Whitby Free Press, 22 Aug 1990, p. 7

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WHITBY FIAE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUBr 2Z 1990, PAGE PAGE SEVEN StlmySlippeiy an d Tiger Let's take you now te ringside and the voece cf Gladly Unctucus and his partner Nasal Pattern. GLADLY: Welcome te ringeide. We!re ready for the bell. The three fighters are warmed Up ... NASAL:.- -- that's Sunny Rae, Tiger Harris and Slippery Peterson. This is sornething new, this three-way flght. Sort of a frýee-for-aIl. GLADLY:« Right, Nate. And there's the bell. Sunny Rae is ont there, jabbing, jabbing,. first with the Starr affair and then with tax records.' NASAL: Yeah, but now Harris gets i the act. Taxes, taxes, taxes. And honesty. Hey! That's a new lime. Honest Harris Used Political Platitudes! No =s as Honest As Me!' GLADLY: Do you believe that? But did you see that? Slippery Péte doded and bobbed and weaved through ail that tax and Starr stuff And counter-punch. Nebody would have believed coming inte this that Peterson could counter-punch like that. Hie got in a few overhands at both Rae and Ha-ris while defending against their jabs. NASAL:- Now heres Ras again, he's backiing Peterson inte, a corner, hesjabbing, first taxes, then... more taxes, now Ws' the development scandaI. Why didn't you? he says. The Premier doesn't want this investigation, he says. Héls got Peterson against the ropes. GLADLY:- But Slippery Pote ain't named Slippery Pete for nothing. Did yen see hlm slip out from under that round-house punch that Rae had set? NASAL: And he cipped Harris on the nose while he did it. r've got to hand it te him, I thought he'd get creamed in thora against two cf thom. But he's dancing around some of thoir best shots. GLADLY: Now herels Harris again. rmn Honest, P'm Honost, B Honester than anyone else here, he says. Have you ever seen that ia poiticai prizo fight before, Nate? NASAL: Can't say 1 have, and I have to admit it is unique. Even if he is woaring difforoent shorts he wore in the training camp sparring. GLADLY: Actually those arethe same shorts. He's just dyod* them, anÏd"is woarinng thom insideouot and backwards. Sort of te show he's bis own man. NASAL: Kinda' mades you wondor what he's honest about, don't it? GLADLY: Woll, theres the bell. Now let's sSe who they say won. NASAL: Thanks. And I have here with me Slippery Pete. Whadda ya think, Peté? PETE: Well, we'il let the judgos docide. But I was quite happy with my performance, I enjoyed the fight, I always do. And Ilil ho champ again, by handIers and their pols ail show it. GLADLY: Right. And here with me is Sunny Ras. Sunny, yen went inte this figlit with the hast boxing skills, with a great record in the ring. Did you turn it on tonight? SUNNY:- WeIl, we will lot the judgos docide on that oe. But I did -fçel I got somo great shots in. The trouble is, liko, last time I got ail the best shots but didn7t score many points. I don't really know how these things are judged. I wish I know. NASAL: Don't- we ail. And with me now is Igor Harris. Woll, Tiger? TIGER: Who? Oh, thanks me. Thanks, Nate. Yoah, well I sure messod np protty boy a bit, didn't I? And I think I took some of the sunshine out of Sunny there once. People have been wanting an honest politician for yoars, so, I decided te go that route. I had to change a lot of rny doliveiy and style te get that point acroos but I tlunk it is worth it. GLADLY:- WeMl find out when the judges cast their ballots on Sept. 6. But that's all we have time for new. So from the fight palaoe cof Election 90, this is Gladly Unctuons and Nasal Pattern saying Good Night and Happy Voting. 0-0-o HOIW'S THATAGAINV? Let me see if we have this straight The Canadian Army lias taloen up positions on a main highway bridge near Montreal, te, figlit an enemny of the Fronch and English eider than Canada: Indians. Two- différent Indian groupe for several days halted ail the east-west~ railway tralfic acrses the middle of Canada. I Briesh Columbia, another group of Indians plunka a barricade in the mididle cf another ms«jo rail line, effectively halting traffic. Ini Quebec, South African Bishop Desxnond Tutu visita an Indian roservation and then sternly lectures Canada and Canadians on froedom * nd on opresio and on the evils of racial repression. From the Ple: introf tais country we hear nothing. On a éeparate but sonewhat relatod front, a separatist is eleéted tô Parliamenit i a QSibec niding by-elIection. A Tory candidate i Oshawa barey manages te hoddon te, third p lace *n lanother faderaI by-eectioei. More stunning this, since the Tres'oe»ce-held t *e ri d for yearýi have doeniteklsecond place. But this tune th ,ris er oly M28votes ahead of the leain c seenfrngepatis. lkeouttasight This iW Canada, thietru., noeth skrong an~ re This is the summer of 199. This isiCanadai, the boeiiig l.1' Doug Anderson's The Other Side of the; Fence will appear ini another part of the paper from ýtime to Urne t 11, 111] ýi EMPLOYEES 0F METOALFE FOODS LTD., 1936 The Cobi Foods canning factory which recently announced, its closing, was founded as Metcalfe Foods in 1935, and for many years was Stokely Van Camp. The bilding behind the employees was destroyed by lire in 1942. Whlthy Arfflve. photo 10 TZARS AGO from the We =esda ,A= j~20, 1980 edition of the y RMs " lhe $6 million reconstruction of Brcck Street tofour lanes up toRossuland Road willbe completed in September. " Town Council is considering reduced bus rates for students. " The Brooklin Redmen- lacroese club was defeated by Brantford in the eaatern Canada playoffs for the Mann Cup. " More than- 250 entries were placed in the Brooklin Horticutural SocieWs flower show to, honor Whitbys 125h anniversary as a town. 25 TZARS AGO firom the Wednesday, August 19, 1965 edition of the WIHflEYWIELY MeW a A propoeal fr anine-storey apartment bulding un the site of the old blanket factory on Brock Streetmay not; ho approved by coundil. " The top Gre(de 13 graduates at Henry Street High Scheol are Kathiyn Cuddy, Merle McConneil and Mary Lorra Pntchard. " Paving cf Thickoei Rod frýom Winchester Road to, the 8th concession of Whitby Township begins next *eek 126 TEARS AGO from the Thursday, August 17, l865jedition of the WaEYi~rYCHRONICLf " Mucli concem is being expressed about the termination cf firee trade with the United States next March. " The town council was unable te meet thie week as tlhere was no quorum. * Whitbyp1layd Uxbridge in a cricket mlatch next week. " A New Yoek medicine company is adierb*sing ýa."drunkardre cure in The Chronicle. N T I h ~ 4 'I 1 V.l 1 1

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