Drmm 1'Cadillac' bus Servioe not needed By Mike Kowaidk Tiie tixue has corne for a full review of Whitby's transit sys- tem, says cnil1or Joe Drumm. "I thmnk at some point we have to look at the whole system. There'a no question it'sdraining our resources,» Drumm toid Town council last week. "At some pit in time very soon w. should go over it. We're giving a Cadiliac service that's not needed.» Drumm's commentea were prompted by counicii'a decision to eut back Saturday bus service. Effective July 7, four of six routes between 8 a.xn. and 7 p.m. will run at 60 -minute intervals rather than 30 minutes. The. other two routes, -serv 13rock- St. and Dundas St.,wif remain at 30-minute service. Accorcing te a staff reportthe. change je expected to save the Town $800 each Saturday. However, Drumm complained that council was mereiy «ciiop- p ing at the bus service m a. piecemeai» fashion in order to make it more profitable. «It bringa into focus theJro~ biema we're having," a ided Drumm. The. staff report atatea that May riderabip was down 15 per cent ini comp arson te projections made at buTget time. If the the trend was te, con. tine, ii.riership* projection ol 533,716 for 1990 iifnot b. met Instad the. fi re»Ili b.about 490 600 reautingin ýM a revenue shohfail of about 135.000. By Trudie Zavadovios In19D80, at age 47, Ted Farrow iiad a stroke. The. road te reco- very was a bard one.. He e ost tii. use of bhis right iiand and bie speech was com- pletely gene. He was foroed te retire from bis job at Genersi Moters. In 1982 and 1983 b, suffered two additionai strokes, foilowed by a heart attack just 18 monthe ago. Many people would havegie up on tbemselves or on life aftr the. fret stroke, but not Farrow. He bas since carved out anotiier ýcareer for himeei; a career that do.s not bring inoney but- heapa of support and satis- faction for he and the. many peolewith wbom h. comes in Farrow volunteers bis time te heip other victime of atroke and heart attack. Lasst month he was nam.d Volunteer of the. Year by tii. Durham District Heaitii Couneil and was pres.nted witii a certificate and gift at their annuai meeting June 14. Farrw wil add thia tetii. six iionorsers and seven awards h. bas received te date. Aniong them is tii. Canadian Voiunte.r Ià festyle Award. It je lear te se that Farrow'a positive outlook and unique sense.of humor bas gone far in carrying iiimself and otiiers tbrougifi crias. "I was tetaliy unable te, speak for three month after the. first atrolke, "syaF W. "I renewed my knowledgef inlanguage and neyer r 'Ily despaired. I neyer tetally gave up. I just bang i tiiere.» For Farrow, hanging in tiiere Region'OP pla process Critîcized DURHAM riding MP Roi on.e of the humorous coi up part of the anirtnial Ci Ashu residents. By Mike Kowalid Regional officiais 'have been te criicîlzed by at Whitby couneilior of for the speed and procedure pi being used to prepare DUrham's official plan. H frthe, Region'. planning com lh A mitte. last week a"rnga meet- te ing iield te receive publie com- fi ments about proposed changes te m the. officiai plan. Tii. commnittee waa in Whitby cc patof i ta current tour of al Duniam Region municipalities te «e receive input for the official planb r ' eview. b (An officiai plan -sa document tû which specifles land use. policies in a municipality Dnam's cur- o1 rent plan was adopted i 1976.) gr Wbule h. welcomed tei officiai te 1lan review, Batten, chairman of pl Witby'si planning and develop- a ment committee, was criticai of te the proceas being foilowed by the. Region. di H e aaid regional officiais did ce not aliow for public input inte bx the initiai proposais, but instead th Schose te, present a series of gr changes first and then await comment. th M, Batten wondered if the. entire m S~~~exercise. of holdingjpublicm t-e mnga was futile. H e was also Io] as Stevenson took prt i concerned that Whitby's own etumîe contests that made recently eommissioned officiai plan review mayofior naught. anada Day oelebration by «On on.ehnbit is a littl late to e b. ayig toteyou, the. propoaed draft amendmenta are now on the table for discussion," said Batten. "ýBut, on the. other hand, the. review procesa undertaken by the. Région did not include any opportunity for early public ~v o k iut te iielp create a bte Batten said the. procesa dosa not take inte account that ther, bas meant con lesof may b. other options or alterna- con heaIurIf tives te consider. therapy - piiysiotiieratpy, 9 di Aithough one can say, TYou tiierapy and many otner tera- now have the. opportunity te pies. mk or omnavnw'i 'Tm a produet of a very g<o uatke our comen tatknoh n, i Heiagin htem , as rrw ments being received by this meant aing any er bs ls planning committe. are now hae alt with pecounse at reactionary and not visionary,» trigave d re iiabi tone id said Batten. trinngan rhbi *o t, ï Batten's other main objection other stroke survivora, and their tii.h process bas been ita "&irre- Hail. bsbe novd~~ gular approach." groms an nvlvdvonache He said tii. Region initially planning, p otionaac, chose te do sectional -reviews direct estalisiiment, ýmplemen- sucii as the effeets of induatrial tation and delivery ? severai rwho uha rteftr support and prevextion r gow taguthoDuriacmmor tii.tr grame tiat weren'tin0 place n' ftarclua ommy suffredis irp trke. aliowed for apecifiepRapers te b.e Today, ie works *thotiier pepared on thoe ecta whicii heart attack and atroýce victime PrOvided background and in- and their families te,1 see tiem s ,sa tn throgh teirordel.1WInsteeadwiiat local politicians one good iiand, h. faithuly anditiie !public, are presented plays piano every Friday tthe wii rf lnwtin mterenomnatinalservces i; xplanation of the issues, avail- Whitby Generai Hospital. able options or rationale being "I'm always learning and foilowed, à aid Batten. training,"ays Faro T'Ive been ~toget4g~r, wth tii. lac of, pa t i'sdxt. f î'u l a tI e r 3ýé iîp t l' x a j . Ie ~ , ~ S~~IPOR2 . ~.f.' mjor - eýCyiei~~et Ini hie presentation te commit- ,e, Batten focused on a number )f items eontained in the. draft tii. propose Iigiiway 407 te run acrose the. iorthern portions9 of Dunham'a akefront municipalities; pro4ec- aid population and denaîty; î1ture, transportatio and com- îereial devel opment.n Batten termed any decision cncerning future development long the. Highway 407 corridor exrWemely reatuen He. said otig can or siiouid )e don. uti teexact route of lie iiighway is kniown. "Short and interim growth )ptions siiould firatly concentrat. ùowtii along existing trans o- ;ation corrdors rather t an ilace growtii on a road that ia in 20-year time frame,» said Bat- ;en. Addresaing future population lensity Batten said th e plan .alla or Whitby's population te )e 140,000 (Brooklin 25,000) by lie year 2021, with 30 people per rosa acre mn new areas. "That is significantly more bian wiiat Whitby and other nunieipalities generally uWeenee in subdivision deve- opment,» said Batten. Wflis is not te gay that Whitby SEF. PAGE 22 Lawyer seeks PC nod See page 2 Senioors fight ba ck See page 4 Stroke victim givc awvard for volunte 'f i 1 CANATS *90 PULL-OUT SUPPLEMENT INSIDE e