*WRY E P1RESS% WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8,1990,PAGE 85 MARILYN L.,ambert was greeted by firends, and All- ound ffortformer -guides last week as she steps down from COMMSSINER or il-roun efortthe position of commissioner for lst Whitby, COMMSIONE forlst Whitby Mandi Taylor and Erika Buckley guides. Lambert servedl as commissioner, for 10 guides, Marilyn Lambert, presented with ail-round cords last week. - years, seven with Whitby. LACAC to be given chance to- save Heard houe p FROM PAGE 1. developer, states that the beams and floor joints have deteriorated ta the pont wbere the two-story structure cannot b. moved.' Là ACAC chairman Rick McDon- nelI tald the committee bis group approved of previou*s arrange- ments ta relacate the house. S «We felt the future of the house was headed ini the right direction," said McDonnell. Itwas home ta one- of the earliest settlers ini Whitby.» 1The bouse was built in 18 76 for Michael Griffin who settled in' Whitby in 1860. The Heard fam- ily moved"inta the hous. in the 1920s. McDonnell said the bouse is situated in an area of Wbitby where buildings constructed in that era are not too prevalent. qIts getting surrounded by a lot of commercial development. Here's a chance ta save it. and reser e it as part of our beri- ,said McDonnell. ÃcDonnell said he was «shocked" when Scbickedanz engineer Felix Gofman said the building is not structurally sound. McDonnell said a visual in- spection of tbe premises by LACAC's engineer determined that tbe hanse can be moved. By designating the house under the Heritage Act, the owner would be eligible for grants of $3,000 in eacb af. the next two, years for any resta- ration work needed on the build- mng, saidMcDonnell. (Gofmnan also addressed the committee and repeated bis posi- tion that tbe bonse is "unsafe and unsound." Gofman estimated it would cost $120,000 ta restare tbe hanse. He also asked that he be given timýe ta examine LACAC's engineering report prior ta the council meeting. Councillor Tom Edwards noted that the Heard bouse was not included on a priority liat of buildings worth perserving pre- viously submittdt eni~ Là ACAC. Howeerl'if ILACAC can prove the bidng is structurally saund ta b. maved, that clinches it,» said Edwards. «But please give us some assurance that it would b. restared and kept up, not aban- doned like the Fothergill build- ing that's sitting empty." (Edwards was referring toaa bouse on Dundas St. W. designa- ted for preservation last year. LACAC vice-chairman ]Rick Warr told The Free Press ho had no idea why the owner bas allowed it ta deteriorate.) 'Councîllor Dennis. Wo,'a1 ,wanted more information from LACAC. « I would like ta save the hanse if it is saveable," said Fox. 1 -Councillor Ross BIýttAn said he has always taken the postio that a- municipality shSuld not impose a historie designation on a hanse without approval of the owner. 'Tm ppposed ta this one if the owner dloes not want it to h'p pen," said Batten. Batten feit council mùst decide if the honse is warth preservng and then determine if it canbe moved. But Edwards argiied the oppo- site. «Why go toalal that trouble if the hanse is no shape ta be maved?" asked Edwardi. 'Tm not Irepa-red ta enter inta a debate if it should b. preserved only ta discover in two weeks that it's not sound!» Following the meeting, McDon- neil and Worr told reporters they,. are confident LACAC~s engieer will confirm his original ndgs Worr added that LACAC has .signed letters from three houa. movers that the job can b. doné for $18,000 to $20,000. This information bas been pro- vided ta the owner, said Worr. i i I GMBrlu 10v!.photo CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION The Cauncil ai the Corporation oi the Tawn af Whitby intencls to pass byIw astop up, close and sell that portion ai Garden Street, as shan"below, being composed ai Part of Lot 25, Concession 2, Town ai Whitby, deig nated as Part 1ion Plan ai Survey 40R- 12922. RS/NSO -I The Operations Cammittee ai Caiwcil will meet on the overling ai Tuesday, July 3, 1990, in Committee Roam One ai the Muinicipal Bui1ling, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, for the purpose ai heamng any persan who dlaimrs their land will be prejudicially affected by the by-laws. Any persan wishing ta meet with the Cammittee is asked toa avise the Tawn Clerk accordlngly no later than ThLwsday, June 28, 1990. Donald G. McKay, Clerk The Corporation ai the Tawn ai Whitby 575 Rosslmnd Road East Whitby, Ontario LiN 2MB Phono: <41) 668-5803 CORPORATION 0F THE .... . TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0FI7NTENTION .Street Name Change The Council of the Corporation ai the Town of Whitby intends ta pass a by-law ta change the name af Winfleld Street to Waller Street. The change in street name will apply ta al ai Winfield Street on Registered Plans 4OM-1611 and 40M-1612, as shown below. The pr osef the change in street name is ta avoid any possible cnuin in name that might arise with Wyndfield Crescent which is lacated on the east sideai Gardon Street, north of the C.P.R tracks. The Planning and Development Cammittee af Whitby Council will meet on the evening aif Tuesday, July 3.,1M9, in the Meeting Hall of the Municipal Buldng, 575 Rossland Rbad East, Whîtby, for the prooof hearing any persan wha claims their land will be adversely afotdby the by-Iaw. Any person mdshing ta meet with the Committee is asked toa dvise the Tawn Clerkacordingly no lator than Thoesday. June 28,1990. Donald G. McKay, Clerk The Carparation of the Town ai Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontoai N 2MB Phbe:,(46)668-5803 CMB Bovie photo