ï r~ PAGE 1611 WHTYFRPM PRESS WEDNESDAY, JULY il, 1990 Heritage.home t be moved to make way. .for developmýent, ]B;rMike Kowaiski An historie downtavn house viii be relocated ta Cullen Gar- dens ta, make way for a mizod commrciai-residentiai develop- ment. Town council Monday aPpro- yod a rezoniniVéito planapplica- tion froi ILorna and PheCh eah for roperty locatod at 506 Brock Ct.oni' prvlvi ho theçheas abuovlil al3sq tr-Ce to-strbuilding65n the site w-tr uligo h Tho nov structure vill consist Of tva oud floor professionai offices,t residon tial units on tho second. floor and have .a Victorian era design. Council's décision viii, also alav the Choahs -ta donate the oxisting dwoling ta Cullen Gar- dens for inclusion. in the «Prettiest Stieet in Ontari? pro- ject. Built no later than 1857, the houso hais beon rocommended for p reservation by the Local Archi- tetrai Conservation Advisory Committee(LACAC). Council's decision ends a pro- longod 'poriod of' confrontation betvoeen the Choahs, Là ACAC and abuttinprpety owners. AËIACCstudy identified the Exemptions PROM PAGE 4 beforo the application went in," said Newman. "I can't understand haw ainyone can sin a leaso and not know whatV'saliovod." Planning staffs report is oxpected ta, be beore committos next month.- houso as one of two sionificazt buildin P' within the Brck St. S. corridor. Duri-aublic e etiglast March,"JC requestoci that the building romain at its pro- sent location. But the Cheahe argued that it vould be too costiy to use. the current building or any new uses. It wauid have ta be totaiiy rebuilt insido. Meanwhile, neighbors of the Çheahs camplainéd of traffic, parking, and accesa probiems that wl be croated by the newý dovelopment and the impact of construction on the 'neîghbor- hood. "Adele Ruddy of 501 Byron St. S.,'raised those same concerns again Monday. (During iast wek's planning and, deveiopment, committee meeting, Ruddy stormed aut of the council chambers, acsn Town officiais of not giving rosi- dents sufficient notice that the matter wouid be discussod. (Committee chairman ]Boss Batnres ded that if it had been an -oW(.i public'meeting residents wouid havercevi ton days' notice. (Sinco it. was, not, residents receivod the same notice as given to any other, application, in this> case, four dayî.) Ruddy, who has been botherod by construction'of another build- inig near her, property, toid coun- cil'she* doms wént a'repeat of the. noise' and, garbage that accom- pany a construction site. 8h. was ýaiso upset that acceas to the site, viii b. from Ontario St. via an alieyway running behind her backyard. "T)raff inisdreadfui an Ontario -St. nov,' saïd Ruddy, Sh. furthpr notod !that so mo aid troos ha4boon romovod from the other cnsfruction site and did not wisi ta ses the aine tbing hape on the Cheah pro- pSta Bk eil, r. resentat-gve forth'eCeIssdeaeY Y fromOtrS. must boue bocause pia17nig staff refused ta shlow BrocklSt. to be used ^for Bakéwil-aid the Cheahs shiare Ruddy's concerns about. the trees an# promise to koep as many as V o'islè, provided tho trees. are - i good heaith and vorthpreser,ýving. asero As for garbage and noisp' blems, Bakcèeei vowod thore vouid be no late might or Sunday construction, and had no objec- tions to having a Iparbage Mlean -upr provision writton inta the agreement. cnrii "I think gaba onrli samething pocorly don on moat construction sites,» said' Bak- eweil. Councillor, Jas Drmmntermed the Cheah proposai an «absolute gem" that viii enhanco that sec- tion of Brock St. During iast weekes committeo meeting, Drumm noted that since LACAC had net requested an biustorical designation for tho aid house, thore vas nothing ta eto)it from being demolished. tieaat this way-it'l.be pro- sèr ved,7 said Drumn.' (Bakewoii iod The Free Presia it wouidcost:more than $380,000 ta restore tho original building.) Councillor Lynda Buffett com- pbimonted the Cheahs architect on. -the wray he deigned the prpoebuilding. "Ifs ane of the moot attractive Victorian replicas l've soon came bofore council," said eufftti. Counûcillor Ro os B tten assurod Ruddy and4 other lieigh- bore thatitheir cmncenshave been takon into account byr the. planning dbpartmont. M ore paring spaoes tharn what 'a containod in the oriinal proposai and access via Qntaria St. wili oliminate traffic. pro- blems. 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