Whitby Free Press, 29 Aug 1990, p. 33

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THANKS to the Sacred Heart and St. Jude for favour received. BC MANY THANKS ta St. Jude and the* Sacred Heart for favors received. M. eAT SEPT. 1 -630 P.M. ?ETa-ICK AUCTION BARN, I4AYDON, 10 MI. N.E. 0F OSHAWA, EVERY-SAT. NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M. This week ta include contents of area home, dining roomn suite, extra tables and chairs, dressers, sitiail appliances, china cabinet, lots af chia and glass, rocking chairs, and lots mare ta unpack. Terms are'cash, cheq ue or Visa. For mare infa oeIl 416-263-4252. Sale managed and sakiby: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS THURSDAY, AUG. 30 - 6 P.M. SHRUBS, ESTATE SALE, QUALITY FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, ANTIQUES, ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINES AT ORVAL MoLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY. Estate 0f 'HAZEL -MARTIN, Lindsay & inclusions. 6 P.M. Approx. 200 evergreens, f lowering plants, trees, blues pruce. 6:15 P..Refrigerators, elect. ranges, freezer, auto washer (like new), dryer, 6 Royal Douton figurines, gorgeous 10 pc. burled walnut dining ste., 7 pc. carved oak dining ste., modemn bedroom stes., ,excellent chesterfield, loveseat & chair, new chesterfield ste., aak armair, china cabinets, square oak dining table & 4 chairs, d..desk, cedar chest, antique dresser with carved handles, panel lamp, dressers, chests, ail painting, single & double beds, blanket boxes, -trunks, phanagraph case, small appliances, pots & pans, dishes. Partial list.. No reserve, estate sale. Plan ta attend this interesting sale. Caîl to list yaur fal sale. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS (705) 324-2783, LINDSAY OR VAL & BARRYMcLEAN, AUCTION'EERS* LABOUR DAY SALE MONDAY, SEPT. 3 - 10 A.M. PETHICK AUCTION BARN 10 MI. N.E. 0F OSHAWA This sale wiIl b. a large sale, 2 Frings weather perrnitting, ta include the balance of the Bruce Mountjoy E ate from Blackstack. Good gIas and china, antique calendars, râniýhones, radios, ail Iamps, clcks plus aId licence plates, Ig. quanity ofaftique car parts, 1924 Mcî-aughlin Buick tauring car, 1940 Dodge luxury liner qar, 14 ft. alumninumn boat, 20 h.p. motori'1--h.p. riding Iawn mawer, 3 antique gas purnps, European'& 9anadman ail paintings, grain scales, waJn-ut china cabinet, oak beau-f ht china cabinet, aak hall stand, p. dininig room r jte bedraom ùite, wash stans dressers, wall telephones, plus lot maore to unpack. Tems are cash, cheque ar'Visa. NOTE early starting tirrneý For more info call 416-263-4262. Sale managed and sald by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE BAKERY EQUIPMENTI RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT WED. SEPT. 5 - 10:30 A.M. 870 TAIJTON RD. E, WHITBY Having received instructions from th rncipals we are selling the assets af BUN KING' Bakery of Bowmanville plus a donut shap including 6 ft. & 8 ft. del! couniters, Esperia 80 qt. mixer, Berkel- 20 qt. mixer, Berkel slicer, Afa slucer, 2 breadslicers (one with Quiklock), Acme Dough sheeter, L & M large dough sheeter, 2 - 2 door display coo[ers, Habart dishwasher, MK fryer, Garland soup pot, 2 door bar fnidgeq 2 soup warmers, electronic scale, 4 chest freezers, 16 rolling tray carts, chrome sheMvng,2 Sharp cash registers, micrawave aven, Hobart commercial toaster, largeq uantity of trays, breadpans, etc., 32 grey chrome chairs, 8 tables, sterea, bun bins, menu sincaunters, plates, dishes, culrtake-aut containers, etc. OffÉicee)qipment such as chairs, desks, file cabinets, etc. 'Many mare items. NOTE TIME: Wed., Sept. 5, 1020 a.m. Viewing f rom 1 - 6 p.m. Excellent sale ai bakery equipment. Plan ta attendl McLEAN AUCTIONS& LIQUIDATIONS 686-3291 OR 432-2836 AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" - every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.