WHITY Pm PRE8S% wEDES , JULY 4, 199, PAGE 8 'Bbbly'student -honored DAVID) MACKAY, shown with teacher Terasa Fraser, shows hie awards Fr.. Pkr. photo Poilce officer faoes charges B3 ChrlsBovie Peole o tn wonder what can they deo te elp the handicapped. But with David Macka, 10, people 'are axnazed by what he h as-done fothere. Hie deed are such that h. was named se»a1 education student of. -the yea at St. Theresa ele- enay e hool i Whitb. He earnedt e Maureen W&aleh award in ,eogMton of Walsh a s'Pmiafeduc ation teacher ;wo <ied ofeançer JnetructMs Cathy Coppolino and Teras Faser hight up when Mackay's rame is mentionied. H. alwaýye we*ri a bubbly ammle and dieplaye a natural affection te othere. For Ma-kay who is multi- handicapp d1 this w h is fret ear in an inteqçrated program. cie nyçild, it takes a while te, adapt, but it wasn't long beforehe 1 egan tfeel apart of the claeeroom and close te bhis new friendý1 'Mrs. Fraser!' Fraser gave hinîI the nic)uiame 'Smartypants,'ýnd Mackay qck responde with onefo her, 6Funny Girl.', ving aheved two levels i on~ year, the integration syotem h~ wor- ked well for Mackay. Hie eider sieter Jennifýr was one of Fraser'e former stûdents, so she knew about him b efore camne to the echool. "The. sun rises and sets #round hie sieter and brother," Fraser- said. Along with hise siter, a supportive family has definitely g tven David an advantage i any seetng. Hie parents Colin and Kathy, faced with a tough decision, have seen their son adapt au well as they could have hoped for. "Idon't know who learne more " Frase said. 'Teacbig Daviâ, youIlear thinge theat will hel you down the road,.» SEE PAGE 12 COTTON F11TED DIAPERS CI Super Absorbency 0 Soft Ieg & waist elastics 0 ConvenIent VELCRdC> fasteners 0 Personal, knowedgeable service Comnfortable for baby, economnical and convenient for parents, safe for our environment. For more informadon on responsible diapering, cali: CATHIE ELLIS 430-1853 An Oehawa police officer was charged with four criminal offences on June 25 following an internal, investigation. Charged with attempting te obstruct the course of justice, misconduct in the execution pro- cs, fabrication of evidence and utterig a forged. document is Cýs.%nald Wood, 41, officer at 17 division in Oshawa. The charges were laid i rela- tion -te the issuance of City of Oshawa parking tage. Wood was suspended effective June 25 and je to appear in Oehawa district court JIl 5. The report .fromt Durham Regional Police chief David Edwards says that investigations p)ursuant to the Police Act of Ontario are ongomg. Woods has been on the police force for 20 years, and has been with Durham Régional Police smnce it was formed in 1974. John rouwer Spe1 cLÂ~~ 1 TialF ______________ J I AUTHUM mJIAY Damie Studio of Wbitby beld ite secand'annidIohà wà mBe ot'Daue.at Henry f I G t I*I*-CjMkà g *f ff 650 Lakeridge Road Soutjfr Ajax, Ontario Li S 4É>7 TELEPHONE: .686-1545 or 686-1680 Sc p:Mnd .eFida4am-9pm, SffW9arn-S6 PM, Sunday: à am - 5pm ., I