WHfl'BY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3,1990, PAGFZ 15 Oppositinquîckly moutd,.over landfil la By Trudie Zavadovios' Opposition has quickly been mounrted,:in .reaction to the, five éandidateý- l'ocations for a Dur-ý ham-onlyr lanïdfill site. Following a 1twoyear'study of theReion, MacLaen Engineer- ing selectedisites in' northeast Oshawa- Pickering;, at the Pick- erinÎWiiitby border; 'Newcastle near the Ganaraska forest, anc1 two Scug glocations as potential, 20-year:duxnpsites. Propeiy- owners from the areas pac ed. th.e waste manage- ment, comrittee meeting (Sept. 25), .anmed with -placards, and some with legal counsel, and voiced'strong, opposition'to. the potential dumpsites. Largest " representation came from the' people 'of Newcastle' who once agin ind theinselves fighting to'save the »Ganaraka forest. Newcastle,'Mayor ,Marie Hub- bard spoke on behaîf of. her constituns «Fiôroay. perspective this is not a- am.it avery serlous issue ýfor the ,peopleý of Durham Pt Re on Mgypeople havýe been, i-very seriously!impacted. Ianônt iinpressed, *'with the Ilroes.Te, èommnissioner of bhis Regionh»,a not even'been "The 'headwaters-of <the --Gan'araika, 'where acéross, the "odsÈre ,goveërnment-owned lands and specialty agriculture. SRyuhave selected- that site. tbleeit. "I cannot- believe that -we can continue to put my. constituents throukhthis >gut-wirenching upro- ces&.-Don't put these people up foi ra.nsom. Don't put this pro- trupfor ransom. Things are èlag% énough'te have this cloud ,hanging overhead.» She asked that the Ganaraska 1> elimninated as'a candidate site. " Look* at' the criteri*a.Th Ganaraska is not a candidate site.» ThIe environmental assessment procss lsomet with strong "'In this'.Process, that's exactly what counçil can't do,» said waste conittee'chairman John Aker. He ýsaid that candidate sites can only be removed for-environ- mental ýreasons, not political ones. "People-are fed up with plan- ning or lack of itfsi Hubbard. She criticized the* fact that the consultant fjrn3 spent two »years comng p with the sites; without' evennhaving looked at a ny of the areas. Former MPP Sam Cureatz has been hired by residents of New- castle te represent themn in their fight against the dumpsite., He said he s advised al residents flot te, sign an y agreements with MacLaren Consultants. that would gin them acceëss te, begin oerMorton, a farmer whose land woud be directly affected by .the site said that priorities need te be straightened out. "I don't behieve it. I don't believe that this is a Durham only garb eff site. Garbage is big business. Laidlaw charges $120 te dump one tonne of garbage. I jet $100 for a tonne of corn.et's get our priorities straight." Mario Veltri, an Oshawa deve- loper spoke oUt against the pro- p9isecl.Oshawa. site saying *that Winners, of the quilt show held during the recent Heritage Day were: LARGE QUILT - irst, Evelyn Pringle of Whitby, aipp liqued sampler %- secondTeiresa Yurko, Irook- lin,-'Lve Star with Butterflies'* - third, Colleen Therrien, Ajax, FREC HEIRLOOM CATE- first, Fran Hall of Whitby, comimunion dress for daughter; - second, Gail Gray of Uxbridge, wedding gown for daughter; -", third, Annette Janca of Whitby, communion dress - for daughter. O ML QUILTS if's dirc= interfering with the futuregrothof Oshawa. 'This has caught many people by surprise. It's totally ridicu- ou$ n totally againà t it. The city of Oshawa can only growv toward the north of us.It is totally unacceptable. I will do my damn best to stop this. 