Whitby Free Press, 22 Aug 1990, p. 12

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PAGE 1120 WHfrY ËFÉ REEPFES EDEIÀY UG" Z I9 For mer tax ýcolleetor NDP candi.date ByMlkeKowaild Gord Mille is hojing that aset on. in the race doos net mean fîrst on. out election night., Orono resident Mille was acçlaimed last week as the New Demiocratic Party candidate for Durham East riding in theSet 6j provincial election.p 1il,6, a former tai inspec- ter wit týhpieOntario, Ministry of Revenue, was the let cf the tee, major, party candidates chosen. Ho Joins Progressive Conserva- tive Rirk Kewnp and Iâberal Marilyn Pearcoi the race te, succeed former Durham East MPP'Sam Cureatz. Alec running are Harry .Tum- bridge cf the Confederation of P6 " one. party and Tim Crookal cf te Fail0y Coalition Party. Mille told a mall gathermng cf Durham * East New Democrats that the iding is now open te al parties following the surpris rotirement of Curatz prior it the élection oeil. He referred te the change in Ontario pelitics since the Conser- vatives lestpower in 1985. "Ii. big blue machine, as w, knew it in tlus province and rdgis ne more. Tii. wheels have fallen off -it," said Mille. "Tuis iding is.p for grabs.' In. a brief acceptance speech,. Mlse turned his fire on the governing Liberale. Notinp bis former occupation, Mille said, "I know what taxation is alabout and how folks feel, t!efed up. 'alli New Democratic Party is tii. only party in Canada that has a social conscience and con- cern for the man on the street.» Mille acknowledéged that win- ning the riding for the.New Demiocrats will h a "real chal- lenge"» but said bis track record in po'litioe proves he will b. a formidable contender. A former resident cf Barre, Mills serv.d on that municipa- lity' city council frem 1976 t 1982. Ho had te give up bis council seat when thi. revenue mu*nistry headqrer 1were' rolocated from Torontoeto Oshawa. Felowng hemeetingMilîs toîd reporters h. has an 'upbeat attitude" aboutthe. electonca- see tbisan iflr situa- tion. Sam's rone there'sne dobts to pay Miii s. Aks f'or the. Liberals, Mills said Premier David Poterson aannoyed a lot cf people by cal- bMy ad a hugo majonity, Wse a waste of $40 million." Mills said the Liberals dlaim te bave don. "a lot" fer Ontario during the p ast three years but inreay thy've don. practi-- 0.nong." Ho poittethe abolition of 0Hlpromiums as an pxaimple. Mille said that whilé "you and r' ne longer have te! payý pre- miums directly, tho emp orý boalth tax means Ontario resi- dents now pay indirectly. "Manufacturera and companies pass it back tous mn ighor prices, it'. not don. away with at all. Mille alec attacked tho govern- ment's record on educatien, hoalth car. funding and the environmont. ,Ho said parente are upset witii tii. incr.asing numbiho f or- tables boing used by îfoo boards. He claimed children are forcod te wash their hande in "buckets Of Water" because tiiere is ne running water in the portable claseroonis. "I have grandchildren in Stroud wbo are terrifled Of OM back te achool in these banc- boxes," said Mille. H. said the go'rernment's per- formance in, l'<alth car. was equally as poot. «There -are ,dolaysin -ope- rations. The premier said le would make 4,000 now bede available, instead they've cut bede by 2,000.» Turning te the.envone, Mille said, "Tii.onlyway te deal witii garbago is make bs cf it." Ho said recydling pregranis such as the "Mlue box" s"stem are enky"nlbling at the probleni." Spoaking persanaly, "net for tii. party," Mills said ho favors an 'eivronmentai damago tale which- would b. imposed on manufacturera who do not design products for recycling.