Whitby Free Press, 22 Aug 1990, p. 8

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I 4' * ~ r PAGE 8, WIHM ITB FEPUESI WEDNESDAY,, AUGUSP2,19 Committ erecommendls retroactive rezoning By Miii. Kowalold Town council will b. asked to waive the rules of a zoning bylaw to permit continued oporation of an automobile rustproofing busi- ness in south Whitby. Despite the contention of coum- illorflnnis Fox that an «end run" was being made around council, planning and develop- ment committo. rocommendedo% last week that a retroactive rezoning be granted the appli- cant. However the bylaw amond- ment will bo drafted in such a wiay that only the eisting busi- ness will be permitted on the A numbered company is soek- mngan exemption te the prestige industrial zone ( MIA) bylaw te, permit continued use of a public rgarage at the corner of Hopkins t.adConsumera Dr. The ruatproofing business (a Ziebart franchise) has been operating since last September after -having previously been located ftirther north on Hopkins for almost seven years. However, at a public meeting in June, company president Jimi Vanderwator said ho was un- awaro the proporty was not zoned for cha- usmness until he ronewed his garage licence earlier this year. Upon learning that a public garage was not perrnitted, Van- derwater immediately submitted the rezoning application. Vanderwater claimod that whon he leased the site from its ownor, H.&H. Investments Ltd., the owner was under the impres- sion the land was properly zoned. Des Newman, presdcent of Cameteid Ltd., located next door te the applicant's garage, spoke against t he rezoning at the Junàe meeting. Newman appeared before com- mittee last week. While ho still opposes the rezoning, ho would accept it,' provided use was re- stricted te the existing operation. But ho warned committee- that it would b. difficult te, allow a «public garage" on the property and thon rostrict the type of business allowod. Reading from a Town bylaw, Newman said that. among uses permiitted ini a public garage are repairs and maintenance of. moter vehicles. "Ont one hand you say you'Il permit a public garag but on theoother you say les exclude moter vehicle ropairs,» aid New- man. Committee chairman Rosa Bat- ten said the intent of the recom- mendation is te allow the appli- cant %t perform what ho is already doingz.» «I appreciate that but if you say you can. have a public garage but you can't do repaira thon you've romnoved the use of a public garage,» said Newman.' "If you allow Ziebart te con- tinue is one thing but I don't think you can do it this way. You can't allow a public garage and not say you cant do repaire." Planning directer Bob Short .pointed ou that a bylaw amend- ment wiil be purposoly draftod te rostrict future uses on the site. He said if the curront owner were te close his business, only another ruStproofi Vg company coulduse it as a public garage. Newman stressod that ho has no problem with Vanderwaterls busmness but- is only concorned about the future. "We'vo made an'investmont of almost $3 million in two build- inga next door. I would not 11k. teaeS that ha"ed.» Fox expressed concern about the application. "I don't liko an end run around us. I can appreciate that the applicant is in a spot but I can't surpport m ,y changes te the by aw » said ox. "Whave te keep the integrity~ of the prestige mndustrial bylaw.» (A staff report prepared for- committee indicates that four other exemptions were granted in the. past te allow public garages m prestige zones.) In response te Foxes commenta, Batten said it, was wrong te «I dont think the applicant was dlbrtl trying to mis- lead council. They we. oporat- ing there illog yan& didn't realiz. *sadBtten. Gounciflor Jo. Drmm said it was -an "honoat mistake»' and supported the rocommondation, buit would carefully scrutinize the bylaw amondment. Prior te taking its vote, com- mitte. agai heard from New- man. 