PAGE 20,,WIflTYFRJ± PRMeS WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 199Ù> Strong, showing for Whitby in socoer tourney Whitby's premier under-1O boys were finaliste in an international soccer tournament July 7-8. Whitby Preclous Plates WN Things played in the fifth annual Niagara Pioneer International Tournamnent in Youngstown, New York. The tournament hosted 136 teains representing six states and Ontarico, and there were three teains from Scoland. Teamwork sparked by good passing and a strong offensive display marked the main features of Whitby's early games. In the first gaine, Whitby defeated Dynamos from Southfield, Michigan 5 - 1. Jason Schleiffer (2), Chris Rutherford, George Epaininondas and Glen Mayer contributed goals for Whitby. For Mayer, the newest player on the team, it was bis first goal of the Z»-s!. Ini the second gaine, Whitby shut out the' Mustangs fromn Pittsburg, New -York 6 - 0. Schleiffer had a banner gaine, cickIng for four goals, while singles were scored by Michael Hadden and Paul Kinghan. The strong midfield fine of Matthew Whelan, John Gillingham, and Joel - Witton suýpported Whitby's strong offensive peforinance. Adamn Farr recorded the shutout with strong support from fullbaclcs Kevin DaSilva, Michael Cross and Brian Rainey In Mte third gaine, the Demons froin Philadelphia, Pennsylvania provided, Whitby with their toughest competition within divisional play. With both teains tied with two wins and no lasses, and with the Demons having a one-goal advantageit was necessary for Whtbyto win te qualify for the chapionship gaine. After a scoreless first hall', in the second haif, Brett MacRury scored bis first goal of the seasn, and Rutherford added another te, give Whitby a 2-O0 victory. Farr played bis finest gaine in goal, challenging several atcngforwards and making seveal ey saves. DaSilva and Kinghan played solidly on fullback te support Whitby's victory. The championship gaine featured undefeated Whitby against the undefeated strikers FREE INSTALLATION AND WHEEL BALANCE, ELECTRA TURBO HP OWL 175 x 70SR13 ...$69.00 185 x 70SR13 ...$72.00 195 x 70SR 13 ...$78.00 205 x 70SR1 4...$80.00 215 x60SR14 ...$83.00 235 x 60SR14 ...$87.00 215 x65SR15 ...$90.00 225 x70SR1 5...$92.00 235 x 60SR15 ...$100.00 275 x 60SR15 ..$1 12.00 235 x 70SR15 ..$100.00 USED TIRES and up fromStrngsi11e, Ohio. Wbitby Strona¶fisthi lead of2 -O0with two goals by Schleiffer (for a tournament total of eight goals). However, in the second hall' Strongeville and strong winci proved to be too powerful for Whitby, who were defeated 4 -2. Whitby teain mnembers are Whitby iwomen beat Ajax Whitby Optimist Dazzlers defeated Ajax 2-0 in a recent Durhamn Senior Women Soccer League gaine. Catherine Bodja chipped the bail past the defender in the first hall', Boda's first goal of the season. An exellent cross by Angle Beer in the secand half clinched the gaine for Dazzlers. Basebal -tykes on a rol Whitby Peacock Family Sports tyke basebaîl teain won their sixth straight gaine ag ainst visiting Peterborough recently. Bryan Thorpe had four hits in four trips to the plate and drove in five runs in a wild 15-13 gaine. Ryan Crotin had three bits and two RBIs in the 17-hit attack. Paul Barry, Shà wn Tur- ner, Kyle McFarlane and Lars CIa each had two bits. fichaei Ovsonka, who recei- ved littie defensive help, went the distance on the mo und for Whitby. Whitby remains undefeated in Eastern Ontario Basebali Asso- ciation league play. Thank you to Redmien To the editor- The Whitby Minor Lacrosse Association would like te thank the Brooklin Redinen major lacrosse club for hosting 'Minor Lacrosse Night' on June 28 and Brooklin Legion Branch 152 for their support by the donation of ail the prizes. Barry Johnson Whitby nnor lacrosse NOVICE itwy 9 GloucWtor 2 Whitby 21 Nepean 2 Whitby 12 HuntuvilIe 2 Chap ad i Whltby 6 Scsrborougb 2 Whitby 5 Kunsta 2 Whitby 6 Nepain 0 Whitby 10 Gloueo« 6 Gloucester 6 Whbb 6 Whitby iliNepean 1 whftby Whitby 4 WIndsor 2 7 Spracure 4 7 Gloucester 6 overtîme) ToMflpsi w Novice - Durham Regions]Ptiico Ase. Peewee- Bay Sports, Oshawa - MIdget - Bm»n og k~n.i M forwrads Chris Schleiffer, Matthew Gillingham GeorgeE nons Rutheford, Jason Glen Mayer, hallbacks Whelan, John n, Brett MacRury, Joal Whitby sottball Wm.kmadiagjioy 1 Rotary Club 14 KlWsaà club 13 Uons Club 12 PI.hormun'sP.' 7 Cr.nn eoaty 17 FIshorman' . F A' Rotaay Club CrsnnReaty Lions Club Fishorman's Fulend Kiwiu Club W L T PIS 10 1 020 8 4 1* 17 6 5s i 1 4 7 1 9 0 il 1 1 Loveil Drugu 26 &eshlLqom 10 Kineimn Club 22 NationaTt 18 a -mif Loveli Drugu linomen Club Brooklin Legion National Trust T PIM 0 8. 0 o NOVICE No ecm srupoted sQuSr Witton; fullbacks Paul Kinghn Brian Rainey, Kevin Daivap Mchael. Cross, Mchael Hadden; goallceeper Adamn Parr. Mldway Motors Wbit. Opta. Blrook. Opta. Pemcock Sport@ Cmtuy21 a seotto Colon"lsa Savon-Eh il Bud4y ElStetrc20 sùabw Mldway otcis WiftbyOpUiMls SofiehettI Wbit. Ladies FasIbsi Brooklia Optimise Scotto Colomel Cntwry 21 - I.L&own Pescock Sports Sevei-Eh CdL Comfort Nin-non Club Bn Canad Dodd &Souter MES 14 14 14 12 12 12 10 a 4 o NMm 17 PIoDO nerL 19 macuifa. 18 WhiLtLeglon 14 WbdLt Supor. 27 Mewuxy Auto 19 Hetagl. Whltby Supernova BlgVDMuP Csnadlsn Comfoet 7 Kinsmo Club 7 Dodd &Suter a Remua - D. Hsylock 6 MenruyAuto Boud7 5 Witby Legion 4 BeI] Canada S Heilage Resity World2 Moanteurinteriors 1 M&eMlan Bathurut 1 T-BALLT la 15 il 10 4 2 Wh. la&. Fa.tball M6 Sorlcbetti 16 No oecoes reporte&d1 STEEL TRAC ALLSEASON SPECIAL 155 x80RI3 ................................................... . ...... $59.00 , BF GOODRICH TOURING TA 195 X 70SR14 ................................ . ......... . 215 X 65SR15 ...................................................... $97.00 VAN HEMMEN TIRES 317 Hopkins St. 9 whitby Mon.-Fri. 8a.m.-6p.m. Sat. 8a.m.-2p.m. 666m2l2l-'n-L "z=l . ML.