8~ ~)h~ ,(k~~f ~ Sf M~rN1!u~ <YA<J8~fL4(RfW *~ E.(Çf~ Y~t1h1W PAGE 22 WH1TYFPREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, S11EBR26, 1990 T .White RoS CRAFTS & NURSERY SALES 170 À UMS Hardy perennial Mumss withbudsand colourf ul, blooms.-Choose' from a beautifu ara y f ~badof colours. Our reg. .8 ea. MIIMSLE el a e EUONYMUS ALL VARIETIESI 6-10" taîl. For vines, hedges or prunefinto columnar or g lobe shapes. Choose from Canadale Gold, Emerald Gaiety, Emnerald Gold or the Sarcoxie. Our reg. 8.98 ea. 5F M FUIT TREES -&PICK FRESH FROM VOUR OWN BACKYARDI 'Choose from Red Deliojous, Golden ~vvjDelicious, Northern Spy, Conference, edHaven, Stanley& morel Our18.95 ea F 100% Ný -GUAAANTEED No dit endà bo b.ta. tgno utemai ?l Pm@ .will It cdê li aýg ~~~4.5' ARECA PALM FulI g ac l cingrbranches ideal for brgtros.u reg. 24.99 ea. SALE 12 49 "DEVILS IVY' Super hardy plants for low or high light. 6" Pot. Our reg.999 eaA9 SALE4 BABY TROPICALS Over 25 varieties in cluding ferns, pepperomia, spider plants, and more. Ideal for dish gardens. 3" Pot. Our reg.1.49ea SLE5 ZERAPLANTS Dramatic stripped'foliage with bright yellow flower spikes. Our reg. 9.99 SALE 5" S' COVETTE1 Large leafed variety of hawaiian Scheff lera prunned ta a columnar shape - A great accent plant! Our reg. 29.99 ea. SALE 14 99, air r pciIs SREIGER BEGONIAS Longlasting flowering begonias loaded with buds Sandblos Choose trom reds, oranges, yelîows hior pinks. Our reg. 2.49 ea. À @À *HOURS: *Mon. b Fn. 9:OOa.m.-9:OOpm. *Sat., Sun. & Holidays 9:Oa.m.-600p.m. IOPEN SUNDAYS *LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT IQUANTITIES. WHITBY 1243 Dundas St. E. INSTANT HEDGING Instant hedges provide instant landscape beauty. Choose fram the Amur privet, Alpine Currant and morel Our reg. 6.98 ea. PYRAMIDAL JUNIPERS OUR ENTIRE SELECTIONI 3-4' tail Junipers. Choose from the Skyrocket, Spartan, Cologreen, Grey Gleam & more I Our reg. 29.95 ea. à AUSTRIAN PINE W2-3' Taîl dark green in colour with a compact growing habit. Resistance ta air pollution makes it ideal for city planting. Our reg. 34.90 ea. GLUE GUN from Black & Docker Cordîess trigger f eed model. Compact design. After sale 32.99 ea. SALE.198'8 SWEATSHIRTS5o/5o Poyc tt p,10 Fashion colours. Our reg. 15.99-18.99 ea.. hTEE SHIRTS SYouth (S-L) - 10 colours Youth Neon - 4 coloursi Aduft (S-XL) - 15 colout /AdutNeon-4.coloursr, Youth Sîzes %y%% AutSîzes 1288 i Jerzees Brand- s reg. 7.99 ea. 5 u reg. 8.99 ea. 6"u rs reg. 9.99 ea. 6" reg. 1 0. 99 ea. 7" 1 GALA FABRIC PAINTS 157 Colou rs in Neons, Pearl, Plain, Glitter, Crystal and Nron. 1/2oz. bottle. Our reg. 2.98 ea.19 1/3 Off WOODCR 4F SOur Entire Selection ()0O3 Our reg. .29-89.99 ea. a ý PLASTIC CAN VAS S7 Mesh. Our entire selection, of Clear, Cooured. Eand Neon. 10 1/2" x 13 1i"m-S -É 7 Our reg. 1.29 - 1.39 ea. O L I PAINT WHEELS 6 PACK MINI WHEELS - Choose from Acrylic, Fabric, Colonial Colours or Poster Paint. d4 Our reg. 1.98 ea. SALEI VICTORIAN RIBBON b the Rol Plain or picot edg es in a selection ot oelours in popular widths. Afler sale 1.99 roll. PAPER TWIST SALE991 Durable paper ribbon. 13 Solid colours as well as gold, silver à -nd gold fleckedgre & gold f Iecked urud.Ater sale 2.89 per6 eyard hank OSHAWA 300 Taunton Rd. E. SALE ENDS OCTOBER 4, 1990 ONLYZWHILE ,SUPPLIES LAST! DWARF NEST SPRUCE 12-180 tl. Pyramidal shaped evergreen maintains its compact shape without pruning. Will grow in sun or shade. Our reg. 9.98 ea. HEITI JUNP41RS 2-3' WIDE LANDSCAPE PLANTS. The hardiest winter resistant plants and most depesîdable in sunny and wind swept locations. Our reg. 29.95 e a.1 /A NDIAN CORN i4Natural and decorative. Choose from strawberry, mini indian and standard. IjJOur reg. .69 ea. ONLY 3 1 a SMINI PUMPKINS ~Orn amental natural small pumfpkins are Igreat for Thanksg iving or Halloween jtable decorations. ON Y 44 Super Special DAFFODILS&NARCISSUS Top Size bulbs wfth 2-3 bloom' arbuîb. Over 30 varietes. Reg, .79 NOW ONLY 40~ TULIPS Choose from our entire selection of Large Darwins, Multfloweing bunching doubles, B 11fowernnqand more.5Î8 NYACINTNS Fleg. .79 ea. CROCUS Reg. .19ea. SO GREEN WINTER PRO LAWN FOOD 6-8-12 No tiller. 18Skg.S L ba covers 4300sq. t i Our regi 17.99ea. (74 WEED & FEED ^LEr' 6-8-12 l8kg. bag covers 4300sq.ft. 3 Our reg.22.99ea. WHITE ROSE IR<'M IN Ple0 I LAWN FOOD 12-4-8 20kg. bag covers 5380sq. ft. Our reg.22.99ea. WEED & FEED 9-4-8 20kg. bag covors 5380sq. ft. Our reg.24.99ea. SAL mASS à . - .. . à . F s Bic IN IVÀ Pli FALL FERTILIZER A gow for a thick hepapllltý y Spring lavvn! -1 JL uu ;Édfea. t %511 39 1