'Meh leasing of the property concerne me, I think someone would have given advice te the lease that this was not a permit- ted use,» said Newman. «Especially when the property ho moved from had to have a specal* zomng. Surely that would have como through in the pro- ceas.' Short said it will b. at least a month bofore a bylaw amend- ment is before coumcil. Theft ccm be pré vented Did you know that theft or abrinkage cosde Canadian buuinesses upw*rds of $10 million a year? Statistica show that thievery ia widespread, that circumatances can and do pomt normay honestpepetsoa and that it takes $40 in saes te make up for every dollar stolen. Whates more, employeea confesas t only on. tenth of the real aniount they have actually stolen. Statistica firther show that the thiree most froequent cause of abrinkage are internaI thet shpitng and paperwoek errors. Tho best way te cut down internal theft la te m.ke1lou prevention your employees' busiess."Inthe last five year the focus has been on prevention of loua through education of employees rather than appréhension," eays Sean O'Brien, prosident, Securîty ManagmentServices, Toronto. Proper seloction of personnel is' crucial in the prevention procesa. Ko. in, mid that you may be held liable for a wronfulact by on. of your employees who may b. assumod te b. acting on your béhalf. Also, should you fail te do your homework and hire an employee who proves to b. dangerous, you might have te py for damages 'caused by this employee. Positive attitude or lack of it cen lead an employee te steal. By focusing on long-term profita, you will attract long-term employeea with go'od morale, cut down internal theft incidents and experience higher productivity. Nevertheless, keep an oeut for omployee who are reuntly bats, feuntly cai in sick, ofer no explanation for absnces and have a low self-image. Attitudes reqwire nurturing. Including the SEERS approach, namely, self-respect, emotional security, economic secuity, recognizing effort and self- expression, will contribute te your attitude enhancement efforts. Knowing where you stand on theft and punishment should b. clear te ail new hirees. Employéees shoubd also b. encouraged te report infractions. This can b. don. by offering incentives and putting in a hotline for those who wish te remain anonymous. You can effectively reduce internaI shrinkage by following these simple rubes: don't lot The Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) is seeking proposais for the establishment and operation of community clinics throughout the areas covered by the WCB' s Central Orntario regions. Particular emphasis wilI be placed on the foltowing loqations: Port Hope/Cobourg, Oshawa, Barrie, Orillia, Woodbridge, Collingwood, Owen Sound, Stratford, and Kitchener-Waterloo. A limited nu mber of community clinios will aiso be- considered for the Metro Toronto area. These clinics wiil provide early, active, intensive therapy for workers with soif tissue injuries, inciuding back injuries, on a fee-f or-service basis to the WCB. Proposais will be public and privai cohsidered from ite organiZations, Workers' Compensation Board including hospitals and physiotherapy clinios. For a copy of this Proposais, contact: freestanding Request for Kim Stephen, Branch Secretary Medical Rehabilitation Services Branch Workers' Compensation 'Board 2 Bloor Street East, l4th f loor Toronto, Ontario M4W 303 (416) 927-4084 An information session will be held on September 4, 1990, at 2:00 p.m., at the Personnel Association of Qntario offices iocated at 2 Bloor St. West, Toronto. Interested parties are :asked to go to the Rose Room on th, e 6th floor. The WCB reserves the right to rejeot any or ail proposais received. Commission des accidents du travail "i've nover mentioned you taking paper clips, Haskins, but a chair trom the boardroom is too much - PUT IT BACKI"I employees r ing up sales of friends and relatives; if possible, amsgn two employoes for store openinge and closings; make sure management is present when the back door is open and that al refunds. are approved by management. To control external theft, greet Trent ;à eeaî U niversity at Durham College FaII-Wihiter September 10 AphiI Our 1990-9 program includes 38loýurses in 16 subjects. Each course meeits one evening per week. By study in Oshawa alone, it is possible to obiain 4~ Trent degree in Anthropology, Cultural Stuies,, Economnics, EnglIish, History, Politics, 'sychology or Sociology. Brochures are available ati braries thrtitghntit the region. For a brochure. o-tun-tlitig tir information on admms%uoni a. Ie a i (416) 723-9747. each customer, keep register cash te a minimum and check contents Of unaealed items when purchased. If you discover a theft, you can make use of several interview techniques, such as the Kinesic Interview Technique, developed by Interrotec of Atlanta. Such techniques can hebp you tap inte verbal and non-verbal élues, thereby accelerating your investigation considerabby and .making it bass painful. 20% offI TRUCKRENTALSI I Monday - Friday I I.1230ODundas St E., Whltbyi 66-36 1- -- - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS COMMUNITY CLINICS Central Ontario [YOUR BUSINESS 1

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