rr S9~rV, f~rj~'~v~' .1 ~9~5'~ ~PT~r7 ~r r1,, r OR VAL McLEAN AUCTIONS CORNEIL'S A UCTION BARN SAT., J UNE 23 - 10:30. A.M. FR1, JUNE 15 AT 6 P.M. Executivé style bungalow on 4 acres. Quaiity furniture, 40 paintings, appliances, 1986 Lincoln Town car, musical instruments at j property of Mr. & Mms. RICHARD LAFONTA INE, PORT PERRY,9 2 miles south on Oshawa Rd., turn, west on Conoc. 3 ta 3rd place on right. VCR & videa camera, 35mm camera & lens, 9 po. pins dining room ste., deluxe bunk beds, pins buffet. & hutch, dressers, chests, White 5 pc. provincial bedrooim ste. with single bed, raceptonde0 other furniture, -Kenmore F.F. rot rigerator, Nikko camponent sterea in stand, chest freezer, GE auto washer & Kenmore dryer, Barley custom guitar, Vamaha keybaard, drum ,- machine, sequencer, sound module, affects box. PAINTINGS: about 40 by.well known artists as: Water Campbell, John Newby, Trish Romance and other local artists. Cail for list. REAL ESTATE: 5 bedroom executive style 1900 sq.ft. bungalow with 1300 sq.ft. finished basoment, large rooms, Ige. family roomf, fireplace, 3 washrooms, laundry room, Ige. cold room, electric central air furnace, bult-in dishwasher & stove, many extras mnci. sunken jacuzzi, sauna, etc. This immaculate h;omne'is located on scenio 4 acre lot with 856 frontage, a Ige. 17' deep traut pond, excellent swimming & i wildlife. Excellent location just. off main road, close ta shopping, churches, sohools, recreation & - work. Commute ta Oshawa- Toronto. Selling as is subjeot ta reasonable reserve bid. Property MUST BE SOLD - owners moving ta B.C. CAR - 1986 Lincoln Town car, loaded (1160000 km.) (reserve bid). No reserve on furniture. Furniture 1020 a.m. Real Estate 12:00 p.m. Art 1:00 p.m. Lunch available. Dun't miss this exciting qualty sale. To view hause cal ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS (705) 324-2783 - LINDSAY REMAX County Town Realty- Llndsay Invites yau to attend an AUCTION! J une 23, 1990 - 1 p.m. OPEN HOUSE From il a.m. tilI -1220 .p.m. or by Prior Appt. Directions: Take Hwy.#35 North ta Lindsay, tumn east on County Rd. 10, ta stop sign, turn south 1 mile ta praperty WATCH -FOR SIGNS!l 4 bedroom, 1 year aId bungalow on acre lot. Custom designed with efficiency in'mindl Full list of features thuaugh Lynne Scattergood, Assoc. Broker, days Toronto lins 686-3711, nights <705) 324-5697. Terms 5% deposit day of sale, balance in 30 days. Guaranteed clear titIs. Financial assistance available day of sale tram an site National Trust rep. This praperty is being auctioned by: CALVIN MABEE AUCTIONS (705) 374-4800 or <705) 357-4435 wth express consent by ReMax County Town Realty Ino. Lindsay AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE 16- 11:00 A.M. Selling the hausehold furniture, antique itRems, car &, riding lawnmowor, the Estate of the late Cecil Hamilton of 85 Scugag St. N., Blackstook, Ont. 15 miles narth of Bowmanville on Reg. Rd. 57 thon west ta the village of Blackstock. ln the event of rain, sale will b. held indoors at the Blackstock arena. Watch for signs. Sale managed and sold by COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE 985-2788 Fiat' ta waII cupboard, wicker settee, pine jam cupboard, oak washstand, pins blanket -box, walnut buffet, portable calour TV, oak ourla cabinet, aak 4 section bookoase, oak sideboard <bevelled mirror), 2 antique pins harvest tables, Oak buffet, oak diniing room table, g unstock chairs, rod axes, coal ail lamps handmade qults, walnut esdCommodore 1-12 computer with disk drive & printout <ike new), Case 222, 12 hp. hydrostatic dlrive riding' lawn mower, 1977 Dodge 22 ft. motor home completely equipped & certified, quantity of china,.glass & collectible items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1, LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUICTION SALE JUNE 16- 11:00 A.M. Farm equipment for LOU FERENOZ at Mitchelîs Corners, 9 