WHIBY F1REE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEP'FEMBER 26, 1990, PAGE 5 Bugelli@ c ý ririticizes Crmbe FROM PAGE 3 other planning proposaIs, said B" tlieeme a most peculiar state.ment indeed when many deve!opers i this area, and mumcîpaýilities, too, have accused th utority of holding up deve- 'Obýviu9Iy the truth lies some- where between these two extremes.» Lastly Bugelli took offenoe with drombie's dlaim that CLOCA currently lacks the res- pect and public support te be a leader i waterfront plannig. Ite commission instead sug- geste that Durham Region assume the role of protecting the waterfront. "I take strong exception te those remarks,» said Bugelli who then liste a number o?à examples of the work CLOCA bas done in this area. Such activities include deve- îopment controls or, environmen- tally sensitive lands, improved pub ic recreational facilities and protecting fish and wildlife habi- tats. uçontrary to the ailegation in the commission's reporýtsubmit that the authority has been, and is in, the vanguard ini waterfront planning ana protection," said Following bis remarks, Bugelli told council that CLOCA was not asked te make a presentation te the commission even though the hearings were held at its Osh- awa office. «I feel its grossly unfair for such a thing te take place,» he added. Bugel1i teld reporters that CLO CA will officially respond te Crombie's report at a later date. DELHI PALACE finest east indian restaurant Vegetarian & Non- Vegetarian Buffet Lunch ALL YOU CAN Tues.-Sat. EAT ONLY$6*9511:30-3:00 Sunday Lunch Special 7 Courses - ONLY5*1 PLUS 95 TAX When it cornes to hiring the Deaf, seeing is believing. 271 Spadina Road, Toronto, Ontario M5R 2V3 416-964-9595 (TDD) 416-964-0023 THE CANADIAN HEARING nlb SOCIETY F0UNDATON ýv7 "Nutri/System helped me IoseS52 Ibs.ý and cared about my weII-be.ng."1 "This is the firsi weight loss program I tried where I le/t the staff really cared about me. The counselors treated me like an individual, flot just part of a cro wd They made me feel imporlant. Thanks to Nutri/System, I care about me. too. I watrh what Ii et so 1 ran .ct.cv a size6 My pride really shows through." Our client, Marge Brandt, lost 52 lbs. Our Comprehensive Wieight Loss Program WiII HeIp Over ONE MILLON Clients This Year. It Includes: CI Safe and effective weight loss Q c Nutrition ally balanced meal plans Sm ce, j C Nutrtional supervision CI No calorie counting OVER 1,700 CENTRES WORLDWIDE CALL TODAY FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION 723m5211 432m7755 666m0770 428m0100 420m4300 62348666 345 Simcoe St. St. 1251 Simcoe St. N. 1101 Brock St. S. 100 Westney Rd. S. 1450 Kingston Rd. 98 King t.E. OsaaOshawa Wib Transit Square, Ajax Pcengowanvie *Spocii citer doos not indud costof exdusive NufiSystM food or MintenoeioeProgunor«videos. 0ffer vaid a adpaïng ontu. New dierbt only. Expires OcdMO. Tis Week it 's back to the books: a study tipine or oak. 20% Off All Bookshelvs&Wl n Don't miss store-wide spcials on ETry fiom bar stools to* bedroom suie.îiii _____luesu OPEN SUNDAY The Market Village NE. corner Kennedy & Steeles (beside Cullen Barn) OPEN SUNDAY IleBam: Markham Rd. & Steeles Ave. 293-2279 SOLID OAK & IE CRAFISMNSINCE1974 OPEN SUNDAY Workshop & Showroomn: Whitby: 370 Denison St. E., Markham. 111 Dunlop St. W. at Brock St. 475-2488 668-2770 îII«.** % *i4t *l-lb t I II14I s tilt- t.1 1 4 1 1 1 1 -1 1 01 1 4 4 tt e ;ç z i