- located on Brock Rd., Pickering,3 miles narth of Hwy. 401 r(Exit #399. Featuring every Wed. an excelent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectibles, primitives, and the unusuals. Sa loin us every Wed. and participate n one of Ontario's "True" Auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. wConsignment & estate selling aur specialty.w Cal us today. Previews from 1:00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, AUG. 31 - 6 P.M. Wicker baby cardage, tea wagon, KeMvnator automatic washer & dryer, Kelvinatar 2-doar retrigerator and 30" electric stave, refinished. hoap back chairs, washsanda oakbuffet, coal ail lamps, aval ta trunks, !parlor tables, preZ-ba rockers, antique dressers, white captains' bed, refinished Bowmanville rocker, refinished pine chests of drawers, pin. aval tabe, B & D radiai arm saw, quanity of toals, china, glass and collectible items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1, LITTLE BRITAIN (705) 786-2183 ORVAL MXcLEAN AUCTIONS SATURDAY, SEPT. 15 - 10 A.M. FARM MACHINERY, VEHICLE *CONSIGNMENT SALE AT ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY *4w accepting consignments of fàarrn Mac hinery, tractorsý' con- struction & woodworking equip., RVs, matorhlomes,: trailers; cars, trucks, tools, bbats. Consign early ta advertise. Cal now ta cansign. ORVAL McLEA'N AUCTIQNS ORVAL &BA FRY MCLEAN (705) 324-2783 LINDSAY .-t. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F MARY FORRESTER Ail persons having cdaims against the estate of Mary Forrester, deceased, late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipaîity of Durham, who died on or about the loth day of February, 1990, are hereby notified to send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the ý28th day of September, 1990. After which date- the assets of the abcive-named estate will bel distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to dlaims of wh ich the executrix shall then have notice. DATED at -Whitby this loth day of August, 1990. SCHILLING, EVANS Barristers and Solicitors 330 Byron Street South Whitby, Ontario LUN 5S1 Solicitors for the Executrix FILLER: Nathing for sale, here. If y ou had advertised here, 1000's like you would b. re9adlng this now. 668-6111. WHITBY F£PEWEDNE8AYeAUGUW1-2% 990, PAGE 38. Pull no pwz*ches GUN AUCTION FrL, Sept. 7th 7p.m. Dam Sales Barr% Llndsay 1-705-324-2472. Over 100 quality rifles, shotguns & pistais. NO RESERVE Buy or Sell (1 mile west of Lindsay on Lfttle Brtain Fload) Auctioneers WR(ýBud) McK.e & Jim Maidlian Obituaries. ALEXANDERBELL Alexander (Alec) G. Bell- of Whitby, died on Saturday, August 18 1990 He wà 47. h0 was born in G*iasgow, Scot- land on June 7, 1943, son, of James and Margaret (McDonaid) Bell. Ho married Elizabthion Octo- ber 17, 1970, in Pembrok>e, Ont. A banker, Mr. Bell was a Whitby resident for 16 y;rs. Ho is survived by his «,e, son James and dauiim"ter Lnd.He was predeeeased by is motiier. Fumerai services were iield from the. W.C. Town Fumerai Chapel, Whitby, on Aukust 23, 1990 Be Bessie Lame conduet- ing. (5remation foliowed. ELSEBOND Elsie W. Bond of Whitby die~ on Monday, Auut 13, 190 Whitby GeneeralHospiWa. 8h. was 8 Sh, was borm in Paris, -Ont.,oýi Auguat 14, 1900, daughter éf A]b.rt Edwin Sele an4Mn~ Jane .Midgely.ShmrrdEe E. Bond. - A Wliitby resident for 45 years, she was a member of Whitby United*Church. She is surviveý by her daughter Rose Marie ,4%rmstrong1 son-in-iaw Grant and gandchi- dren Jeffrey, Bra'ley and Brenda (Mrs. jechel YarWood). She was predeceased byier huaband. I%. funerai service was held from the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel an August 15,p 1990 Bey. Bessie Lane conducln.Inter- ment at Union eM*etety. 6 Geneaton~s of Service, Quality& Trust " Family: Monuments " Grnite or Bronze Markers " Cemeteoty Lettering " SandbWdsing Stýaffoerd, M eime 318 Dnm S. E,.Whitby FROM PAGE " 1 White said, the NDP favors. a minimum corporate tax of-. igiit per cent and aeeused the Liberals of favorimg business at tii. expense of ordimary tax- i Pa4ning to the env=rnment IWhite said Ontario residents Jsiiould mot have ta aceept «regu- lated" levels of taxins b.mng dum- ped inta their water. «Ontarians deserve a govemn- ment that says no toxins wiil b. dumped,» said White, adding, "tiiere are no born-again envin- mentalista ini aur party.» Accor dingr ta Tory candidate Flaiiery, the eleetion is a $40- million waste' of ta.xpayer's money.. "They (Liberais) have -ail the seats tiiey