mi. east Of Oshawa on Taunton Rd. Watch for signs. To b. sold: 35 MF diesel tractor, 50 MF gas tractar wtloader, 27 HP Bolens tractor 4 wheel drive diesel, 10 HP IHO riding lawn tractor, 1977 Ford 12 ton w/club cab & cap, Gilson rear tire rota-tiller, 3 PH 3 furrow plow, 5' disk, 2x6' cultivators, 6' scraper blade,, 2 rollors, 100 gai. 3 PH sprayer w/roller pump, walkin!g plows, scufflers, seed drill, grain augor w/motor, 3 PH fertilizer spreader, drag harrows, -fencing,- steel roofing, 2 fuel tanks, tools plus wagon load taols. For more information, caîl: GARRY K. POWELL GARY SHMYR, AUCTIONEERS 416-263-4252 Lunch available AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE 16 STARTINO 10:00 A.M. Selling the ostate contents of the late Gladys Pengelly Brooklin, at «Kahn Country Auctionsr on Brook Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Ilwy. 401 (exit 399). Sale includes larg assortment of glass & china including Westward Ho campote, cups & saucers, Jackç in Pulpit vase,- etc., 9 pc. dining raom suite, carved oak sideboard, press back chairs & rockers, antique dressers & chests of drawers, drap leaf tables, sets af Canadiana chairs, wioker rocker, blanket boxes, trunke, sofa set, woodstove, tool chests, standing lamps, quits, graniteware, silverpiate, mirrors, good pictures, radia, aid books & magazines,. primitives, tools, treadie sewing machine, linons, knittingware bags, lng lis dryer, and lots of other godc collectibies. Terms: cash, cheques <with l.D.) or Visa. No reserves. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES 1-416-683-0041 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUES., JUNE 19 - 6:30 P.M. Modern dressers & chesta of drawers, chesterflids, chrome kitchen suite, rocking chairs,, quantity of wooden kitchen chairs, pressback rockers, vanity dressr, coffee & end tables, table & floor lamps, portable colour TV, antique g rane table, hall trees, banet bx, Semrorwing machine (lc new), large q uantity of glass, china &collectible items. DON & GRIEG CORNEIL, AUCTIONEERS RRF #1, LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 WEMTY FREU PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, I19M, PAGE 37 Suddons sets DEA hijump record Wesley Suddons of Kathleen Rowe public school leapod to a new reicord in the Durhaà i eleinentary schooli? track and fneld finals last weekt. Suddqns lestablishodl a record of 1.29 me Min he high jump event for ryear -old boys. 1-e was also seýondkînthe 800m rn. SAndrew Charnier of Bellwood was a double winner, in the 14-year.ld boys' 100m and higli jump. Ryan Flesch of Dr. Robert Thornton won the 1 1-year-old boys'100mO'i'sprint. and was second in longxmp., Rat!jiv Ghandi won the 12-year- aid ei 40m and was third ini tripl I1 j. JoeV iz4ni of Fairm an won the 200n and, was- second in 100mi Reps s'till i neaten In recent Durbam/- Smaborough/Yoek league action, Wlhity Spaie, Cinic under-16 rep e maintained their unbeaten strin. A gaine May 28 in Peterborough saw Wbitlby defeat the home team 6.0. Whitby doniinated the play throughout Mmay Beth Chafloner opened the scoring, Kersti Poupard had a hat trick, Angela Bagni and Janie Smith added singles. Cheryl Armstrong registered the shutout. Under poor field conditions in Scarborough, May 30, Whitby prevailed over West Rouge B 2-1. Poupard scored bath goals for Wbitby. Michelle deVries played an excellent game in net for whitby. On June 6 Whtby hosted Peterborough in a return match. After a slow stat, VWhitby again dorninated the play, winning 5-0. Poupard scored tliree, Kathy Howo on.The final goal was the reault of a ret seuence of plays up the fielfdmand a well-placed shot, by Janet Gazdik. Arinstrong had the shutout. Whitby hosts Scarborough United B Wedniesday, June 13 at Bantais, straight Last week wa.s very productive for the Optimist b#ntami basebal teain as they won aIl three, of their gaines. They first defeated Pickering 8-2 behind the tbree-Iiit pitching ,of Keith Mils. Jane Difiore and Tlm Puddister led the offence, with four bits apiece while Ian Andrew Mils and Chus Killoran chipped iný two bits each. Tuesday night at Pringle Park pitted Wbitby against Cobourg, the top team. in the EOBA to, date. 