STEVE UPTAY AUCTION SAT.., SEPT. 29 il A.M., FARM MACHINERN?, CATTLE, FOR STUART LAMB,, ENNISKILLEN, HOIJSEHOLD CONTENTS FOR LATE LORE£LAM'D 16 Limousin cows with calves,' excellent Limousin bull, Ebrb 45 h.p. tractor, baler, 3 - 14. plow, mowerë,cuItdisc, rake <aIl,3. h.p.)., N.H. manure '*spreader ---snow blower, elevator, manure leadr,01 2 wagonrs, trait, chain" saw and household- -contents. - ,Chairs, tables, dressrs, range, -etc. Farm sold. STEVE LIPTAY AUCTI ONEERS 263-2961 AUCTIO6N SALE -KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS"- every Wdn,à da- at 6:30 p.m. miles narth -of -Hvy. 401 - xit #399. Featuring.ý every- Wed. an excellent selection ai antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, coUlectibles, primitives,- and the ýunusuals.ý Sa in one ofOnrtaria's "Truew utin with na buy;.backs or. reserves. wConsignment & estate selling aur spcalty." Cali ustaday. Previews trm 1:00 p.m. »KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN SPECIAL ANTIQUE SALE'..- SAT., SEPT. 297-10:30 A.M. The praperty ai BETTY and*.the late ANDREW BROOKS ai Richmand -HilI. This is a vr ag sale ai antiq uqs & collect ibt items. Make sure té check next week's edition for details af - this large interesting sale. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1, LITTLE BRIFA IN 705-786-2183 N SATURDAY'S AUCTION - ACTION SEPT.« 22 -,ý 6:30 P.M. PETHICK AUCTION BARIN, HAVOON, 10 MI. N.E. 0F OSHAWAEVERY SAT..NIGI-T AT 6:30 P.M. This1 week ta include 2 local homes. 9 pc. dining roamn suite, bedroom suite, chesterfield suites,ý kitchen suite, dressers, fridge and stave, large Persian rug, beau front china cabinet, 12 ft. tandem trailer, pne harvest table, lg. pine f lat ta wall deacon's bench, pine blanket box plus lots ai glass and collectibles. Terms, are cash, cheque, or Visa. For mare information, catI 416-263-4252. Sale managed and sotdby GARRY K. POWELL AUCTINS * AUCTION SALE. SAT SEPT. 22 - 10:30 P.M. FOR t44f & MRS. RAY'HARRIES, 60 CASSELS RD., BROOKLIN 77 4 , GIANT BOAT, AUCTION Saturday, Sept. 22-, 10 a.m., at the' Midland Boat Sho w, Sept. 21 - 23, Auction preview Se pt. 20 & 21, Midland, (Ontario) Ton Docks (705) 5 26-4610 . Over, 100+* BOA'TS- Ruinnabouts to 304 ft. CRUISERS.-I's another AERO MARINE AUCTION SALE (705) 734-4777. for association The Oshawa and District Association for Comxnunity Liiving needs volunteers té assist adults - with developmental handicapsi ,participating in recreational activities. Rèquired: someone who bas an interest in attending Oshawa Génerals hockey games; someone who enjoys bowling, thé, movies,' or swiniming- once a week; someone who erjoys quiet -walks, gaing out for coffee or dinner once in a wbile or w'indow shoppng smeone to assist an in dividual with b er reading and writing skills; male over 40 wbo en*o'ys. painting and wants to share bis expertise. Vofunteerd s areneeded 'during the day, evening or weekends. For further information, contact Suzanne Nobes at 576-3011L ..