af Oshawa. This woek ta b. sald, mahagany dining room suite, pins flat fa -wall, oak c'orner china cabinet, bedromi suite, wall dlocks, several buffets, 2 oak desks, 2 oak office chairs, pins office chair, stained glass windows, several coffes and end table. sets, round inlay leather drum table, lots ai glass and collectibles, wagon lots outside, 3 box .frailers, new hand and air tools, hydraulic floor jack, drill press, electric welder, acetelyne f orch, wood lathe, motors, plus lots mors, large sale, starting outside ai 6 p.m. Tenms are cash, choque or Visa. For information: 1-416-263-4252 GARRY K. POWELL, GARY SHMYR, AUCTIONEERS AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" - overy Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. located on Brock Rd. Pickering, 3 miles north af HWY., 401 (exit #399). Feafuring every Wed. an excellent selection af antiques, fine lurniture, glass, china, colloctiblos, primi- tives, and the unusuals. So join us every Wed. and participats in ans of Ontario's nTrue" Aucf ions with no buy-backs or neserves. "Con- signment & ostafe selling oun specialty". Cal us today. Pneviews lrorn 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 OR VAL MoLEAN. AUCTFIONS RR 2, UNDSAY MON. MAY 14 Real estate auction ai lasn Bal1 south ai Little Bitain or 10 minutes norf h af Pt. Perry. 7 p.rn. sharp. 314 acre building lot, adjacent fa Lake Scugog, 218' frontago facing lake. 7:30 ýP.rn Brand now colonial stylo 3-bodroorn bungalow with doule garage, -adjacent tfa Lake Scugog. apprax. 1500 sq. ft. buift in stave & aven, oak cupboards, rnany ext ras, municipal walen, Hudac warranty, excellent deluxo lakoside home idoal for rslaxed living or 'easy comrnuting ta 'Oshawa, Whftby, Tonanto areas. Bath proporties selling, subjecfta n easonable reserve. Terms $5000. aW sale, balance 30 days. Properties Must Be Sold. Don't miss this apport unity, view early ta arrango youn financing. Cali for directions or flyer, 705-324-2783 ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS ORVAL OR BARRY McLEAN PETERBORO AUCTION CENTER LEGAL TRIPLEX FOR SALE BY AUCTION WED. MAY 23 AT 7 P.M. AT 597 AVIMER ST. N., PETERBOROUGH 3 - wo beuroom units with new H.F. gas furnaces. In commercial area Good incarne, campletsly renovated, . fenced yard. Assumnable $130,000. at 12 12 % mortgage. Subject ta iow reserve. Open house Tues May 22 , 4 ta 9 p.m. and Wed. May 22, 5 ta 7 p.rn. Property must b. sold, owner has relocated. Selling cash ta mortgage. For iiifo oel: 745-5007 PETERBORO AUCTIONS ORVAL MoLEAN, AUCTIONEER OR VAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS MAY DAY FESTIVAUGRAND SAT. MAY 12 AT 10 A.M. AUCTION TRAFALGAR CASTIE SCHOOL Fanm machinory & vehicle 401 REYNOLDS ST., WHITBY. conslgnmont sae solling etQrval SAT. MAY 26 AT 2 P.M.« Farm machinery, tractars, constn i equip., boats, house trailors, RV's, imotonhomnes, off-road vehicles, motorcycles, cars, trucks, gardon tractons, woodworking equip., tools, rototillers, 87 ford Crown Victoria, 78' motohome, 68 Chev convsrted bus, roofing kettîs, 79 Chev C70 senies cab & chassis, 87 royal travel trailer, box trailer, buzz saw, 82-310A J.D. backhoe with ext enda-hoe, 81 Ford 350 1-ton, 12. h.p.