want, tiiey can do wiiat tiiey want, wiiy eau an éeoction? Despite tiie "neodiess» election, FIierty said it servesa purpose. "ii.e election gives us a win- dow ta tii. trutii. Does tii. Iàberal governmont of Ontario care more about the. Liberal party of Ontario or tii. people of Ontario?' Flaheorty offered his own rea- son as ta wiiy Peterson called an oleetion only three years inta bis mandate. "Would you vote for the. iàberal govorrnment the. day after Patti Starr goes ta court? "It's not a coincidence that h. calied it for the, day before she goes ta court." Repeating favorite campaign tiiemes, Flaherty said that dur- ing the. past fivo years the goverrnent.*has increased or created 32 new taxes for a 132 per cent tax hike overail. «How many of you got a rais. of 132 per cent in the last five yearsr 1he asked.' Flaherty - said the cost of government has risen by 86 per cent, whicii ho attributes ta the hiigof 9,000 additional civil servntsat cot of $1 billion per year. Confoderation of Regions (COR) Party candidate Phil Wyatt said a vote for Mis party means a return ta people run- ning their government, not the otiier wayv round. «ii. three major parties are ail the same and serve the sanie interests, government first and people last," said Wyatt. Hle cailed for a series of bind- ing referendums on such issu.. as abortion, capital 1 unishment and bilinualsm taireflect the. truwisesf Canadins Green Party of Ont -r'0 candi- date David Hubbeil id soeiety i. confronted withii iu gmeteit criais ever, tiie tbr tota ur Funcs. Furiong id-thïLt« lu 1985 Capi tai fundimg for education for tee. .,tir rovince was $75 million. "I 98we spent over $100 nillion in- Durhiam, Region alone," said Furlong, White then asked Flaherty if eachers could, b. ax.d when the. civil service is eut. Wfiy're paid out. of tax dollars a. well,"saidWhite. environment.» Hubbell said the. thr.. major prties are no longer capable of fnigsolutions ta environm.n-. tai probieme and cited a local aH4> n£urhiam the beach.. are not- safe for swi*mmng, but the water's ail rigiit for drink- Vubbell said that society muet change itsMI"kngwihrespect ta thée eviom* t '«As long as profits ini the mar- ketplac. reward business and consumers for poliutidng, we'll fot have effectve action.» Wihiie Hubbell answ.red non- environmiental questions posed by tii. audience, he said other issues are irrelevant. "Yf tiere'. nothingg left of the environment there s, na sens. taln bout otiier probiems. The aisi.not just another consumer item ta b. us.d up and thrown away." Nino Maitese of the Family Coalition Party called for a return ta traditional. family values. He said «abortion on demand,7 Sunday sh<îping and "institu- tionaize ycare wer. roof politicians 'have don. littie ta protect the family unit. «Shouid we not instill aur stu- dents with proper values rather than put condo acies in sehools and promote the wrong idear" asked Maites. Tih. first-time candidate had one of the botter limés of the evening, judging by tihe audience reaction. Referring ta NDP leader Bob Rae's eriticismn of Premier David Peterson, Maltes. remind.d evoryone of tiie NDP-Llberal accord wiiich, brouiitthie latter ta powerin 1985. ' "The NDP, the, so-éailed Robin Hood Of the people, cry- out for justice. But was it not tiem that put the. sheriff of Nottinghiam in power?» FIDuring thei. question p.riod, Fahert;Y was taid his attaeks on provincial government cutbacks ring iioliow considering the. federal government's reduction in trans fer payments ta the. pro- vinces.q "ii. fact is tiie federal guvern-, ment is granting tii. samne amount of money as iast year, plue fiyp per cent,» repliEl Fa- iiet ""ta Queen's Park iso in >le<"means and were not accurate an 21tiat th fdrlgvernment has actually eu~t $1 illon intransfer pay-» "Yau can't have it both way ppergams and euttae, da uromg. On thii sue ofpublie refer- endums, Furlomn sai it wauld b. difficuit; determining wiiat; issues are taken ta tii. people. "W. could gota a referendum every otiier week,» said Furlong However, on some matters, suct as the constitution, h. agreed tiiat; a referendum could b. iield. ««eaproblem wold b.1frm-

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