WHITIY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16,1990, PAGE 9 Aerobathons hlp heart fund Three 'Dance for Heart Aero- bathons' wiIl be held at locations in Whitby and Oshawa to raise funds for the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario. The Whitby Racquethall and Squash Club will hold the event on Saturday, May 26, 1 te 4 p.m. Pied ge forme can be picked up at the club, at 1100 Champlain Ct., or cali Paulette at 666-1422. The European Women's Health Pet therapny volunteer wanted Honey is her name and visit- in is her faine; she greets with a fendly kiss, flot one person doo.,s she miss. Honey is the golden retriever "therapy" dog that visite resi- dents at Fairview Lodge. Fairview Liodge seeks volun- teers te, accoinpany Honey on her visits through the home for the aged. Cail Heather Tim at 668-5851. Club will liold an serobathon, for ladies aged 18 and over, on Wednesday, June 6, 6 te 9 p.m. Entry formns can be picked up at the club at 1121 Dundas St. E., or eall 666-4540. In Oshawa, The Club Fitness for Women, 57 Simcoe St. S., will hold the event on Sunday, May 27, 10:30 a.m. te 1:30 p.ni. Dance for Heart is a nation- wide fundraising event promoted GIRLS' & BOYS, IFASHIONS IN4FANTrS F»PT7SIZE 18 Whitby General Hospita[- Notice is hereby given that the Anmal Meeting of the Corporation will be held TITURDAY, JUNE 289 1990 commencing at 8:OOpm in the Cafeteria of the Whitby General Hospital 300 Gordon Street, Whitby (south-west corner of Gordon(Victoria). Businesa wiIl include: 1. Reviewing minutes of previous meeting 2. Receiving reports 3. Ainending hospital by-laws 4. Appointing auditors for next 12 rnonths 5. Eleeting members to the board 6. Discussing any matter raised at the meeting Copfies of the Hospital By-Lawii and Financial Statements may be examined at thse office of the Secretary during normal business hours. By order of the Board of Governors JamnesR. Miller Secretary Yo ur Comm unity Hospital A CHECKLIST 0F EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO LOOK AFTER YOUR POOL THIS SUMMER ILIQUID CHLORINE g'ALGAECIDE ,ACID Have you been to your pool supply store lately and had your water analyzed? You probably found that you needed shock, pucks, boosters, stabilizers, test kits and other products too numerous to mention. At Swish, we believe you can KEEP lT SIMPLE. We have a Free Guide To Cars And Maintenaince of our Swlmming Pool. which wilI arîswer any problem you may have. The heart and soul of a simple programn centres around Swish-Brite 12% liquid chiorine. It's 12% available chiorine and 88% water. There's no seciment for algae to form around or to clog your filters. Most public pools in Whitby, Oshawa and Newcastle use Swish-Brite exciusively. You like the convenience of pucks? Consider the Rolachem Automnatic Pool Chlorinator. Swish-Brite is automatically fed into your pool. Ail you have to do is change the container every 2 weeks or so. Swish-Brite is economnicai. lt's less than a quarter of the price of pucks, one.half the pnice of powder. Come on down to the Swish Clean-It Centre and let us show you how to look after your pool the easy way this summer. MAINTENANCE LTD. 500 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY 666-1224 Cors Custom Customer Desi*gned IN SOUD WOOD Plate Rackcs e Gun Racks Curlo Cabinets * Showcases Doil Cabinets, Complote Ktchens Cabinets presenting *IAÃ"@I FINANCING IV.71 OVER 48 MONTHS OR $75QQ0* CASH -BACK ON ALL AEROSTARS Iqqumowp"Aerostar XLT WE HAVE A LARGE SELECIION AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERVI JIM SOUCH'S 623-8166 HWY. #2 N AND MAPLE GROVE WEST 0F BOWMANVILLE 668-5893 1120 DUNDAS ST E. WHITBY * hese otters moy nof be combined. Refait buyers choosing o reduced fioncWng rote inlheu of cash rebote are etîgabIe for 109% fincrcng over o moxwnLrn 48-monith termn Other low fnancing rotes for longer terms ovdolble On opproved credif. S cîtfinancing 's ovailobIe-when Vu purchose or tease ony new 1990 or pnior yeor Aerostar Exompte: S10000 fnonced over 48 montris af 10.9% MF'qthie irnfty pavînent is S257.94 thre cosi of bo<rowrng is S2.382.Oa Assuming o rebote of S750 os the alternativeshoud ou choose a recdced xxywWyà rote r'steod 0oftrie cashrrbote, WJtegsion requures traltrhe omount ofthtre rebale nmus be rickjded itrie cost of borrowk-,g in ordlerto am.-e of on ~verterest rote In trie exompte given r ethe ~ive ntlerest rate roodd be 1570% and trie toalcost of borrvm~g khckkg th-e reate not taler, e*crid be S1132Oa Cost of boaoig wlsciry deperwnchg pn tie amiours finonced. term of foon and fh-ing rte Aerosfor - pkus 558000 freigrit. S10000 air fax,.S2.%00 tire tas PlU bcensmng, pbis 8% pat. Delivery musi be token from deoter rinentory See Deoter for defoits Uinited t" fet