'flm Imeson pitched seven innrngs en route to a 4-2 victory, ullowing only f ve hits and .trikcing eut eight. Dan Stephenson came on ta, strike'out the last six baters ta, preserve the win for Whitby. Puddister with two bits aud Brett Rayne with, two RBIB povded the scorng punch for ovthe, Eptimists. On Thursday night the team. traveled to, Orono and pounded out 12 its wiledefeatngthe hometwn tam 1-1. amie )ifiore took the win on the nound as h. struck out six while allowing only four bits. Diflaie, .uddister, Stephexsn and Mike Joner each had two bits while )oner made a spectaCular catch Inleft field toanc-hoethe deferwq4 Whitby catichera' Raya and ndrewa"s.thr.W tut thro inner on the bu 7 ].at Iroqais Paà rk. lan exibton game last 1hursdaye Whitby Iroquois under- 12 rep girls -met the West Rouge B team at Jeffrey Park. Whitby girls emerged victoriaus 3-2 affer 'a close, well-fought gaine. Gwen Kilfoy scored al three goals for Whitby. Claire Branma played an excellent gaine ini goal for Whitby. for 13-year-old bovs. Other event winners from Whitby, schools were:1>f - Kathy Gummerson of West Lynde, 14-year-old girls' .200m;9 - Jean Shaw cf-F.M. Heard, 10-yearS-old girls' long jum' - Amanda Knegye of M~. J. Farewell, 1O-year-ld girls' triple Jump; -Amanda Mitchell of Leslie MeFarlane, 10-year:oidi girls MaryLou Cundick of Palmer- ston public school, 11-year-old girls'lngjump; - Jason Seeifoer of Heard, 9-year-old'boys' 100m, third ini 200m- - lan Babcock of Pringle Creek, 9-yerod boys'400m; - Joif De-Bno of West Lynde, 11-year-old boys' shot put;. - Jeremny chott of Farewell, 12-year-old!?oys' shotput; - Aaron Woodley of Bellwoad, 14-year-oldbojs' 200;ofWs Lynde, 14-year-old boysj'800m; - West Lynde 13-year-old boys' rel!ty teain. Whitby Iroquis Swim Cluib Meet hoeted bji Qudoe Swimmlng ]Fedoeatlo Pbudoe dio Pan O"m!qe (M trl GIRILS 10 & UNDER e = bC==ytamhuk topovndlrecord - 52 odreo r 0 Lim Delastro- bak.l nuyCode ~,AlumDunop - houait, SUmacoyut- fro GIE[LSil &is Ad"li&h Crowder Brd - 100 bekJ 200 back BOYS il& 12 Blair Dobbyn 2"d -100 bacl 41k. lek Aaron 1L» Sxd - 60 fEmq &Oh - 100 brem, gth - 200 Li. GIRLS &14 Jonnftr Crowder 2nd - 200 brait - Youth National; &d - 100 bmMi Roes AYOtteBh - 100 breuoit 200 bomai GIRLS lus&a cm Kalhryn McBurneq Made a Br. ratiamm Cula. 60 fie, 100 fr%, 100 brmi topS3 Poegu Hofford 16m lan50 5&« & 100 07 sr. natioal cuti. ulade la 100 tra & 200 fly Yaath milslCurti BOYS 15 & OVER Jaua. Ayoct Meet bc""e by GmelPb marnla Aquatto Ci" VIcterDab. P«9ýMar 28- 27 Janet PhUIipo41k - 400 5'.. JiESaig 61k - 200 flj BOYS I11A;11 LukooSgur &h - 100 Dy 200 fly GIRLS là a OVEJI Keci atrlk Bih - 200 fly Moot laSted liy Nardo York Âqo.ai & 5abeu Swlmm Cil"b Etc&loa Oyismma, Jume1- 3 Grciup AI Lin Dolmtm - beik Lindu7 Crowder - fly, Mlil... Duzai brmot,4 a= Bot - fho Go.mp Bo Rdyn MCfoch - bock, VuIWk Maruh - fDy. LoohAnns Ac brat, mNou Maxim-m.free Llndy Crowder a-ID0 fi7, 100917, 4th - 50 froo Bih - 100 b.ck Allimon Dunlap lIs - 200 brerd Bih - 50 b.ck, 200 LIL, 60 t 8th - 1005'bu Lin DelMdoota. rd - 200 back; 41h - 100 bock; 6th.- g0 bok. 200 am Stacoy Bout th - 2W bi'mi Noe e meuiemaxa ih - 200 boumat VickyMaNE" Bih - 2W0bruoii BOYS Ica UNIES Brendon Muteom 4th -200 bock Sondy Boner... 7th - 200 fruq Bih - «400 te GIRl &1112 Monu KaMlo 4th - 100 Dpy Aahlegh Crowder 6ih - 100 bock Bair Dobbyn 4th - 100 bock oenife Cnvwde 4th - 100 boumi4 101h. - » bromi i..mam GIRLS 104& NDER 4moi.co Ban 4th - 60 bock BOYS 10 UNDUR» "atlew Baton 41h - 50 bockBMh- 10 b"i Axmnda filbe Sc- 100Ob@ekSM - 200 braiý 8th - 100 Dy BOaS il2001 &N.e mVgo. -k 1 . 1.O'. o. - n..- 4 i I v 1~ I 1 Il 1