'It's a serious economic matter." Oshawa councillor Nancy Dia- mona challenged the $500,000 p ad te Macaren, hired by, the Rég1ion 'as consultants for thé' project, when littie practical research- was done and pertinent pieces of information, such as the *egonsi officiaI plan,. were not considered. She called the. selection, of all the sites unrealistic, and said the Oshawa one in particular was a «stupid» selection since it is close to Durham Collegete Oshawa airport, and the egion's pro- posed route for- Hwy.407. U[ find it hard te believe that a -first, Anne Yaraskavitch of Whitby, 'Blue Jay'; -second, Colleen Therrien, 'Love Star'; - third Eleanor Beck of Whetb 'Meariner's Comnpass.' 0T ERS '_ first, Karen Elston of Whitby, 'Morning Glory Bunny,,' and Donna- Howard of Osh awa, 'Morning Glor Bunny'(tie); -second,_ Angie Smith of Whitby, 'Cross-stitch Picture';.- - third, Betty Stevenson, Scar- borough, 'Quilted Jacket.' The special award went te Debbie Starzisky of Whitby for 'Romancing the Heatquilt tep. Viewer's choice decided the winners, who received gift oertifi- cates. It was the fourth show held by the Silver Thimble Quilt Shoppe. 1 compny wthý the reputation of. MaciLren'si could have, driven down the road 'and *not 'noticed Durham College, Oshawa 'Air- port arid the beautiful G(anaraska," said Diamond. Whitby councillor,-Marcel" Brunèlle defendedý the process and site selections, saying that wherever the site is, people will- challenge it. <1The process has^ taken place totally without political input, solely on environmiental safety,» said Brunelle. "I feel good about the process. It was an honest one. There were may meetings to involve the public, eroes was fair.I d ont think weflfind a ,site in Whitby or anywvhere else that is accepted"*ý He said he woulId feel the samne way had 'MacLaren chosen a dumpsite right in Whitby. John Read, solid, waste menagement -managr for MacLaren,, says that the next stop is te gfet permission te test the soils of 'the candidate. sites. He said that according te publie opinion, te most 1 p1rantcon- siderations* in choosigthe land»'. MIî site are natural environment, public health an d afety, techniý- cal aspectýs,, social aspects and cost., According to Read, if testing goes well, a preferred location would be chosen by spring of 1991. <*1~ Quitshowwinners ffl~:th e c'Ommissionaires Are, continuing to build a reserve group of trained COMMISSION-A IRES for ernployment in the* Durham, Region. Most of our!contracts involve security duties. However- we also receive requests to provide. COMMISSIONA IRES who, possess special background qualifications." To be eligible to join the- COMMISSIONA IRES you must have served in the Canadianor AIlied Armed Forces, the RCMP or Wartime Merchant Navy. Our home study training program is about to begin. It will culminate in a two dlaycourse with tests to-be held in mid November. if you wiould like :further iflormation aboutthe, COMMISSIONA IRES please telephone: Lt. Colonel Bill Stewart Commander Durham Region - at 623-0802 TE PROPOSED GST IDOUT W 'S GONG O.-NCO MINGOFF Wondering whether your grocerybil l witl go up? Thjnking about how much to save for that new car? Asking if your bank service charge wilt be' taxed? Or, just plain confused? The answer is as close as your phone. Cati us, your GSTConsumer Information Office. On January 1, 1991, the proposed GST is scheduted to replace the. Federal Sales Tax*(FST) in the marketplace. To understand what it mâeans... and what. it mean's -. to you... you need information. We can give you the facts. Ask us for your free copy of The Consumer's Guide tQ the ~ GSTand Pices.Fuit of helpfut information, it also features a Key List shown - how the reptacement of FST with GST should affect prices. We're here to -~.<s~hetp you know what to expect, what to ask and where to tumn. Because the more you know, the better you shop. Our uines are open ~ ~ N from 3 to 9 p.m. every day. And they're totl-free from anywhere in Canada. Fo)r hearing impaired cati 1-800-465-7735. The answer lis to cali. Your GST Consumer Information Office. 1-800-668-2122- I.' overmentet Cnada Gouvernement du Canada I ¶ 141 Government of Canada