PAGE 22, HTYREPEB WD4S&,510 PAUL GANT On. c'f tho sport's superstars,' Paul, Gait cf: B.C. JaIned, his -twin brother Gary as a momberof -the Rodmon th Is seaslôn,.'Ho scorod four Oints in- his aniy regulirsoason game: wIth., Redmqn alter ho and Gary again carriod Syracuse to the ,NCAA field lacrosse. champîionship and thon piayod on Canadian fioid acrssetoamf that won a silver, modal in .the',worid field lacrosse 'champl0onship. Ontarlà major finals. CHRIS O'REILLY, Goatfend er. Chris 'Reiliy, in his flirst soasoh of' rr ilacrossoî proved to b. a major addftion ,tathoUR~mon inoup, ýas ho played n',15 gamos-during te,'oua sa sonh. BULL CALLANr Afgr taking a year off,-, Bill'Ca1lian r etùrnod this year'ta givo-an * addod boost to the Brookiin offence. With'sizo, and ýscoring touch, ho had 23g'oais and .22- assiststhis.' TERRY.BULLEN Tonry Bullen, 26, is in his third season with tho Redmon and n f h om'skey :players., Ho scored 31 -poit.l in 1Il7 gamfes. BuIIen pae uirA acrssein Whitby and Orillia and played fr 0 ilia'ssenior toam in 1986., PETER PARISE . ROB, HANNA KEN COLLEY WAYNE COLLEY. Soiid, vétéra n goaltender Wayneý Colley, 32j_ began» playing for the Redmen in'l1978 and has been an intégrai p art of, the Mann Cup, championship success cf Redmen. Hé earned most valuabie player honors in * 1985. The-brother of Ken Colley, who came' out, of retirement to join -theéRedmen» this soason,. Wayne aiso had 16 asit0drn the séason. Coleypiayodhi junir, lacrosse-in Oshawa In 1974and Wiby from 1975-78. JOHN FUSCO Always'one ofthé loagu's top scorers, John Fusco, 26, Redmen captain,. scoring 67 points in 18 games in. his seventh, soason with -the. Redmen despite racking yUp 99* minutes In penralties. Fusco piayod four years of junior .- .. .. ...**... .. larsein Whtby 'and, was -the-top scoror in majorKETBGE lacrosse In -1986. u3esides winning three Mann Cups with KIHBELYGARY GANT JEFF BROOKS> Brooklin; h helped- Whitby capture junior Minto Cup tities in 1980 and 1984. Fusco has aiways been a top performer in playoffi action, avéïra ging almost thrpé Points per game in thé playoff s in the last f iVe seasons. GARY GANT1 ,Gary Gait, 23, whose lacrosse skilis mhay only bo matched b y his twin brother Paul, i8 in his'second season with thé Redmen,, after capturin9 the beague scoring titié ast year. Thé ai-timne ieading scqrer in western junior lacrosse, hé saw Niimited regular sbason actionwith the Redmen as hé led'Syracuse University to the NCAA field acrsse championship and wyas part of thé. Canadian fiold acrass-,e teamthat won a silver medal at the wonld. chamrpionships. n the two. regular season' gamos ho played with thé Redmen, scoring four go ais and- nine points, Gary showod the quickness and thée. .. . magîc that support statoments that ho îs tho best to have KNPSFEDGE ENEEI ERN Ëayed th amo. Gait ayéd his junior acrsse withKE ASILGR EPNEICE41'I squimaeh ftrom 11983-8tand once scored a record 12 goals in one ga-me. $0011 McMNCHAEL Scott MVcMichaei, 26, is thé tough, fiery memfber cf thé Redmen. Neyer on. ta sit back and be compiacent, McMichaei served 158 minutes in, the penalty box and. was hit with a suspension laté in thé season. McMichael scored eight pointsthis season, piaying in 13 games. In his second season, McMchae's,,outgoing nature- has made an impact on. his téammatés, .and hé s: a team leader from hs robustness. .He préviously piayed junior for-Toronta Beachos and Scarborough and senior B for Scarborough. Keith Bogley, who last -playod for the Redmén in 1988, ~-- had 2n goals, 41 pints, -in 18A gras this season. JR .FTGRAlD M kvîN H'LAVES GREG VAN -SICKLE DANMcCARROLL SCOTFARRELL BILL DOWN 'BOB DUIGNAN. - .- ~~ ~ ~ J~Ç U~4 ~I~%~ ~ ~Asst Coach -- --- Genérai ange