--atFairview Volunteers are needéd for the Albei m'er'day program at Fai!r-ý view Lodge. i Vlunteers would assist with activity programs, about four hours each -week. Training will be p'rovided., 1Volunteers are'aleo needed for otber programs at theé bdge Cail Heather im at6r-8 for more information., ...for Eastview Thé Eastview Boys' and Girls' Club requires aduit volunteer leaders for * t twa hours weekly, for théefailand winter prograin ëeason._ Thé club .opérates youth activities., for 6- ta 17-year-olds, at its Eulalie ýAve, location at thé new Northview community centre in north Oshawa and at variaus facillties in the soutb Oshawa Thé Eastview Boys' and Girls' Club is looking for adûlts from 17- ears of ae ta grandparénts, who ave, a sincère, désire and enj'oy being- with young people. Yo voluntéér needs expérience, as training and assistance from professianal staff are provided for avery volunteer. Thère is a wide varièty of youth prograinsý designed- for à pecific age groups wberé a %olunteer can get inivolved: crafts, 3ports and gaines programs, ,rativé spécial activitiés and Lscussion groups. Thé club's rolunteér co-ordinator arranges -6 ieet with each potential rolunteer ta discuss wbat;type of xperence would*bèst suit thé niiu'.Thé volunteer is given .h op 'tyawrk diréctly uitb c =ldrentsèéeing thé -resulta if bis or ber efforts, meet and îork- abong .with other7-volunteers who share thé sanieinterést and, mèceiyé a wiepJth,ofexréps. REGULAR, DECAFFEINATED, SANKA, SIERRA Maxwell ,House. Instant Coffee 150 g- 200 g JAR 3.199 WITH COUPONBELOW SELECTED VARIETIES INCLUDING NATURES BLEND Del Monte Juices PACKAGE 0F 3-250 ML TETRA PAKS LIMIT:- 4 PKGS PER FAMILY PURCHASE TOMATO Heinz Ketchup 1 LITRE BOTTLE 1.399 WITH COUPON BELOW PRODUOT 0F CALIFORNIA, NO. 1, SUN WORLD Christmas. Rose Red.-Grapes, NWEW STORE HOURS Monday to. Friday 7a.m. ilp.m.. Satu rday 7 a.-M. - lOp. M. Effective Mon. Sept. 17/90. CEREAL, Kellogg's Bran. Flaekes LES 475 gBO UTHANIO PRICEI IWITHI WITH COUPON BELOW, SLICED White CUOMarveél Bread 675 gLOAF .609 CUT*FROM CANADAS FINEST GRADE 'A"BEEF Prime'Rib OVIN B.BOIkg MRoast RAD lb39 I1TH THIS SAVE rýt COUPONS AV W 'COUPON'1.0 COUPONsSAVa m . SANKA, REOULAR, DECAFFEINATED OR SIERRA I»I CEREALI IMaxwell >House Instant Coffee I KelLogg's Bran FlakesI I Î50 g -200 gJAR Ig475BOXI LIMITl 11jar par coupon, LIMIfl 1 box par coupon.I Onfe val et.1 , ep.2,I # U Ofrvalld Sept. 16' -Sept. 22, 199M oFtr v prce wlthout coupon 4399).. .C.#6 j (Fature prie@ wlthout coupon 1A9) V.C. #K9O27M wIT THS1 t~ SAVE s. jwiWfITTS SAVE3001, COUPON ~COUPON ASRE YE I Heinz Ketchup H Robin Hood Flour I I1 UTRE BOTTLE 2I IgBA (UM9: 1.93t269U T:1botti. par coupon. LiMIT: I bag par coupon. 2 1Offor valld Sept. 16'. Sept. 22, 1990. 011r veild Sept. 15e' - Sept. 22, 1990 (Fauepria. without couponp2391 S.C. #e3, (Foturo prc. wthout coupon 2»%1 VC.# - -bv STEVENSR I11RYDAY 14111H ONE 4411H 1440 F~~nr5oes RUAit FILLU IEt> W44111tu Wu STAIP %A[R SIIP, SAVER 1TAMPS 000 BOSS TWN t 29.99 24.99 19.99 4- iLe Ie t 49 39.99Î34.99, ece t 5499 49.99144.99 G~see 69.""9164.99159."1 70-THICKSON -RDI. S. WHITBY . t% ...rv -. . . . . . 0 . .. . .. . . ........ I ti ~1 WHITBY FREE P1<Is. WEDiNESDAY, IE~EBR 19,1990, PAGE 27 lwosTTMIRES ope n fday' CHECK STORE LOCATiON FOR' SUNDAY OPENINOS a HOURS. SU»nDAY SEP16on When- The-Stars Corne U The Prîces Corne Dwn!. -3 i