Whitby Free Press, 22 Aug 1990, p. 19

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IF. » WB1TY FREE PRESI% WEDNESDAY, AUGuer 22, 1M9. PAGE 19 EVOGUE EN VOGUE, EN VOGiUE EN VOGUE EN'VO(1U1 How to buya perflect tie. It's evcry man's nlightmare, a necktie that just won't do. lt's toc) widc. Too narrow. Doesn't match anyUîiîig. Hangs crooked. Would you look at that pattern! As simple as il nlay secmi. buy- ing a tie isn't easy. In mact. il can be downright intiînidating. But it docsn't have to be. The neckwear experts at Wcmco. the world's largcst tic mnanufa«,ctur- er. advise a buyer 1<) thi,îk about thirec things whcn purchasing a tie: style, color and quality. "First, think about the wearcr's style,- said Rick Vogler. Wcmco*s vice president of marketing. "Is he conservative or vcry fashion forward?' If he's conservative, look for a striped tic in traditional c(l<rs. AnOther consen?âfivc choice is a neat, a tic with an ovcrall pattern of regularly spaced smiall dots or' niedallions. A sniall paislcy iniglît also do. If the wearer likesto bec0on the cutting edge of-fashion, consider a woven tie, where the colors are woven int, ratiier than printed on, the fabric. Woven tics have Hair look is natural This fall, hair that moves is in. Stiff, big stles are out. ShoDrtha' is once again chic. Cuts follow the natural contour of the head with hair swept forward to, emphasize facial features. Color is more believable and less artificial. Women are loking for produets that create movement, shine and subtie volume. Overali, the look of the fail is "au naturel," 'soft, natural and feminine. interesting textures an~d ahlmost any pattern goes. including gco- metrics and abstracts. The ncwest fashion look is retro, wîth a 1 940s or 50s design anid a bottle shape (3'/4 inchles at tlle widcst part and a narrow neck for a smiall four-in-hiand knot). Now think about color. "Fal colors are darker,"* Vogler said. "You'll sec maroon, black, taupe. navy. grcy and greens in Ille ground, or predominate color. There will be sonie brighit colors inithe trimi, or accent colors of the tic." Before you setitlc on a tic. bc sure you're getting a go(id one. A Always changing, f'ash ion ol*tenl resuits lroni altering previotis styles. Most of' thle lime when ia really new look is inlroduced, it takes a long lime lor Ilie public to accept il, Ilowever, once il be- coînes iiicorporated int the exisi- ing styles, more people will Liegin to wear and appreciate the new look. A garnient will hecomne popular by providing the I*o llowiîng Iunc- tionfs for the consumer. I.) Image. First impressions arc lasling ones, so clothing is a miajor concerni for iosi people. Ourî dlot hng coIlnimuficatcs t(j Others our occupation, social stat LIS and self'-imaiige.' The desirable or accept- able image people strive to mnain- t.ain varies geographically but t lie fouis is usually on1 enhiancing the attractiveness o! the wearer. 2.) Function. 1 low a garmient will wear is deterinied by the top quality tic is made from shell and linîng eut on a truc hias-45 degrees fromn the vertical grain of the fabric. Bias eut tics mnain- tain their shape through repeat Altlîough you can*t tell (rom l<ooking at, it, a good tic is slip- stitchcd. A single running stitch conneets the lining to the outer shell [rom tip 10 tip. Pull gently on bothi ends of the tic, it should give a uitile. (While we*rc ,talking about lining, it's a mytlî that the gold tlîreaids denote qttality. Thlcy iden- tify tllc weighit and fabrie blcnd ojf thc lining. And tlic wcight of the fabric and construction. These in tui depend on hiow the garmlit will hc uscd anîd ini what tempera- tire. For example, garnments desîgined fo>r active wear are more suitahle if miadIo stretch by Coin- bining lycra or sparndex willh a eot- ton or synthitetiaterial. 3.) Structure. Apparel is tilrce- dimenulsionaýl, wliihposes C5 may Chal lenges for ils cators. *lhey miusi uise lIaIl labrie tu develop a filtering shape. 'l'lie silhouette thierefore is the miosi dominant v isuial e le mc it whî ich great Iy afecs ie otlier elemients of' design. 4.) Decoral ion. 'l'lie decorative aspects oj' anl item ofedot h ing are uisualIly theliehrst to att ractca con - sLnier.le ie color or pattern, texture of, thîe falbrie and sty le of' garniemît will deterinie wlîether or îlot a buyer will decide to try it on. We'll Make Ail Your Dreams Corne True! HOUSE OF DESIGN SPECIALJZING IN: Custom Des igned 6 WEDDINGGCOWNS 6 ENGAGEMENTGOWNS 6 MUI'HEOF BRIE AND GROOM GOWNS f COING AWAY(XmmII *FOR M - CUMMUNDANDBOW lIE *LADIES WEA FOR Ail OCCASINS *PROM DRESSF *SATINSHOES 421 Brock St. N. Whiltby 666-1171, lining is determined by the weight of the outer tic fabricr.) Finally, look at the loop label, tIte strip of fabric that holds the small end c1 (lie tie in place. [t should bc sewn comiplctely up both sides, nottackcd or glued. "Few things are more irritating thani a hoop label that comes undone and sticks out [rom behind a tic, "Vogler said. After ail, what makces tics wondcrful is that there are mil- lions of designs and colors. "Style, color and quality are good basics to rememnber when you're shppping for a tic," Vogler said, 14but don't be afraid to try something a litie out of the ordi- na ry.,, W/OkRLDLY INFLUENCES "The media is the message" and the world as a global village has arrived. In these turbulent yet exciting times our increasing awareness of aur need ta function as a harmonious international unit is greatly impacting aur daily lives. 'We are leaving the era where disposable "anything" was acceptable and returning to.good quality basic merchandise we carndepend on. When fit cornes to jeans, its five pocket When it cornes ta silhouettes, mhe youth are literally tuned into the international rnarketplace through music videos. Formte past few years mhe anti-fit has been al me rage mhroughout Europe and Japan, mhe mare body consciaus super slim has led mhe way on the home frant and in mhe U.S. its been a straight leg. But hold an, lets spin mhe globe. The latest trends in silhouettes seem ta be... you guessed it, crossing markets and often happening sim'ufaneously with those first adopters. Super slim is fast becoming mhe trend in Europe and anti-fit has taken hold in Canada. Function and fit together deternunme changing styles for MON AMOUR ~Fa6uous Wed7dng Creatkm in Quaût.SifkÇomLs Custom made designs suited specificafly for your tastes and desires Hand Beaded Bridai Gowns Bridai Accessories Custom Tailoring to ail Gowns Mothers of Bride andl Groom Fashions Custom Made Bridesmaids Dresses Affordable Prices Exclusivelyin Durhamn Region at: Dianne's Bridai Couture 413 Durndas St. E., Whitby For Your Exclusive Appointment Cali: 430-8985 SEE -(ARIA JUNG'S DESIGNS IN 'TDAY'S BRIDE" MAGAZINE . i . - -,. . 1 l ý ý ý !i - -, Z« 16 1 MI à% ........... N

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