Whitby Free Press, 22 Aug 1990, p. 6

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PAGE 6,.WHMTY FME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, t990 VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN Whitby residents for Whitby residents. The only, Whitby newspapér independently owned and operated by J. iviv blished eveýry Wednesday By 677209 Ontario mc. Ph qne: 668-6111 Toronýo Line 427-1834 Doug Anderson Publisher, 11.3 Brook Street North, '..Box 206, Whitby, Ont. LON 5S1 Maurice Pif her Editor Alexandra Simon. Production Manager Pub E F sPY Whose responsibility9, I - Il' Name. Address, J A Summer Contest of Architectural Identification Take a stroli and see what heritage Whitby has to, offer. Each week until September, the Whitby Free Pres will publish a picture of an architectural detail of a building in Whitby (including Brooklin, Ashburn and Myrtle). Each correct identification will be entered into a draw to, win a weekly prize courtes y of Whitby LACAC.* The weekly winner's name and correct identification will be published. in the following week's issue of the Whitby Free Press along with another mystery photograph. in addition there wifl be a Grand Prize given on Heritagle Day in September to the person submnitting the most corrert identifications out of nmne. Sponsored by Whitby's *Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Comniittee to encourage an awareness of our local architectural heritage. Get ready for the LA CA C activities on Heritage Day, September 15,1990. LAST WREKS WINNER: A u drey Moore WHITBY James Boreham House 400 King St. The James Boreham Houseis unique in that its original facade faces south and it 15 the east, or side entrance which now faces the street. This is a resuit of the streets being changed since the house was once located on the ed&e of a larger field. In 1888 - 1892, when the house was built, it stoo4 at the extreme western limits of the built-up area of Whitby. If you can identify . .. .. . ..tis picture, submi-it ~ the Whitby Free Press, 131 Brock ..Street N., Whitby LiN 5S1. The winner wiIl be selected next Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. Thfis week you Scan also enter at the dislya h CanaianImperial located at S50 Baldwin Street, Brooldin. LOCATION__________ I 'I We now face another *40-million expense ta, hold an election ta massage the ego of our premier. There is no legiimate roason for such an oarly vote. It i. puroly political and a further example of our politicin complote disregard for the people they are electod ta, represent- AUIthe poils tell us tbat David Peterson's ego wiil get the 'massaging' ho wishos. We should reaily 'dump' on bis ego, for bis government, directing the finoncial centre of Canada, levios more taxes, raisos them more often, has the largest provincial debt of any province, and ignores the taxpayer's wishSe ven more thon the feds. ,But what are wo to do? Who will lead us out of the moramé? Who wiil teil us the truth and force us to accept the*bardsbips that we must face to get us bock on track? Who wiil put education back on track? Who wiil get us out of government car insurance? Who wil oct for the people who pay the taxes? The NDP and Comrade Rae would have us ail working for the governient and paying ta, do it. Ini spite of the lessoejs they should bave learned fr-om evonts in Europe, they stili wish to act mn'a manner that will ensure an even grader umbe cfindustries The prodecmssoscf the PC (how can -a conservative b. rotgressve?) bad a big band in Ieadig up.to the. moraso. Mr. Harris and bis party donIt seem to be offering much better. What con. we do? There is no legitixnate, effective way for people, who feel as I do, to, oct so that our views can be acted upon by those who lust for power. There bas got to be. W. J. Gaige whftb7 g w I.. ~ ~ ~ ~ Douùbie-talk and finger-pointing are recognized aspects of politicai campaigning, and the provincial election Is no exception. Locaily, one exampie might involve the Prince Edward Island ferry boat ln Whitby harbor. Jim Flaherty, Progressive Conservative candidate for Durham Centre, has made Issue of the PCB-contamina- ted oit contained ln transforrar on the boat. Mr. Flaherty says the PCBa are potentialy clangerous and that i's the province's job to remove them afeiy, thus pointing the proverbial linger at Durham Centre rilng Liberal lncurr*ent Allan Furlong. Mr. Flaherty la rlght. The PCBa pose grave danger, particularly should theme be. a ire on the ferry boat. But ail fingera point to the federal Conservative govemment playing Russian roulette wth the people of Whltby. Mr. Flaherty, ln the mldst of a provincial elecion campaign, la polnting fingers at the wrong people. Mr. Furlong says he's done as much as he can and that i's the responsbillty of the feda. <lime town has laid trespassing chargea against the vessel'a owner, and the case wlI be ln court this Noverrier). Meanwhile the vessel stili sits, and sits, and site, ln Whltby harbor. Even the WVhfby fire chief has declared, the vessel an unsafe area. Should a tire acvur. iflla questionable, under such conditions, who woukl put Rt out. Mr. Furlong has been ciearly told thla la an Issue to be deait with at the federai levei. The town, the MInIstry of the Environment, and almoat everyone else sees thla as a federal responslbiiity. Perhaps Mr. Flaherty shouid look no fuuiher than hie own party, at the federailovel, to find accuntabillty wfth regard to the PCB situation ln Whitby harbor. Phone No.. No reason for election, To the oditor. 2nd CkuasPosti RogistratiqnbO5351

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