Whitby Free Press, 29 Aug 1990, p. 30

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P$~GE~30J~ wwr~x ~RFE ?R~ ~ 4~V~P1~'JU ~4péu COMPUaTEla 6 mouths BUSINESS APPLICATIbNS ACCOUNTINO & COMPUTERS SECRETARIAL a Legal e Executive e Medical a Word Processing * Dental COMPUTER ELECTRONICS *TECHNOLOGY 10 inonth course ut Pickeing. Campus Financial assistance is available f0 qual<fied applicants. OSHAWA CAMPUS 7123-1163 il SILMCOEI ST. NORTH (Scofia Bank BIdg.) ...E... L.... ........ ------_..._-----A--- A CAREER ON DANCING! We are looking for énergetic, enthusiastic people to teach dancing - will train. Cali 430-0014. HAIRSTYULST required - full or part-time for busy hair salon. Wages plus commission, benefits, incentivés. Friendly atmosphère. 668-7494. WAITRESSES, WAITERSP busboys, dishwashers. Apply in person - Oscar Restaurant, 89 Commercial Ave., Ajax. 427-9313. HOSTESS néédéd for réal estaté office Saturdays & Sundays, il - 6 p.m. Windsor Collection, Whitby, 666-8131. .... ... ... .... ... Ï É .... ... ... .... ... >' TYPING SERVICES- fast and guaranteéd no errors. 10 years court réporting expérience. tp from O.C. 436-3492. UPDATE VOUR JOB SKILLS. Thé more you know, the more you're worth. Cali thé Micro-computer Training Experts. -Class times are tailoréd to méet your schedulé. Cail now to régistèr. Rég istered with thé Ministry of Colléges and Universities s'ince 1984. Computer Léarning Centre. 668-9713. WANTED! Réliablé part-timé hélp for Wédnésdlay evenings 6:30 - il Sm. Must bé able to lift somne eavy furniture. If interestéd, pléase caîl 683-0041 or 985-8161. FREE COMPUTER TrRAINING. If you are 45 or over and havé been permanéntly laid off or are out of work due to business failuré in thé last 6 months, you mnay qualify for free tuition, books and suppliés. Call now to régister. Reg isteréd with -thé Ministry of Collèges and Univérsities since 1984. Computer Learning Centre. 668-9713. SAF8CONSULTAN1U PARF-TIME W. h uav - xpnded and.so have the. po tut to join a frincy nùsiftteem ofprofesiona& If youonjoy motivating people towatd a goal and oa camoe mindedw. Wolome yow prompt inquiry. (m-centre sales.oeil) Plean reapoadto JANET 723-5211 (9 aL to 9 p.m) TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Now 19 the timne to train for your Class AZ licence. For pre-screeninq interview and job placemnent information, contact Mrv Ore>s Transport Driver Training. 1-800-265-3559. MODERN BUSY PRINT SHOP. Great opporunity to own your own business & béyour own boss. Vendor will train purchaser. $75,000 includés aIl * equipment. Vendor will flot financé. (705) 878-0863. EARN THOUSANDS stuffing envélopés. Sénd $1 and a self-addressed, stamped énvelope to Harper Holdings, 3 Willob6k Drivé, Whitby, Ontario LUR 1T3. NEED HELP PLACING your ad? Call Joanne, Whitby Free Press, 668-0594. GUITAR LESSONS - beginners and advanced. Accoustic or electric. Caîl Lu, 666-1979, Whitby. LET MUSIC ENRICH YOUR Ide.. Thé YOST MUSIC STUDIO in. downtown Whitby offers private instruction in PIANO - and THEORY. Classical, popular and j azz stylés are available, taught by a niversity of Toronto -Music Graduate. measnabe ratés. Al agés wélcomé. Cali today for a free lntroductory lésson. 668-2275.. GUITAR LESSONS. Prof essional, private instructor accepting f ive néw studénts for Septémber. .Children/Aduits. Béginnér/Açivanced. Pickstyle/ Fingerstyle. Caîl 427-2536. music FOR YOUNG - LDREN EYBOARD a SINGINO RHIYTHM a THEORY RECITALS e PUNI A unique Canadian program presentéd in Parent-Child group classes. Ages 3 to 8. Cal! for information and brochure MM - o7r CARPENTRY:- 20 eéars of Whitby expérience. We> love to work fith finish triçn, ancy moldin & wainscottin ,French doors custom cab!. es. Cail today 416-0707. GRS~ CUTTING andfor trim:min .Also y ard wor4c. Mature, reasonabl, réllale. 683-0593. HANDV-MAN WITH DUMP truck, taligate. liM.. Clean , yards, basements, 'garages, CLt trees, etc. Cali;655-3004amythme. HILLSIDE FENCING and décks. Industrial or résidéntial wood -and chain link. Al typés of décks. Post-hoîés drilléd and posts set. Cal today for fre estimates. (416) 985-9078. Bobcat with back hoé for hire. REC ROOMS, baséments, dryWall, taping & finishing, trimwork, ceramic tiling, painting and gênerai repairs. Call (416) 576-7503. CANDACE COUTURE: Custom-madé clothing that fitsi Your favourite stylés, colours and fabrics. Also altérations. Rossland/ Brock, Whitby. Phone 430-3590. DO YOU HAVE a spécial service or product? Cal the classffiéds and find out how to seli it. Whitby Free Press, 668-0594. STrU MOGEE - FkOor swndiçg, reflnlshing, repairs aMdaiig Supplied,- laid andî fli$lshed. Over 20 ypars experiene. Cali collect afiér 6 p.m. (705),944-5529. ANDREW'S CLEANING: Vacuuming, dusting, general' clehlrginterior & * xterior SPhone Adrw 418) HURT ELECTRIC service Upgradé. installaIon* ,of dishwasher, central vac, garage door openers, roc om!, outdoor lightinrj For. free estimaté, calI 668-5974, Whitby.L HANDYMAN SERVICE - no job too amai. Odd jobs'& rénovations. Cai 427-1674 and asc for. Art. GRANDMA'S- COMPANY offers chémical free (aIl green) housé and ioffice cléaning. Cleansers are pure and cléaners ar e pre-tested for aggressivé cléaning ,skills. :Al employées are -sécurity checked. Bonded & insured. Sérving aIl of Durham. 725-9177 or 986-0689. ERN'S ROOFING - Fils, tar& gravel, repairs, shinglés, re-roofing. Free estimfates. Phone' 433-1070, Oshawa. GENERAL CONTRACTING- home improvements, réc rooms, painting & decorating, texturé sprayinq, céramic tile, taping *gyproc installation. Joé 668-6607. Please check your advèrtisement for érrors on thé first day of publication. Thé Whitby Free Press will not be hlable for f allure to naubllsh an ad, or for typographic errors ln publication beyond thé cost of thé spacé occupled by thé error Up-to--a- maxlmum-cos 't of thé Insertion. Thé Whitby Free Press réserves thé night to ciasslfy -or réjéct ail advertisements. PRE»PNID <Cash, VISA, cheque récèived before deadliné) r$5.-O0for-20 words; 120 each additional-word BILLED $7.50 for 20 wordis; 150 each additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 810 per agate lino (14 agate linos per inch) minimum charge: $5. propaid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ada wlth borders, pictures or graphies) Regular-displayrates agpply - 860 per agate lino Minimum size 1 column lnch-$1 2.0 (14 agate Unes per Inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 6638-0594. Ofk--------- t r --,~ OO a n o 5: O pmF x 6 - ~ ~ '.. I. a ............. . ..... Nil mi 1

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