WHYrY PREE PRE&S, WEDNESDAY, MAY à 0, 1M9, PAGE 39 MEECH LAJKE HENRY STREET student Sue Luen Area sehool students have helped Tom deposits, 1,000 loonies into the raise money through various activi- Pot 0f Gold for the First Ciass Care ties. Henry students heldi a fashion Fund for Wbitby General Hospital. show to raise funds. Chri. Boy!. photo Cm Paign extended By NIcole Lylyk The dooér-to door campign for the Wihitby General Hospital has been extended tlhe frst week of June.- The 350 canvassers have been bard- at work i the Brooklin- Whitby area since the beginning of May. Having raised $110,000 so far, the $300,000 goal remains fairly far off in the distance. «Vie need everybody's support. We can stili reach our goal if everyone helps out as much as they are able," says Robin Pos- tilI, publicity director of the First Class Fund. With substantial donations from corporate sponsors, develo- pers and the Town of Whitby offices, fundraisers have mana- ged just over $4 million towards their final goal of $5.5 million., New chaplain at hospital By Trudie Zavadovie Whitby General Hospital has a new chaplain. Sharon Cbapman took over the position Feb. 1 and bas found it a very enriching experience. "I beard about it tbroiugb the ministerial,» she says. uIlbave had a long bistory of working witb and counselling abusedi women and cbildren. I finished my masters degree in pastoral counselling and tbeology. I bave a real bent ini caring for people.» She says ber work at Whiby General Hospital fulfils her need te care for people. .«It's tremendous. On tbe second floor there are tbe ebronie care clients. We've built a com- munity. Those are long-term relations." She says that about two-tbirds Of ber day is taken up with individual counselling. «Vie aiso'deal with familles in cases of death. And work with st;aff.» Seven people carry out lay- pastoral visits for ber. They are people witbin the congregation wbo have trained (at Oshawa General) te visit' the sick in bospitals. She is encouraging churches te get involved in the lay-pastoral program 'as 'it deflnitely fils a need." "Vie also work with the clergy and minisMterial i the area.» She generally gets positive feedback from her clients. "Generally speaking, tbey really appreCt the timeI spend wt them. They tend te look at issues. It's reflective time for many.» She says she offers spiritual guidance-ôrjust an ear-for people wbo want someone te talk te. On, Friçlay tiftexnoons, there is a chapel service. She has lived in Whitby with ber busband and two cbildren for tbe past six vears and loves it. In the faîf, she plans to extend ber services to, include some counselling at Scarborougb Cen- tenary Hospital. SERVICES were held Sunday afternoon at Wbitby General Hospital to celebrate the new ministry in chaplaincy of Sharon Chapman (above). Services were organi.z.ed by the hospital pastoral services advisory commnittee and the Canadian Baptist Federation-14ake- lands area. legislation wvere brougbt before the House tbhi eek and al cf the ameudmnents were subsequently t-efeated. ]Bill C-43, an Act respecting abortien, was te have its final vote on Tuesday, May 29. I will be 'pprting the bà Ul as after extensive consultation w () my cnstiuent, Ibelieve éthat a compromise is in the best ffiterests cf Outario riding. Trying to de fusea "ticking' time bomb" B ssStevenson D rha lding MP Thspast week was, a Urne wben most cf us worried about national unity and whetber there is any real future for, Canada as we know ittdy Whatever ny of us may think personally about' Lucien, Boucbard's sudden resignation from tbe federal government, tbe debates and arguments can bave left no doubt t'hat we now are getting very close te a most crucial stage lu this nation' hbistory. There are those wbo simply don't like the Prime Mlinister and thus bave enjoyed blaming him for the past tbree. yers Of constitutional disputes. Those people should now be alete recQgnize that be' is net tbe problem, tbougb be has been striving very bard witb niany others for a solution. Any discusin about Quebec v. the rest ofCnd ama instantly gets cluttered witb a lot of' personal emotional baggâge -- tbougbts and preconoeived ideas about our different languages, culture, history, etc. Se let's tÇÃke the argument. tetally eut ef Canada. 1Let's look at wbat migbt bappen, te the United States in a similar situation. Imagine, if you can, tbe U.S. government feadoptinà a constitution without its being agreed te by the sttes cNew York, California and Texas. I submit that would neyer happEen. Yet tbat's wbat bappened here when Quebec was left eut cf our new Canadian Constitution in 1982. That province represents tbe 'same percentage cf our population and our economy as those states do for the U.S. Furtbermore, can yeu imagine the U.S. adopting a constitution wbicb weuld aflow the Gevernor cf Albama, say, te override a decision cf the federal government-and tbe U. supreme court? Yet tbat's wbat bappened here in 1982. -The "notwitbstanding" clause i our present Constitution allows the premier cf any province te everrule decisiens made by Ottawa or- by the Supreme Court cf Canada, thus taking away the rigbts of individual Canadians. Premiers cf three provinces already bave used, the "notwithstandingi' clause., That is bow Quebec passed Bill 178, the infamous sign Iaw. While it certainly was well-intended, tbe 1982 Constitution left us witb a tickring tixne-boenb. Under those circumstanies any leader cf the federal goverrnment would have tried te, correct this. And that's exactly wbat tbe Prime Minister and al 10 provincial premiers did when they met at Meech Lake in' 1987. The process cf arnending the Constitution muet' get underway while a federalist goverament holds power te Quebec. That opportunity may net be open te us for long. No room for sepnaratists in federal government. By Sues Seen Ontarlo riding Wl The Meecb Lake Accord bas stirred up the emetions cf Canadians from east te west. Neyer befere bas this been more clear tban witb the recent depgrture cf three Members cf Parliament from the, Conservative caucus, al cf wbom were stauncbly oppesed te the contents cf the Chareat Committee Report. The decisions of these MPs te, quit the caucus ia deeply regrettable. There is ne doubt in my niind that tbey served their constituents, and aHl Canadians, -te their utincet ability during tbeir tenure. However, as the Prime Minister bas said, you eitber are a PC or you are net. There is ne room for separatists in the federal governent. .Having clearly stated my position on this matter, I would like te turun my attention 1 te, the behavior cf those outside Quebec. lInmy-opinon, niany Englisb-Canadians'are behaving in a mannerwhich i grossly eut cf lime witb reality.- As censtitutional. tensions have risen, se, toc, bas anti-Quebec sentiment. Calîs cf 'let tbem separate" can be beard lu Ontario riding as can other fooish statements. If this careles and anhnnti- ni n attfiue peVrszists, those .1dwbo.eakf it nmay just04 -i <a 1 L 1.