PAGE 22, WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY l, 1990 Play bail! MKINOU BASEBALL season began in Whitby on Saturday with a parade to the bail park and the annuial Mlayor's Cup touram between Whitby aMd Ajax. Whitby captured the Cup with seven aistliree basses and a fie i the il games between the two organizations at various age levels. Peter Tomblln photo Experience will help junior A Warriors Brumley breaks 2 reco rds Jason Brumley, a standout i track events as an elementary school student, continues bis winnin.g ways at the high school The grade 9 student at Henry Street HighSehool set two recordsad tied another i LOSSA competition last week at Civic Fields. Brumley won the .100m race, after establishing a record of 10.9 seconds for the distance in a heat. He had a time of 13.5 seconds to break the record in the 100m hurdies. Hie time of 23.2 seconds in the 200m race tied a record. Jason Baoehiochi and Steve McArdle had other flrst-place finishes for Henry. Baoehiochi won the junior 110m hurdies with a time of 15.4 seconds while McArdle won a new event, the junior boys 300m, with a time of 40.1 seconds. Henry finished lOth overall axnong high school teanis at LOSSA. Anderson CVI, led by their midget-age girls' team, finished fifth overali among schools. Penmie Santiago won both the midget 200m and 400m races. Jennifer Ellis was seco nd and Stephanile Duffy third i the midgt 3000m,' while Ellis was third in the 1500m. Joanna Johnson was third in the midget javelin. Jo-Mine Hood of Anderson won the junior 1500m and was second in' both the 800m and 3000m distanoes. Teammate Susanne Perroni was second in the 100m hurdies. Gabriel Shiu of Anderson, run- ner-up te Brumley in the midget 100mi sprint, won the long jump. *Keith Polmis had Anderson'. other first-place finish with a *victory in the senior 100m race. Andýy Brereton of Anderson had two second-place finishes in junior boys competition, in the 10O race and long jump. Erika Gamble of Anderson was third in junior long ump Matt Shearer of Henry was second in 1500mi and third in 800m. Dave Mudge of Henry was second in midget shot put while Jon Hopkins of Henry was sconine MriJray mprTrataigar Castie School was second i senior triple lm and Dennise Gaymethr in midget .high là ~ relaya, Henry- teams were thirO ini both the junior boys 400mh and midget. girls 400m. Anderson was snd in the midget girls 400m- relay and third in the girls open 1600m relaty. Preparations made for AAA Next fail, hockey players throughout the Ajax, Plckering, Wbitby and Brooklin areas will. have the opportunity to play minor AAA hockey, the highest level of minor hockey played in the province. The new organization will be cailed the Durhamn Warriors AAA Hockey Assocation. The association wiil work closely with the three existing minor hockey JThe organizational and governing body cf the Durham Warriors is comprised of three members from. each of the Pikeîn Hockey Association, the Ajax Village Hockey Association and the Broolin Whitby Hockey Asssociation. The Warriorswiilcmpte ina AAA division with Petebruh Belleville, Oshawa, Kingston and 7hornhill. ichmond Hill wiil also likely be part of the division. Tryouts for ail teains wil comnmence Tuesday, Sept. 4. Juvenile, minor bantani and nxqjor atom teams will operate out of Whitby arenas for the coming season. Ajax wiil host the rnidget, minor peewee and novice teains while the minor atoin, muijor peewee and mqjor bantazn teanis wiil use Pickering arenas. AUl p1aer wishing te try out for thse teanis must flrst register for hockey in their home assocation. The. Durham Warriors AAA HockeyAssociation is now accepting applications from coaches for ail teanis. Interested coaches should contact OMHA reps te obtain more information and a coaching application form.. OMHA reps are Santo Amenta, Pickern, L420-1648; Emillo Di Poce, Ajax, 683-6762; Bruce Brousseau,ý Whitby, 666-1617. 1The deadline for submitting coaching applications is Mlay 20. Interested sponsors should also contact one of the reps for sponsorship information. With many players back froni last year's teani, the Whit Warriors junior A lacrosse eli should be a contender this sea- son. The club started slowly, but ran over St. Catharines 28-6 on Sunday. The Warriors are missing five of their top eight scorers from st year. TJLhree are over-agers while two platyers are sidelfned due te an injury and a job commitment. A solid core of players provide a veteran nucleus for the War- rosincluding captain Greg Van:âickle. The pfyment brothers, Steve and Rich,'along with Mike Ruffo, add. maturity and WVhitby gyqýmnasts place -first Michelle Tot2 Chen of Whitbyg place finishes in in Scarborou hj Chen was firete olds while Totz w( category. The te Gemini Gymnastic awa-Whitbv capi sions and t e over Kiniberly Sinc]i was second and shaw of Whitby w, 8, A division. ]Ronit Soroksky fourth in age 8. 1 Charlayne'Nelson cand Connie expereomtsa new goalie, Paul Mootz, te give the tearn three solid netminders. Other new faces include Matt Shearer and Dan Ladouoeur who both played midget in the Whitby Systern. Dave Dannenbury joins the team. after playing junior B in Brampton last season. The team had *a well-attended tryout for this year's squad, with about 40 players showed. The key te, getting the team on track, accrding te coach Corny Derks, is proper playing con- dition. «Some of the guys are going te, take a little longer gettijginto shape."BuDerks isnt going te arpplMike Keenan approach oconditioning. Instead hne sees the team getting on track as the season progresses. With returning players, Derks believes his clb is going to be mentally teugh. "These guys have played for a each had first. few years and they know what a pre-competi- needs te be done,» Derks said. ymnastics meet Acknowledging St. Cathermnes Fay 12. as the pre-season favorite, Derks among six-year- nevertheless believps the War- 'onth age 7, B riors have a legitimate shot at ;eo helped the the Minto Cup. And Peter- cs Club of Osh. borough, as always, will be ture four divi- strong, having defeated Warriors ra11 teain titie. in their firat game last week. ]air of Whitby A more than hectic May should Michelle %Y- . ut some cf the pieces together vus third in age or the '90 edition of the Warriors imsthey play eight games in 20 of Whitby was days, facing ila1 s except B, B categoy Sarnia. 1' i was fort T'he Warrors ly Brampton WHITBY WARRIORS began the junior acored three goals for. Warriora while A bacrosse season with an 11-7 boas to Scott Rogers led Maulera with four Peterborough Maulers, last yeair's goals and three asss. Mhntk.cup, 10mios.Greg Van Sickbe, *P.teTomidin photo