ý Massey riding tractor, 79 Boco, (certifie«) 8' stock f railer, new Homnelite weed sater, 300',V cernent blocks, 82 Datsun pickup with cap, 78 Dodge 4x4 pickup, 69 Chev Beaumont, used lire doors, 21' Glenette travel trailer, 76 Ford Rang er X LT, 2 f urrow t ransplant er, 75 Winnibego, harrows, log splitter, 14' fibreglass boat, 83 - 750 Honda Shadow, 85 Merc. Cougar, 81 Old Cutlas, 86 Pontiac Firebird (32,000 -km), 77 Olds Delta 88, 17' fibreglass boat, 75 h.p. Johnson outboard & trailer, mott mower, 83 turisimno, 81 Olds Omnega,' M.F. #3 be, 350 Olds motor, rofotiller, 20' wooden cabin cruiser with 85 h.p. outboard, wall furnaco, space heater, 20' chirnney, 5 V2 hp. Johnson outboard, 10 h.p. Evinrude outboard, 7' fibregîass boat, single nwmble f railer, 190' aof4e woeping file, 400 sq. If. double S viny siding, new windows, excellent woodworking equip. like new incl. 10" - 220 volt f ablesaw, 10" radiai arrnsaw, W4"waodcutting bandsaw, router table, 6n joint or paner, also b.ing sold under the Rpair and Storage Linos Acf ane 1988 Cadoretf e 160 Ski Master boat wif h a 90 hp. Evinrude trirn tilt mofor. AIl consignmonts must be in by FRIDAY NOON. Partiai lst. Sub'ect ta additions & deItins.roconsign bring to barn or calI ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS (705)324-2783 LINDSAY ORVAL &BARRY MCLEAN, AUCTIONEERS ORVAL UcLEAN AUCTIONS TUES. MAY 15 AT 7:30 P.M. REAL ESTATE AUCTION FIVE ONE-ACRE BUILDING LOTS ast ai Valentia on County Rd. 18 ) 2nd tun ight (ses signs). <collent lots with view ai Lake cugog. 15 minutes north ai Pt. erry. To viow orlfon flyer, cal ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LINDSAY AUCTION SALE HOUDAY MONDAY., MAY 21 AT il A.M. PETHICK AUCTI N BARN9 HAYDO 1 10 MI. NE 0F OSHA A. EXIT 431 OFF 401, NORT~. 8 MI. TO HA YDN. Largo local est ate ta include settees, dining room suite, mit Seaburg juke box, !ne harvest table, pressback chai r , Gone with the, wind hanging 1 rps, many walnut, mahogany, oc occasional tables, armains, plus .ots af glass and collectibles, rniany pins dressons, washstands. and iots more ta, unpackç. This wiIl b. ans af aur many large holiday sales. Plan ta attend. Vmewng for this sale will b. ai aur rogular Saturday nighf sale, May 19. Forinformation cl 1-416-263-4252 GARRY K. POWELL, GARY SHMYRP, AUCTIONEERS *Open house, Everyane Welcome. Corne and bid on trip to Bahamnas, paintings, china, autographed sports articles and much more. Auction begins ati3:0 p.m. Roi reshments will be served. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., MAY 11 AT 6 P.M. The estate of the laie Mrs. IOLA BROWN of Beaverton. Chesterfield and matching chair (good condition), hoosier kitchen cupboard, round oak pedistal table, pine blanket box, wicker chairs, oak wardrobe, villas maple colles and 2 end tables, -Lowry electric organ, pine cannonbajl bed, wicker table, wicker fern stand, RCA 217 color TV with remoto, il cubic foot freezer, 8 hp riding lawnmower, gingerbread dlock, quantity af handmade quifts, blankets, table and floor lamps, coaking utensils, ail botties and nail kegs. DON AND GREG GORNEIL RR # -1. LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN TUES., MAY 15 AT 6:30 P.M. Westinghouse 2-door refridg- erator, Kenmoro 24u electric stove, 12 cu. f. freezer, (ail appliances in excellent condition), B & D workmate, codar chests, walut parlor tables, oak dining room chairs, pine cupboard, china cabinet (glass 3 sides),. 