WH1TY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16,1990 PAGE 5 Meech: (see Miche) (Old French, mirchier, to bide, ta sulk) 1. t0 hids o kulk; toretire or hrink from view; to sneak. 2. to be guilty of anything done in secret, as ta carry on an illicit amour, to pilfer secrely. Wnitten also as Meech or Meach. You think I made that up? Try Webstor's New Twentieth Century Dictionary Unabridged. It,. fot the kind of definition the PC governxnent had in mind for a new plan to save Canada. But as this country lurches toward June 23 and a rendezvous with destiny, one wonders: did this whole issue catch Brian Mulroney flatus footus, as lawyers say? Or, might we say that Brian is like an arsoniat at a barnri fre: oeneone with a flare for that krind of work? What ind of visioni dom Mulroney have about this country? Lot me, slightly out of context, quote Michel Gratton, a former pre so cretary ta the PM: "Did Mulroney have any overil plan in mind? 1 neyer knew, and I don't know of anyone else who knew either. At base, he appeared ta be in power ta be in power. Il... Hi. grand agenda, if there was one, seemed ta shift in response ta the day'. headlinesl so we had major policies which had nover been presaged in the election campaigri - such as the free trade initiative - and sudden switches that seemed ta came from nothing more than a reading of the previous day's headlines ..." That, nind you from an admirer of sorts Who had been close ta, the fray for thre years, from 1984 ta 1987. WITH OUR FEET UP by Bill Swan Color me blue You con read ail the details <f Gratton's day. in the PMO in bis booc, '% What Are the- Boys Saying7' I picked up my copy in a remainders bi for $1.99. So if admirer. se litte i Mulr-oney's leadersbip, should the rest <f us not be a littie frightened? If, as some bolievo, the Tories plucked the free trade deal from off the rack (or wail) without oxamining its potential - we!re in trouble. 1t9s also beginning ta look as though Meech Lake .may have beon a too-hasty solution ta a problem as aid as Canada. Until now we didn't realize that the trick <f governing Canada was ta maie us ail appear boning. It took Mulroney ta bring out our real selves - borish, red-necked bigots. So now we have free trade - which i. sending good Canadian companios south ta the U.S. Now, under the Meech plan, U.S. wiil be able ta go one-on-one- with any province anytime on any trade issue, without flail. Itil be the next best thing ta having no goverriment. Except we'll still have Canadian taxes. Wbat, Mulroney with no direction? Look again. This master of branch plant managers is in the process of dismantling Canada, province by province. The only cheery spot on the horizon is bis 15 percent standing i the poils. But by the time the next election cames around, it nay be too late. On a more cheerfu note: Tories in Ontario electod a new leader. They did it through the laudable method <f giving every party member a vote. 1bey got only 50% <f the vote out, wbich is about what you can expect i a boring, non-mayoral municipal election race. Don't hold your breath waiting for the parties ta foilow. The whole procedure just doesn't make good television. Every party these day. lives on its TV image. Let us close with another dictionary dofinition: Wjia: despondent, melancholy, low or depressed i spirits, as in a blue outlook, a blue day or The Big Blue Machine., And I mean, that's a vory Blue machine these day. Police contin ue search for Pickerig9ir Durham Regional Police are continuing their search for 14- year-old Julie Stantan, who dis- aPéhic eie earlier by lic for forensic testig has n returned ta the owner. Resuits 6f further testing on any findirs are not yot avoulable, say police. A unit of 10 police officers continues ta follow up on leads and information. Assault complaint laid Durham Regionai Police are investigating a complaint of assaultat amily Kartways on Sunday. Nicholas Zafos, James Pappas and Christian Campitelli, all of Scarboraugh, complained after a ruckus broke out Sunday when the three patrons wouldn't get out of theirlcarts. .Peat oan .Top soa .4 -Way gardo nmix LoCated at 7 & 23 (SW corner) 655.4542 . Sand .Gravel . Lnestone L J]. 9 LONG WEEKEND SPECIAL ONLY 2 WEEKS TO. a..a MAY 31, 1, 2 AND 3 WATCH FOR TESPECIAL INSEEIN NEIT WEREKS WHTBY FRME PBESS r Wooden Outdoor Furniture ebIFt Hexagons, Octagons, Benches, Chais etc. 1~C~ 'Handiade, preassembled, ,,' éysanded, ready to be staied Cail 6558558 # Solid Ceda construction We Deliver é*Bult to bLut QMYRTLE ý\6ersui Look for our second ad on page 9 FOR YOUR DISCOUNT 571-5435 For the modern woman who dresses as con fidently as she feels... og-Luen-Ol Edit Johne - Looks - Farini - LondnFg.L be OI 43& 1401 .... Since 1979 THE GA LLER Y CREA TED 8VY YOU.&O Queility - Quantity - Diversity 576- 837Ajs432.1580 À wm