PAGE 1Ã", WITBYFriEE PRESSWEDUEAY, SPEBR519 Galerypays trbute tow oa rtist 'Handa mhat Sha ped, Art,' a tribute-to Oshawa art eucator Florence M. HIartbégan Aug. 30 at the Robert McUu hlin GaI- ler.y. A peùessional consltantý in art educatilon, Ha1-i3rt, taught the' teachers who tAught the ark Beginning ini Oshawa in 194, she created an atmoephere -in which stimulating art educati'on was pSsiblé., Her influence over.the decade bas been incalculable. lI the galleryp', he layed a vital roI. in CLOWNS AND ,ALLOONS just cooking demonstirations, baking cn- part of the: fun at the Durham Fail testhoedecrating sminirs:sqare Fesival ,*Thuitsday to Saturday at the d*ùicers, singers an craft, foo.d and .Metro.Eat- Trade Centre. Iii fall fair » home product exihibits. style,. there' iil .1be country music, Festvitie howv urban ad rura Durha Durham Region will b. showing off more thon its fal colors at the firat annual Durham Fanl Fesival, Tmursday, Sept. '6 through Saturday, Sept. 8 at the. Metro East Trade Centre, Pickering. The Duniam Fail Festival is a brand new -xp-sitiGni, comIning- thei. nsaga * d home stý!,,fn of a traditional fail fair with -the modemn indoor faclt offered by the, Métro East Trade Centre. Atractios-- range" - froni Conkdilu'. chldrexi midway te antique '.au"cions, livestock auctions, bakIng - contesta, live- ntrament, guest clebrities and agricultural an&d craft exhibits. Event producers anticipato more tban . 20,000 people will jin i the. festivities during its tbree-day run. "The 'Durhiam Fal Festival offers local catpepeand business.. an opru Inyt corne out and gan ecgntion from their xiebgbors. Aside froni the. family entertai'ent apect the. festival affers a chance t celebrate bt-. th& rural and urbaxi achievemexits of Durham R6egion," " hw manager Jennifer Sickinger. More than 200 exhbits wfll h. featured. Exhibit categories include farm equipment and :d ilactivities, cr.randi antiques, sports and lifesty1%e and' ébildrexi and education. There are 81so -areas allocated to the promnotioni of local enterprise and A stein ornnittee comprised of comMunity leaders, includes Pat Olive, commisslone of, economic -development 'for Durhiam R egion,- Joan -Alfrey», déi~~eléjime te i. Town. Pickering, Wally (hiIran pednt of thé. Ajax! Pikering B oar f Trade, and Rick Clow, presdent < f, *the. Tourist Association of Durham Regfion. They are working wth.,fesival management to provide regional input on the. planning <f this first ever event. Well-known Toronto.based Prairie Oyster wlll klck off the nlghtiy stage entertainment on Thursday at 7:30 p an. The. band bas just recently signed a worîdwide recording contract with RCA Records (U.S.) and has bad two-singles on the. American country charts. Following their appearance at the.'Durham FaIl Festival they are off te =-tth. Canadian Country Music Assocation Awards i Edmonton wiiere they've been nominated as o0p Country group ofrthe Yeur. 'On Fridaiv et 7 P.m., CHOO p Z .ns oy an Osbawa-based bod with a flare for rocen roil and country tunes. Following Cody, Torontobese Cyril Way anid «Round Mldnfght wiI bring- morne >foot stompin' good coumtry music on stage. The CHOO stage area will continue te, rock on Saturday as Rick Jones and Sllverthorn presext their brand of country music at 1 and 3 pan. *Pink Cadi]Iac wlllbe winding up the goodAtues witii lots <f SOs roen roil at 7 pan. Sa±uraay. Jo-Amie Finney, owner and coswultant of Decorating Den in Wwhy, 'wlll be on bonid at the. DunhalaFe Fstival, sept. 6 -40 8,-a té' eto " raw refreshanIl-*nW mheaseminars are free with s3how admission and are offered four tumes on Thursday and five turnes on Frlday and Saturday. Topics include decorative window treatments, home deorating ideas, designer carpets and area ruga, worlong.wtii waflcoverings, probîem windows and iiow te buy furniture. .Following the smnas festval visitosconaangfor nmrmeal * abon-at..lmf*ne ammnt.. 