, . -l 1 - . i MEPR89WEZS-YS_ E-, 5 lm, PAGE 27, neAAee Adane otg arsriiding MdvanSe ting~i uhmpls Burcii'exp édthis yesr voteà in heriý She did not Diznam C.iitre includes tii. -Centre-for tom irw rovIcIà Ia PIn 1987,16 ool voted fi staoemô clou, t matt2ma have an -Town of Whitbysout f Taun- electio was pror t aeI~y.,,1987 totals Iis3m6stl88popton R.DuhM Estincludes 1987 gres. ince peopl0e ~ee able to, Aocodkïg aDurham peoplwoeoode l l 98.Whitbynrii oTanoud in Ho ev. u ham Eat vote at ithie O M on ............. ...-........ than tom that: did titre. year Asof Tues day' (yestexday), 1 M 1 ~had eer -voed a ÎËe == Centre returning office or inu on. of the avao Tuosayl et~ cerJane reparmm AJ umIAV. L £au.ua iew toii, about 4SOO.pepI. hu ~Obita ii drod la"is.Feostead oRRi .F,'ptl-on Wednosday,,Augut 29'f90. h.was79 ehowasbonJuly20, 1911 in Choie, Ot.,, daughter of Wesley and May Durst.ý 8h. began tea ching at Dpt. airan island lu Goorgan vil. ud irdonIOt.,b efore ah. marriod JmesFltoad m Theoy-livod in Stouffyfileand Ibiîiitob<foii ovng t6_Whitb Corecion The. W"hitbiwuesa" rfmms t the -resdeuts "Of Bo misundèrstaniâng,--generated from the -ariucle 'oet Shares 'Battie' of 'the. Booze,9 on the. Brooklm Profile pageinm theAug. eti.,<story.B1rifefera ta bei ghaulei 'frm -beautiful Newfoundland. ta 'lower-claas Brooklu! Bruiff wasreferrixig ta Brooklu, New York which. may havrew multed -hms the. aipelnud ambguity of thesetn. k: 195.1» hy, ah. was. encouraged to Miroume teaching b~EAFâfrm npublic achoo UMPýspei. . was a-kindergar- toni toachor for t;he noit 20 yoars,- at Pa1rnerstoi4 and Fairman schools. 8h. re ýmdin 1976. 8h.,. is sumrvi o hr hus- band;- son - of Toronto and brothier Ran of Owen Sound. 8h. was p by brother' Services QwérO, ta-b. hold today (Wodnoda-) at St. -Mar' United- Churich. .Cromnation. D3onations >may ,b. mado ta the Cancer Society. 6Generations of < Servie, ýQüUlity & Trut, " Family Monuments " Granite. or Bronze Markers " Comotery. Lettering *ý Sandblasbng Staffrd Mnumets 318 Dunds St. E., Whftby AfterHRoeus668.440or 666-1513 Hoiappdalouieglaffy mapd-n DAVIS STUDIO. ~OF DANCEI Providing hgh qualit eacotraining -many of ost studnt are now attending professionial schools. cLASSES-IN: Ballet- ilm vFLAHERTY "WHEN IT COMES TO TAX GRABS... ... the Liberals & NDP are birds of a feather ...and they've flown together beforel" A j",onzec by Sitýnm&i Ye«, '0 Duham Centre PC Assocý.i.ýon INTERLOCK XSTONE SALES *Cobbesone W-Muli Weavýel *Retaininîg WaIIs ýw'Curbs &much more FR.OMý$1.25 PE'R SQw.FT. COMlE AND SE PUR DISPqLAYS. 655-4749 Red 'Rom 4NLrssry and Garden. Contreý Thickson R&. N.- Broolii,Ont. RFOR FREE QUOTATION CALL _HERB.TRAN. I 725-6564.ý -.Garden MiX_ ripleMix Soreenings - Grave Fine Graclin Exoevaing 401344,11 LANIDSCAPING by * UNU-VERSITY WERKS -since. 1980 - Quallty Construction & Prof essinal Déegn I Intertk rg Bik drives, patos, waki - Retainng wats. p sWoodFencing - -Wood Decks 1Fr.. Oompetiftive Estimates- 666-96'90 D..ANNY'S GENERAL Protsct Yow' Inv.guyunt WIth QualIty Repair and' Improvements Comple.Rovyationa C D ,yýw a l l. P a iting <SklitesFrench Dooîs Kitchens * Bahmoms ,FREE EImATES 666.2827 since 1975 .Renovation à Restoration mEtcU owpotawm tS. 8, pi&, for .1t8 p.. ,r nub ia .ueliibi t imsthrbe" u Elceeare lnen a Miui baltby the Dqutr dmning OMfloeruboW hmark in pdvate, b@Mld a a pw. lMm* r&& be laIrecSÉéi te il. Depty lnmwdn OMmcfordee.n,ý@db@UEOb.L CeadtdteVnos am numbami uni -cilpaonilyltitediftla wil*sa blâmât bakýotbe rlgt oemiuh mime M a uhte ddck,-lh. b@llotmutton. mmeodinta sy - wbist e.Amy bO mmeuin mme tIm n , -beflolae mudimi a arute bltiM *imoi be .oünbtei.'* Ç#mvoer. mmm a 01Iir - mne. aun m th. Pdang 11.1,or om a utiliat, t. vote bm"bW theOuIa Offlur, la acrie vote -deil.dY fta thoir, d tanididit.J.ceniare. deom Maltt&m rtho fotBd eut ballo osdocilesdmty, prwed' it at un ems hua aue'saibyaadote who i te e lb. it 0.1ý- « dirtiesn i ubahwillEsufotbues. An doter appdnte tVote &K mm«ma de. by p _Muet imothst 1lb. - paay he bas bea < b. flo*uà ntg O&fuo-ta'& ebM dIeIreItler ton . p.u. eatho à m abc" ey.a 014». igb te Toma la Ibis d.uie anm m .mes h o euil .. ay m 1l Or di.,-a Cu-à " ih ile, Md vhs.. cmmamn. une bi d e ' - -orm sa ,meilesate I te @in t be îdoue didelot whr bllbqfdd i 4 -Movemnent, -Monsters & ýGiggales - d. for i ldre. atô5 -l TEACHERS: HOBIIwDavo6IIJT. Elehil Kial, eSdToe, Netal Baues Shoal michdo Watrnm, BA. Humr.ulaDamS Phone 668-.1251 fr n'»wrèe infoe7nation 600 Eucelid St., Unit 4,W tb I ugs29th, 6:0 pm -9:00 pm Septembor 5th & th, 6:00 pm - ,9:OOpmn September 8th, 10:00 am-1:0p Septemboer l2th, 6:00,pm' 9:00,p MGF ADEN pig' lt)eArTHWii? SoRKS SERVICE Gron Design &construction (416) 430-7602 JsM Amieri»&yo U> Uf p iiv.fy0 iel 24HOURSERWCE" FREEESTIMA TES-571-4630 MGIi CELLULAR1,OES-75DY .25VEARS EXPERIENCE .C.Apbv. .0 c..W&W .btfeu* 1082 Wes4tCrsnt MissÎseauOt l5TIG1 <416> 56"-143 <416>554-2279 (Fax> Triple mixsoil -413.00 por yard Scro.ned soil- $11,80 0'r yard Unscreened sol - $7M0 peryard For Fat ,Free delvocaR bfehe -- --------- ---- ONTARIO ELECTION 190 r- zoom