20 f. aiumlinumn extension laddor, B & D radiai arm saw, 3 bar fridges, bake table, modem drossers, chests af drawers, drop bal table, antique dressers, sterso. Quantity ai china, glass and collectible items. DON AND GREG CORNEIL RR # 1, LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 FROM PAGE 17 Out-oi-town visitars could win souvenirs embiazened -with the Town of Whitby og such as sweatshirts, coffee mugs, key chains and piggy banks. Commencing Victoria Day and running through Labor Day, the centre will ho open froni 9 a.m. ta 8 P.m. every day. Fiowever this may or may not be its iast suxnmer under the auspices of the Town. During its budget discussions last month, council dfrected Town staff ta investigate the reasibility of an outside organiza. don assumning responsibility for lie centre. Councillor Joe Bugelli said at he tme, that continued ope- ition of- the facility was an LnnessfarY drain on municipal >ffers. This year's budget sets aside [13,825 tao oerate the cente ut isexp$3,58Babe covered fo souvenir sales. l3ugii initialiy wanted the wntar approach the Whitby 01ibr'o Commerce abott kinj9 control of the centre, but )uncil did not want ta name at ocicar iatian.t Mayor Bb Ate1eyree t iytalhof divestifflthe tourit c ti ti ti 'i $1 bu re Tc ta] col anf 'Wild plant' tour at Enille Staff frcm 'the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will hold a « Sprn Wild Plant Tour' at Enniiskiilen Consevation Area on Sunday, May 13 at 2 Learn which plants help cure a pcsniyattack, which oa .can ocoedlike potatoos, and se. Ontarjo'. provincial flower, the trillium. Directions: From HRwy 401 in Bowmanville, take Begioeial Rd. #57 to the 7th- Cortces4sio Go west to HoIts Rond and noeth to the area entrance. Meet at -the banea. Obituar y IVAN PAYNTERl Ivan F. Paynter of Whitby died on April 27, 1990 at Whitby General Hospital. He was 87. He was bornî n Beulah, Mani- toba on October 1, 1902 son of Fr-ank H. and Ada Elizabeth (Evans) Paynter. He ma-rried Mary (Betty) on January 30, 1936, in Toronto. AWh«tby rsident for two yearsMr ?an;tr was, retired from the head ffce of CIBC ini Toronto. He was formerly trea- surer of the North York Horticul- tural Society. Hie is surviv%1 by his wife, daughter Jane <ý_ýýand son-in-law Edgar Wagnper) of Whitby, grand- daughter Iabel 'and her husband Sandro -Bandiera of Oshawa, grandson Leonard Wagner' of Whitby, sister Ena and brother Frank of Beulah, Man.' Funeral services were held from the W.C..- Town Funeral ChaelonWednesday, May2 1990, Rev. Rod :-ýarlow condu2, mng. Cremation1, Mount Làawn cemetery, Whitby. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust " Family Monumcns " Granie or Bronze Markers " Cemetery,,Leutering " Sandblastiîng' Stafford MQnuments 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby-- 668-3'552 After Hours 668-,4460 or 666-15,13 Home appointnients gladly arrangeè'd centre from Town ýcontrai. Call1 it «ajeWel1 in the com- munity, Attersley-said the cost of providing thép' service is nominal. iChamber preside'nt Bob Stan- ley toid The 'reé Press hie group has had discussions with the Town but could not predict what wiil happen. «Wo've formed a, committee ta, study it, but I don't know what we'lldeide,» said Stanley,.. «We are interested, but I don't know if what we'ltorne up with is what they want. Mnwul personal feeligsIwudlike toseS sometunlfhappen but I don't Stanley said TÈown officiais have made it clear the muniipa lity wiill not relinquish contraif the centre if it resuits ini iess service. "It would ho a big undertaking. It's on seven days a week, ear r u d"added Stanly. y Solyr did not wish ta comment direct ly on the matter. Hawever, she did say, We have a unique contre here I wauldn'twant ta .seS anythin~ less than -what we aready have.Pr (Incidentaliy, anoe wanting o know the answer ta the ques- tion. posedl at the beginning of ;his story is advised ta cali the tourist centre). inf centre 45 micLean Auction uenter - Lind-qnv-

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