'cet Wtroos'-an exhibition -4y .Donna Griffin- Smith, will r1e held aà t the. Whitlly Public Là brry'Sept. 0 to Sept. 26. Griffin-Smith bas studied visual arts at Trent Univeruity, ~the University of Toronto, and York Univerityr. She bas. als attended numerous seminars courses -çnd workshops with many prommnent artits Her love of fravel, --'the Canadian wil 1 and -the rural countrysie nfuence lier choice ofsbi matter. 8h. Mnoprtton Of h. andeme and nature studi that comprise the. cor. of lier wo Her current tin - are watercolors, but se hou abo worked etesie udl. ,Her work bas been *bite dl. lier work basmnexhbited at art festivals a galleries i Lindsaye Port PxyHlburtoei Just hewlpin g ' to plan the new The exhibitioei fatures pottery and photorphy ratdbY H t The exhibition s ccoeie a book cf memoerswlich sllow amrt lover. to Igimpos-the. passon and idealum clan eorlier- Oshawa, as demonstrated inthe comnntted 1f. If Hart., .The exibiUtion continues until Oct. 7. The openng reception wlIl b. held at the-gaDm on Thurday, Sept. 13 at 7ýp.m. and theQshawa area. Hier pinig ma iprivate ,and pbÃŽic-cotleUa7-%-.,ineluding in -Oshawa.. Recent exhibitonsof ber -watercolors wee a -t'qGrec Gallery li Whitby i February 1989, at Scgg Mmra Library m Sepemer1989,a the -J1. Gfleir xiethany, and aTh TiArt ,Rooxn. ~She bas also participated inithe. Oshawa Art.Asocatoshoywat Camp Samnîac, i.OAA juried s3how at the dMcLauun Cefry the,' Durhami Board of Edùcataon Emploiyees Show, -and h-iArtfest Upcening exibitions i199 iludeý-.a s how at the OUd lbrook Sho iArl rfs 'm0 i M a, and teii.Whitby, Libr xin Speie A' meet-the.arst nn recetio wil, b hed. Spt.1 6:30o to 830P.m ducky mené o et, feeadic- o O Tudcks :. 13, 1,000 Tanton Rd& E-, O.hawa un solving theïr partiuiar rubber k ýv arrive lin Saturday, Sept. 8, from 9 a.m to decorating problems. Oshawa, fronc. cal ,forti.5 p.m Decorating Den is unique l DnbaiiDchPace, te b. bd that it is a completély me M e Oi widy, Sept. 16. operation that go.. out t te ii me Bohar n vDfimticthe uy r j d consumer. Wlth this limited Ett or .ognzn overiiead, th'o a a event as a funrier r asef Fine Au4 along savigs tte aicstmr. Durhbamx, a support gronp firO Eacii' ColorVan' uequipped ýyourq~pSY!t& wltii ~ ~ A upe9 racls f e 5~wrn aon im. Lth annualJuried Show alos eerthng a Osba0wa Creé.k, beinning at 1 <f Fine Arts willl be held at the. professonaly dcorato home. pan., by the. John St. bridge Visual Arts,, gxitre <of Newcastl, yage (Ii.tweniPark Rd., sand Ce-Sept. 9 o2. decraingcopanes klx Neti--St., MIdTowI1 Mail). rr will1héToroxito artiat Ameria an bas & frachises Tme ducks wlllfoot dowýn'tii.Jane uyrp Americ and as 1.crek toCordovaVaabèyPà rk Theopji-e g reception, to b. Beeides musical JEw eivoaldçL entertaiÛmet lo t) ~ ~è~igbo ildse an riâ sments the flrst annual D49ham Fail .,iI htewllcac -ti For more -Information oeil 623- Festival features aucions,4 r t~odUCI l re. ¶~5831.» contestaý, exhi t, gvities and funi for the wloe famly. mhe show wi]lbe open fi=x xnom o 10 ý,There' .are r& cs Pan-.on Thursday anci Frday and t tof1l 10 a.m. te 9 ,pan, Saturday. - W_ __ 2tg "ý t -he Admission lu $5 for. adulte-and' wp<innig 'tikeý.%t odrs fo $3.50 for juniors (age.s 5 "15) ond the wbnzg uh. iagpi.l seniors.Cbildrexi imczr age 5 $are 0 Secà d $*1,500, anÃŽd bdd adite re.lckets ware ýi»cii con The Towx admttd reThe nd b.County T Spinfr purcbased at loc4m1 reéIl estate uxider dfiretor Jamoes- 'As.ey, Loca arisas, raftspeople, oMesa ea t iêh wa m& Will hold- Ml ichoral audition coA>raio~ retail business.. District ReadEt~ Board affce, b.ginning Wednesdaysi Sept. -5 anSomcogroups leetdli at 50 RPm u-S. .~~8 ~ ~ tSt. aul'. aot theDurham e!stivr_ Librairy displays R,1ecent W atercolors'