* Milse has bebn a residont cf the Town of Newcastle com- munity of Orono isince 1982. He was employed by the govornment fromn 1977 until this paet- March. Prior te this he ed with the Canadian 1ilÜ- tary Police as an investigator. SEE PAGE 13 Durham East's Liberal canldidate Io oks. to- the future ByTrudie Zavadovies Woll intea weekc fhler cam- pagn unnested as the. Libea canidte orDurham East, Marilyn Pearco formally accp- ted the. position Aue. 14 at the nomination meeting. held i Blackstock. Involved in the. Liboral party for the past 15 years, Pearce has done everytig. froni stuffing envelepea to einqm president ocf the. Durham East ridig. In nominating the. councillor from Port Perry, Debbie Jones said she loarned quickly that «this lady was gen teo) places. 5h. bas a genral concern for people and community. 8h. has teuciied many individuals and tiie have teuciied her.» Jones pomnted eut Pearce' community work involving day- car. programs, creative camps for kids, and more programas for older ciiildren and seniors at tho YMCA. "5h. is a motivatod and well- read person. Somoone who will look inte the fture who will strive te make thin go liapen." Precedod by lcuidren, ropre- sentative of' the future, and triumphant music, Pearce approacbed ti tge . "F very pleaie nd proud te, finally accept tii. nomination as o ur candidat. for Durham East. tuseemes I havo boon in the. campaign fer a long timo. rve been waiting for this moment te, formally accept." Pearce calla this an olection about the. future. "Tie past is important te, asseis and se. what we've don. right and wrong. lhe LIaberal leadership bas a soid level cf achievement. Thé last five years may net b. perfect but who can b.st iiead the. province and deal with Mulroney and Bourassa. "Mn. Peterson. H. has had a sound management, cf budgt whicii has been balanoed forte pas two Years, for the. first time ini 20 yearS." assntially Pearce told the audience you get what you pay for. "As a municipal poltic*an it would be great if werever ato, rais., taxes. If you want new ~ra and want things to apnyou've got to pay for them. Hospitals, sehoole, roads. "It makes sens. to rais. taxes inm the good times. Bob Niions approah to the budget is right. Payasý you go.» She said she feols she can work with Peterson. "If you criticize, you've got to find a solution.» P4arc wants to find solutions. "W. have very itnportant deci- siens facing Durham East. Transportation linke to Toronto, improved GO train to Peter- borough. If Seaton is to bo a reality,, we muet have jobs i Seaton. If you really want afford- able housing, trains make sense." Sh. said there 'were twice as many linka -from the west than the. east and pointed out over the past five years Peterson has don. more to eqiiand service to the east. An important link to Toronto for the future is Hwy. 407, a long-terni link te, the future for Durham East." The. environment was also on her list of 1riorities. "W. are the mnost throwaway group of people, *we are water addicts, and w. use as much energy in the sunimer as in the winter. inm concerned about waste management. Low-level nuclear waste muet b. mnovod. RecycliM~muat b. expanded and compostm is a way of the future.» She said the govennent must continue te make long-terni solu- tions. The cainidates fkir Durham Eaut <ImI.IeWbf*lr, uoth 0 NDP - GordMilhu ]PC - ktkKýp Lib" ,- MitmnPmr-- COR - Ha" yTanbddau FmffyCmo - bn- Cfflfl MARLYNPEARCE lait week- won the Liberal no intin for Durham Eas «I takea àgroat deal of prideMi Durham East. I want te work te ensuro an Ontario that meots tii. challenges of theii. 01. can work hard and b. effective; got thinga accomplishod and get thinga don.." Charles Beer, Minister cf Coin- munity and Social Services, wae on hand te, lend- support te Pearce. aTve known Marilyn for a number cf yearstbrougi the. Liberal ranki. It isterrifiectiat in ourridinj_.at thia tfime ah. ha eon forward as your candi- date. I know ah. will ho tii. next ME PAGE 14 JACKSON CEKI RE ............. WINCHESTER ............... ........ . .. 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