~Whitby General Hospital Wîn'rw 1VUiE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, JUNE la, lff, PAM 29 Original ene a ccepted By Trudie Zavadovien Construction of the new Oriniston publice chool in Whitby has'agaffn beený awarded to Tor- com _Construction Ià mited, the original low bidder for the pro- ject.-1 The board decided Monda to rescind a previous motion calling for a re-tender of the project. They further. recommended that the construction cost of $4,631,500 be approved and financed'from current funds and that final approval be requested from the Mimistry of Education., The board last month decided Toe ange r mrsdciur -e ct ed FR OM PAGE 17 BEImTY SHARPE presents a Whitby General Hospital Auxiliary donation of $55,000 to Wayne Currier, -hospi- ta!- foumdation chairman, for the First Ch's un Campaign. Fr. Pr. photo -.Tykeé win tournament. FROMPAGE 28 Ini the final period, Warriors' exploded with seven more unanswered goals to win by a final score of 11-1. Ini suniming up, the teanis manager Steve Konieczny said, "liard work and determination by ail members 'of the team bave gotten us where we are. We do't just have a couple of shooters. We have three seasoned lines that perform ail the time." This certainly appears te be the case as the* team's goals. against average is about 1.8 for the season. Whitby's point-getters during, the tournament were Jeffrey F'razer with 12 points, Blaine Down with nine, John Chesebrough and Ian Haywood with six points each, Michael Morrison five, Rory Smith four, and- Sean MacRury with three. Michael Konieczny, Bobby McBride, Stephen Hoar, Matt McKay, Matt Meyer and Mike Semeniuk added two points each with Kyle and Tara -Wailes getting one point apiece. I addition to her offensive point, golie Tara Wailes recorded an impressive 1.33 goals against average for the tournament. A solid defensive effort b Ja Harrison contrbutete the overail results. Whitby is now preparing for the upcoming Hamilton Super Series Lacrosse Tournament on July 8. Warriors hoppe te, keep their eight-game undefeated streak intact. ONTARIO SMARCH wbid 0F DINES Attersley said Whitby has held the lime on tax increases during thepast decade. ereferred te statistics which indicate the inflation rate, based on the consumer price index for this area, has risen by 6.8 per cent per year for the last ten ,years. «By comparison, that portion of the annual tax bill which this council controls, has increased on averme over the same 10-year peri b y4.95 per cent." Attersley said this has occur- red despît the fact that uncondi- tional in grants from the province have not increased «one red cent" for the past tbree years. Atterley said he has "deep sympathy» for achool board trus- tees because thýey teo have suf- fered from provincial funchng.re- straint., ."There's no question the pro- vince bas put a heavy burden on them." lie noted that 66 per cent of the tai bill goes tewards educa- tion coets. Town clerk, Don McKay teld reporters that while he did not have a c6unt of the nuümber of' angry calîs enough were made te, tie up the town al switchboard on several opcassions. McKay sà id some callers were so abusive staff was perfectly justifled in kanging up on them. TOWN 0F WHITBY COMMUNITY SOHOOLS SUMMER DAY CAMPS 6 - 13 YRS 9,0am -4~00 pm Ses$MMo0 July 3-6 July 9-13 JuIy 16-20 JuIy 23-27 JuIy 30-Aug. 3 Aug. 6- 10 Cost $55.00 $6500 $65.W0 $6500 $65.WO $5500 Summer Day Camp wîIli incude 'swirnming, a cook-ot at Heydenshore, sports. garnes, crafts and lots of fun,. For Registration Information plem aseoi 668-580 (ext. 2M7 frorn &W arn. to 4.30 p.m. or the iicividua Community School. TDundas St. A hji Nicho1 Ave.f1 SI = Iol Bellwood Dr. n BoUwood Community Schol 571-4770 Glen Dhu Commurity chool 66W-0969 - Palmerston Community Pringle Creek Commwiity School 666-0959 Schrool 668-0666 te re-tender the project came after Torcom's tender application was declared informai because it did not fully- adhere' te board s~ifcations for the. building of Brian Cain superintendent of business for tle hoard, said that any ceiays mi construction of the school will be mini*mal and that he expecta the school will still opnas acheduledin September, Chaiman Ian Brown com- mented that hé was really look-' -ing forward te seeing the schoolls doors when flnisihed. Board supports .work programý By Trudie Zavadovie The Durham Board of Educa- tion on Monday voted te support a non-paying work prograru for individuals who, have been con- victed of' minor, non-violent offenoes. The' community service order (CSO prograin had been used by the schools for the past 10 years but had neyer reached board level for approval.* The program. was examined after an article appeared in a local pager stating that a mnan convicted of a sexual offence, had been placed in an Oshawa school doing custodial work. Later, this proved' te be in- accurate. Nýeverttieless, due ,ta inference, the man was move4 out, of the school. The board tabled discussion at their May 14 board meeting in order te look inte the matter and fmd out more" about the OSO program which they have been using for the past 10 years. They atccepted placement of . mdivi- duals in 'the plant/custodial maintenance' areas (of public schools) for a specific number of no-idhours. Aer looking inte the program further, the board was satisfied that the program was effective and that it was a positive rein- forcement te ail involved. GRADER.and SNOWPLOW BLA DES BUCKET LIPS and BUOKET EDGES 1 524 WATSON ST. E. JEFF WHITE 668-8803-4 ____ ~ WHITBY i DODGE LependabIe CHHRYSLE1I -C14RYSLER 209 Dundas St. W.. 200 Dundas St. W. &200 Dundas St. W. 430-8100 666-3000 428-8110 (AJAX line) 686-1642 (AJAX uine) CALL US FOR SPECIAL TOOLSq rFOR THOSE AWKWARD. JOBSI Il --j '. ýý ý ý ; . , - z - 1 e 2m . ý ý, '-e 7 1 1 r- 9 0 ? , ý , il i-ý 1 , > -J A e ý & , # .1