ywi people read the partys policy book? a Town Council is planning te, make Arthur Street a one-way rond. RAB: Huh? 0 ht'snwCmunt hs apin under the direction of Richard Matthews, will LAUGH--REN. We could fil ailthe old friciges wth nucIeai% wasteVstnt onewct. 15.Cýs amain and bwry them somewhere way north of Sudbury. * Otar o ut. a ie$10300teteWi15.eea Hsia uidn ud SECOND VOICE: Great idea! rd vote for that. nai onymygv $,5,0 o h htyGnea optlBidn ud RAB: So whatta we got so far? We're gonna build a million steves a Direct distanice dialing will l'e introduced l'y Bell Telephone in Whitby within 18 months. and friciges here in Ontario, give them ail away, junk ail the old appliances, bury them. in the pre-Cambrian shield filled with 125 YEARS AGO nuclear Wate ... o dionfth FIHVOICE: And dismantie Darlington, dont forget that. Cccxi froni the iz'ursday, Septeml'er 14, IM Â?W o f h for thousanis of jobs. VWHMY CHIRONICLE VOICES: Premier Bob! Premier Bob! Premier Bob! Prem ... a Richard ILH. Hbbs a well-known Wbitby citizen, bas been charged with passng RAB: Hey,I could get te lilce this power thing. counterfeit money. (Tape en&i heme.) a A Wbitby lady was horrified te find bier wailet was stelen l'y her l'est -friend's 11-year-old r E Doug Anderson's The Other Side of the Fence will -aperin another .,rLof the-paperfrmtine to time son when skie paid nar fmenda avisu. * our cases of bankruptcy are advertised ini The Chronicle. Creditors are asked to meet with the bankrupt people's lawvyers to work out a settiement of clams. *Wiffiam Thompion ofWitly wiil le showing bis saddfles at the Provincial Exhibition in Toronto. WM" ffBYFRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SETMBER'19, 1990, PAGE 7 PAGSEE 'o*R/P OurT1 Premier Bob, Premijer Bob 1COA5 3bINN' Boy By a grat strke of lck, I ave obaine1, tape f the meeting of the Bob Rae cabinet. The folowing is an unedited transcript. RA: Al rgtlet'swie those sifly grins off our facesand gtto work. We-l know thi couldb a challenge and a lot of ip1e are hWp;g not se secretly that wel fail flat on our little nomes. VOCS: Premier Bob, Premier Bob, Premier Bob, Premier Bob.. RAE: Kind of has anicerigte it, deesnt it? Looks good on television. But-first thing it'sl right te chant a littie like t at, ut when I hold up my hands, like this, Pope-like, then you put a lid on it. Shail we practice? VOICES: Premier Bob, Premier Bob, Prem.. RAB: Vey good. Now a few rules I think we should keep in mind. Firet, we're flot, going te impose the whole party platform in the first terni of office. Secondly, it is our aim that we wiil have a second terni of office. Th o c haindb o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ANOTRE VOIM:Good thinkring, Bob. But what policies do we want? Didn't the Liberals use up ail our policies years ago during thýe minority governiment and the Liberal-NDP Prelude? RAB: That was net a Prelude, that was a Civic. GOVERNMENT FLACK (whispering) The Accord, not a Civic. The Accord. RAB: IYes, Accord, sorry abeut that. So. What poicies should we throw at em? CHARLTON: Hey, look, I got this beautiful idea. You know how much it cots to build those gigantic nuclear generaters and stuil; and how nuclear is against party policy and ail. So I figure it would be easier te save electricity than te produoe it. So what we canà do is te give a frxee refrigerater and steve te every family ini the province. RAB: Give us some details. CHARLTON: WelI,- appliances use a lot of electricity. New appliances are energy efficient. So electricity we save we don't have te produce. RAB:.-Se we'il give away, what, a million of these things. No imprS, please FIRST VOIC: Are we going te import these appliances, or build them. here? Should create a lot ofjobs. CHARLTON: Oh, build them here. No grants for *imported stufl, that's for sure. Does anyone know if we niake appliances in Ontario any more? SECOND VOICE: Not since free trade. RAB: Okay, we give ýaway the fiiges and steves with stuif bufit in Ontario. Surely we can get some Japanese ruin te come in and do it cheaply ... VOICES: Premier Bob? Premier Bob? Premier Bob? CHARLTON: Say, we could nationalize Inco and set up a company te build stuff. Its cailed state ownership. Theyve clone it in. places---------- like Russia, East Germsny, Poland.. *.A:I hope youtre only idding. JOHN THgOMASI, WH1TBY' NIGHIT WATCHMAN, C. 1921 W e could drink cdId beer John Th6mas, a native of Wales, served as night watchman in the downtown from 1921 to i LAUGtH' ««k-4-RE:S htsi on osOemlisoe nd 1949. HMis salarywas paid l'y a specal tax on the downtown merchants. One Of Whitby's l'est