WIFYFREE PUS8% WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1M9, PAGE 21 New Technique* to test sunscreen effectiveness University cf Terento researciiers have develeped a test te determine if sunscreens protect against harmful rays. "It's a useful ultraviolet A first step to develop UVA sunscreens, said Ramsay, a U of T pretective Dr. Colm dermatologist Sm o oth saii ng wb en plani 7l.ng car efu lly FROMPA'E 20 Consuiners who feel tiiey have been unfmi treated by travel agens eoulcontact'the nearest Consumer Services Bureau of the. minisftry. Numbers are in the. blue pages of the phone bock, in the. Ontario section. NIANNING Rules will help Ontario travellers avoid rip-offs, but nothing can guarantee paradis at ev.ry hotel or an ice machine on every floor, government officiais warn. "W. can'tlgil1 ebusand lizards eut oft t.top, any more thian w. can pass laws demand in¶ good times for ail," sasE 1 urns, travel registra for the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. "Ontario bas some of the. world's teugiiest rules for s.lling travel, but customers still have to invesigate ail aspects of trips carefuly." New regulations pasSed recently nme of which won't comne into effect until July 1 -- cuver many aspects et travel fm brochure advertiuig te tthe standard of accommffodations. It makes tbe travel industiy more req"Inabe for making sure consumer understaid what they are buying and receive exactly that. Burns te pleassd with the. improved prction, but saya he is a"s concerned consumera may become too complacent. "I don crehw many people have recommended a particular agnt1 would neyer leave plans for nattrp costing thousands cf dollars entirely in someone else's hand%," sys the. registrar and former travel agency owner. "Besides, part of the fun in vacations lies in making plans" Information is available from many sources, he says. *Jnoe a few potential destinations bave been picked, read up on tbem at the. library. Look for recent newspaper and magazine articles, instead of books wbicii are more likely te, contain outdated information. This research siiould help locate a destination offering tii. desired atmosphere and decrease the risk cf unwelcome surprises," Burns says. '"Youll have a muchbebtter idea what te, expect. If you know tii. locale is impoverisbed, you won't b. shccked by living conditions or expect luxurious restaurants and night clubs on every corner. If it's a n.wly epened teurist spot, you'll b. forewarned that service may net b. as polished as in well establish.d areas. If it's a pecflretreat, you won't go looking for ail night parties and ao on.@ * While at the library, dig eut , orne recent articles on travel in general. *Al major newspapers rum regular travel columne that fr-equently report on common holiday probloms and solutions. e Sizeable cities usually have at least one English paper, regardieasacf the. local language. Pick up copies at a booic stere specalizing in foreign publications. They may aise b.e available by money order. A look at what makes news in the area can help paint a clear pictur. cf the. local culture. Ada ini the papers can aise provide addresses toi local theatres or other facilities you may like te, contact. Travel brochures can't cever al the attractions. eTa]k te, people whe, have been ther. recently. First-hand acceunts are bard te beat. "But remember, yeu're hearing an opinion based cn someone else's likes, dislikes and standards. If. Uncle Fred bates seafood, take bis condemnation of the local cuisine in a fishing village with a grain of sait." ,, If yeu are a member, cail the Caadian Automobile Association for information about driving conditions and any unusual rules of the road. Altheugh travel agents must now mnferm customers of documentation necessary for their trips, the CAA may b. able te, provide more complet. advice on international drive'à .liences, insurance and other requirements. e If you do run inte, problemsa dur-nthetripfirst try to, eal drcty with the peopl1 responsible. Make notes and.take photographe t.bat may help prove dlaims. Keep rcitafrany out-of-pocket expenses forwhh you would like to e .reiùmbud If n.cessary, contact your fae agent for help. Ini an emergency, oeil the local embassy or consulat.. and author cf the study., Sunscreens are rated by Sun Protectien Facters (SPF), which determine how long a person can stay eut in the sun wben wearing the sunscreen. The <jrtectien factors are legislatef, seo a manufacturer bas te, use standardized tests Ibo preve the sunscreen's effectiveness before it can b. marketed. However, the legisiatien specifically pertains te shorter wave length UTVB raya, which were until recently the only rays considered barmful te skin.. With i.hcreased awareness ef, thc harmf cl effects of langer wave lei gth U'7A r.iys, a -iumber of su iscr 3en 3 ha' e I een marketeri as prce,-cti-.ig against «JVA, but without proven results. "Our resuits show that some ef the sunscreens we tested do -net appear te be highly effective in protecting against UVA," explained Dr. Ramsay. The test involves photesen.. sitizing mjc. using the compeund tetracblorosalicylanilide and ex- posure te, UVA rays. Sunscreens are then tested by measuring changes in ear thickness after application. "This model could be used as one of a battery of tests that niight be employed whenever a sunscreen is promoted as being protective against UJVA," said Dr. Ramsay. Advantages cf, the test are that it uses low doses of UTVA, the exposure tinies are short and the resuits are easily measured. Unlike UVB, a person needs te b. exposéd te large doses,,.fUVA befere developing a burn, se9 there is no warning of overexposure. Harniful effects of INA rays possibly include increased skin aging and tihe risk cf skcin cancer. "People may b. inadvertently expesing theniselves. te large doses cf UVA, and building up chronic skcin problems for the future," said Dr. Ramsay. Dr. Ramsay hepes legisiation will soon he in place te ensure that sunscreens marketed as protecting against UVA rays actually werk. Ce-investigaters of the., study were William Brown cf U cf T's department of medicine, and Robert Furukawa and Gulnar Shivji of Women's Cellege Hespital. 7he study was funded by the Medical Research Council of Canada and the. Ontario Ministry ofllealth. "A Super Party Bo.kr" For Creative Children's Birthday, Special Occasion, or Seasonal Parties $ toi. Theme Suggestions 'w eÂ3s Things To Make *Refreshments *Games S% ~,~os1dU~'a Checklist Planner JR.Enterpuieee. Box 1276, Osawa. 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