WHITY FPUE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1990, PAGE11 v Loca gopugsaton nthe envîronrnent. By Trudie Zavaïdovicut Fast fiood ý'chains 3and pca gae are under the touoh scru- tiny of EnvironmentAction Osh- awa/Whitby who are challeniging the industries* and their effective- ness in contributing to6 a healthy, safe, clean envinment. The OsihawalWhitby environ- mental _group, began this June with a focus on waste reduction eqpecially ini the area of excess packaging. It is a branch. of a- larger umbrbila group called Environmiental Action Ontario. «Up to 50 per cent of landfilis excese packaging," says Karen Giles,. a member of the-local organzation. «We are askcing that fast food' restaurants use reusable-dishes and cutlery.- Giles says that they are also suggesting that there be a pro- vincially imposed tax on dispos- able containers and that the revenues fromn that tax go towards waste reduction efforts. "We also -want supermarkets to reduce excess packgng, espe- cially inthe produce ana bakery areas,ý -says Giles. uWe do encourage ,taking < urown bags. We sl] ugsandcanvass bags.» "Our aprach is to try to qet local endosement fromn service club s, co mmunity groupe, schools and churches.We d*d a mail-out in mid-September and are start- ing to get rëeonses back.", After, we plan to go to munici- pal govýernmeénts with, the' back- ing of community groups. Once we get endosemn tfrom munici- nal gvernmnents, we will theng the provincial government.e hope to do that by year-end. Giles said they did a fast-food surey to see how people feel about excess.packaging. «I think what is needed is legislation at the source of pack- aging. The-.'anufacturera need to ,be challenged. -If packaging represents ý50 .per cent ofîfll;ý then we have to find another way. Gi]es says some -suggestions include the return to refundable pop bottles. "Most cans- don't land in the blue 'boxes.. We are trying, to encourag~e go ing back to. glass ,bottles..- »The fgrass-roots, organizatio will ho]d is next meeting Oct. 14.n «Grass-roots action is what we.' need -" says . Giles.. "Getting people. aware. ' Once they're.- aware, they can't help get invol- ved.» They are planning* diéplays and demonstrations for Recydling Week Nov. 19 -25. One. project-is. bag count, with alI the grocer stores in Oshawa, to determine how many bags they use., Giles says that everyone doing somethingcan make a -difference. «Youcan ceioose items that are not over-padlca4lo. Bring your own bags to' th e supermarket.' Choose reuseable over disposable items like razors, pens and dia- pers. Avoid single-serving con- tainers by buying things in bulk. And voice concern to the manu- facturera. "We do have the power to chatnge things. The-government should be there for us; not the other way around.» Giles says, that plastics aie a non-reusable resouroe that don't breakc down in landfill sites and -that are not yet recycled. effi- QxXilt. ShowN Fa]] colors are appearing everywhere and te keep in this fashion the Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre (43 John St. W.) will hold their annual Quilt, Show on F'rday, Oct. 12, 1 to 8 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 13, il a.m. te 4 p.m. Admission is $2.50 which includes refreshments and a ballot te vote 'for one's favorite quilt or wallhanging. Ail proceeds go te this year's United. Way Campaign for Oshawa, Whitby and Newcastle. To display a quilt- or wallhanging, cal] Donna Ratz at 576-6712. ciently. In a polI by- Environmient Action Ontario in the spring of 1990 of the 12 worst over-packa- ged products drinking boxes were rated tAe worst. "It haà three different ýlevels- of packa- iîng - ýcardboard, foul and, plastic. You can't separaiè them.» Second, worst is vegetables wrapped 'in plastic, .followed by processed cheese* élicés meat- fish, and poultry 'inâividuai cereal boxes, bagged milk, femin- mie hygiene products, cookies, pudding cups, cold-cuts, tooth- paste and frozen dinners.. îGiles urges every"one to get involved.- or more information caîl (416) 435-0497. COCK- A-DOI FIEE GORLE H~W!. dORSLE Pt,' The Gentre's Anniversary Stampede has 18 family events from October 10,-20, 1990. You could win a trip, ta South Padre Isi., see a province-wide FiddI&-Contest or even register yourkids in achicken/pig/horse/cow calling contestl Get your schedule of e vents at the Centre. Thank you to the following sponsors: Grou Martin OoITravel RADIO 1390 AMi 0SH -A*W'A CENTRE, 4. 'J ~ ~[~?J. ~ -.4. Antony's creates another dining experience and is pleased to announce the openingzofthedownstairs SUGO RESTAUýR ANT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT, Thursday- Friday- Saturday: For your dining'and dancing pleasure. Corne and enjoy our casual atmosphere. First in Durham Region to cook Pii'za on a Unique Wood Burning Stove. DOO LY Ë . S VV E H- AME *Wi '.A m -ý -'w 1 The Oqum