Whitby Free Press, 30 May 1990, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WHITBY FREE PIW, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30,1990 BALAiNCE Ontario Hydro's plan to serve customners' dlecticity needs %0Ontario Hydîo is undertaking a study oi a new CANDU genemating station 0 The province's demnand for'electricity lias beei 0 steadily-and-forecasts indicate that Ontaric 0 50%6 to 1009% more electricity over the next 25 45 25 '2.o 15 10 5. 990 1995 200 Yie (J aa.Y) 2015 2010 2014 Ontario Hydro's "Balance of Power- proposai meet this energy challenge in a number of wa, which catis for the addition of a new CANDÉ generating station and transmission facility L under study indude at least Darington, Wesle the North Channel area of Lake Huron. It'ys part of the Balance of Power Along with a new CANDU station, Hydro's 1 includes adding more water poWer, building ni fuel stations and upgrading existing ones, purc electricity from others and, of course, a heavy, on the wise and efficient use of electricity at h and work. These options and recomrmendations are conta 56 page, easy-to-read, "Balance of Power" bool To obtain your copy, simpiy cai the toll-free 1 number below, or, fiti in the coupon if you prc na growîng ) will need 5 years. sets out to iys, one of U nudear ,ocations eyviIIe and proposai lew fossil chasing emphasis îome ined in the kIet. 1-800 -fer. How eveîybody can help Ontario Hydro is working with Ontario's businesses and *industries, helping themn reduce electricity use with " efficient lighting, energy audits and motor use programs.0 " And, already over 1,000 major companies are introducing " progressive programs that will help Ontario become a a " province of power savers.a At home, you can heIp reduce electricity use by turning *off unneeded ights, usirsg energy efficient shower *heads, and wise appliance use. *To help you save-get your "free" Home Energy Pack of bookiets. .. ideas to help you save valuable electricity. Cal or write. *Please use this coupon to order the material you require: * E Send me acopy of the 52 page booklet, "The Balance of Power Ovcrie" E l m an cnergy saver Please send me your Home Energy Savings PacK. * Name: (MeIMnItMS) First Lase_______ *IStree No. - Suret - Apt. No. ______ TovvnlCity: Postal Code______ *ITelephont: Arca Code( - Numbti____________ IYou may order any of thse above direcdly by using thse no-cos.t, oll- fret *customer service number. Simpydial: 1[800- 263-9000. * Retum to: The Balance ot Power, PO. Box 3000. Concord. Ontario 4K 416 * 1-800-263ý-9000 Smith, & Nephelw plant yMike Kow&lsld Just two years after opening its doors, the Smith and Nephew factry h* Whitby has closed. Smith and Nephew president Steven Arless announced ls3t week that the McEwen Dr. plant and anothor located in Aja il permiamently close Ju ly 21.xwl The closing -of the two plants, which produced latex rubber gloves throws 120 employeos ont ofor. However, the company will provide financial and job search counselling te the employees as part of its severance package. Blaming the closings on a world-wide glut of low-cost glovos, especielly those made ini the far east, Arless said it is no Ionger economicafly feasible te, produce thegloves i Canada. Tlho Whitby plant hadji fact, been temporarily closed lest Novomber i the hope that its iventoly would bo depleted. «But market conditionsgo worse, the supply~ from the Orient, primerily Malaysia, is still there, and prices came down,» said Arless. Ironicelly, whon Smith and Nephew opened the 43,000 sq. ft. Whitby plant ini April, 1988, the compeny could not make gloves fast enouh. The lt was producing 400,000 gloves e day on e 24- hour basis. Arless said the Whitby plant was buiit and designed te replace the older Ajax fa-tory and would eventually have eoxpanded. "There was e world-wido shor- tage of glovos et the timo. We hed plans for a second linoi the Whitby plant,» said Arless. «But the Orientais buiît al kinds of plats and flooded the market. We couldn't compote.»' Arless said the compeny infor- med federal government officiels last year of the threet posed by the imported gloves. «We told them of the problem, that the quality of the foreign gloves were not as good as ours. Frankly, they had no solution.» Arless dismissed any sugges- tion that Oenada7s free-trade agreement with the United Steates peyed a part in the com- peny's decision. 'TMis is not due te free trade. There are a consideràble number of jobs being lost in tho U.S.» Arless said Smith and Nepheýw will continue te market gloves in Canada. A sister plant in the U.S. will prýoduce gtoves for the North American market. Smith and Nephew is a sub- sidiary of the British-owned Smith and Nephew, e leading manufacturer of health care pro- ducts. The Canadiaii company has topants in Qtjebec neithor of whichproduce latex gioves. Arless said the compeny han '4put a pretty fair (severance) paolcaetgto"fovr the «There are oriîy two ways te fight it - reducé costs directly or to close istall high, technology equap- ment," said Sootens.' .«I e;r can't do it, that's a Sootens said Canadian manu- facturers mïùtgear thèir plan- ning th compote on a world scae, nt ýlimit themselves, te the domostic market. «But if foreign producers have both low labor costs and high technolo~ it is a problemi or Sootens said Canedians are often their own worst onemies by combining high wage and selary demande with a desire for low «Wei can't have it both w'ays. We demend high wages and benefits and thon irte Buffalo te buy cheaer goods. Smith and Nephew's announcoment caught Durham Régon economie developmont officer Pet Olive by surprise. «It's most unfortunete sice the Whitby fctery is very modemn,» said Olive. «Nf its any consolation, wo will contact them te sée If we cen get another industry in there. It's an excellent building. (Smith an d ephew plan te soîl both the buildings and pro- porty, said Arleis.) Olive predicted thet- Durha could eixperience more factory closing i the near future due to, free trade and world' economic conditions. "We will see a éhakinjr up i the next little while with free trade and the-way the worfld' going,' said Olive. «Itse essential the companies become compotitive on a world basis, not just a Canadien basis. HoPefully i the long run'our idustries will compote.» As for new bushiess moving ite the region, Olive seid discus- sions have been held with «two or three people» interested i the Lynde Shores industriel area. A company that manufactures conveyor boîts used i the aggr- gate industiy is locetiginBow- manville and will employ up te 30people, said Olive. Whtby MaLyor Bob Attersley expressed disappointment with' the factery closings. "It'. ospecaIlydifficult te take becase neypanned te, expand here,» said-Attersley. AtÏtersley said Arless referred te the probl*xns of compoting with imported goods durig their discussions. However, the mayor prefeiTedl not te comment on what stops the federal government may or mey not have t#ken in this part cular case. BILL PROCTOIR, business consultant and author, discussed motivation and handling stress as fac- tors in -antien a successfl business, at a recent meeting of the Durham Region Manufac- turers Association. Andrew gets'$2 5,000gran Adrew Canada Inc.of'Wib wilij receive $25,000 in federal assxeance under the Advanced Max4ufacturing Technology Application Program (AMTAP).-- Ahdrew wll use the support und r AMTAP -to study and evaluate ,the -potential -impact, that new information technolçglies can* have on their operations, how it could improve their productivity and enhance their conmpetitiveness on international' markets. AMTAP is a four-yoar service- oriented progra of Industry, Science and Technology Canada. It bas an $8.5miflion fund te sponsor. ab:out 90 projects i each ofits four years of oporation. The * -pp~grm povde undingfo qualified firme te e-t ageoutside ,Consultants who .wll- assess the commercal and technical feasibility of comprehensively upgrading their. manufacturing operations. ..........................................................J' pIJ#fui~ô 6 ,4;s~1~ ~~// I - -- j - -. Wh imtbyýusiness

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