mmmNT ERIORS2. Newvvideode mystifies the., ^re,.novationprooess IHomeowners can benefit from the. ,'Wealth ,of --*information acontained i n' a-new .renovation avideo b eind ofered by -the Toronto E Home -BÙ,ideW - Association (Renovation, and Redevlpmefnt, Councéil. S "The video js desjgneçl to give j omaowners a. greater degree of Scomfq#rt in ,their dealings with renovatori, said council chairmhan ILou Frustaglio. "Ov»er the " years, - the council has iden1tified« a sensitivity -ânong 1 homeownersabôut the rénovation process." Titled .'Cali the Council.'l the video outlines yarious services tprovidedý by- the THBA with i regard' 1to ,renovation. These 1services include information on t permits, the standard residential t renovation- contraîct, aMwell as iconsumer-forums on ýtopics such as how to hire à , professional renovator. The video also features homeowners discussing. their renovation experiences. "Consumers will gain a better understanding of the renovation rocessafter seeing the vidéo. s9will help, them make informned decisions," said Frustaglio.. October is .Renovation Month. In conunction with tbis, a series of free renovation seminars will taà ke o,1ace throuLhout the Metro region this month. The video will aise b. shown at more th"n 150 Bank o f Montreal brachsin Ontario during October. >For' more information, on renovation, the upcoming renovation seminars, or on how te obtain a copy of the video, contact the TEBA's Housing' Information Hotline -- 391-HOME. senawIofer adCvice-a bout home renovation Une of four consumer seminars to be held by the Toronto Home Builders' Association will be at the Pickering Home and Design Centre, 1755 Pickering Parkway, Pickering. ' 'Se You Want to Renovate' seminars are free, and include advice on how to choose a profes- sional renevator, municipal requirements -and bylaws,- con- tractual obligations and preven- tative measures to ensure.trou- ble-free renovation. Thie seminar at the design centre will be held from 7 te 8:30 p.m., on Thursday, Oct. 11. *1 To pre-register, caliL isa Fona- tine at 391--3445. Decoratîng ideas offered 'Interior Decorating jIdeas' will be offered at the McIjughlin Public Library auditorium on Monday, Oct. 15, 7:30 p.m. Three interior decoraters from Durham Region will discuss win- dow' treatments, coordination of wallcôverngsp and fabrics, and decorating for children. WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1990, PAGE 15 Le ~a IV I nteriors: Grand *Ç>Pening' lU ~IJ7VSale Savings On AIl m-'stock, & Special, Order, Mercha-ndise It) If you are looking t SI fumnish your living roomn, with quality fumniture before the GSI, don't miss this sale!! Hours: Tues.-Thurs. 9:00 - 5:30 Frlday 9:00-7:00 Saturday 9:00-3:30 Wc carry Stiffel lamps, Butler. & Roberts furniture,' lLammary furniture, Hespel-er,. decorative arts and Oriental accessories. Sale Ends October 31/90. Spedal Orders take 4-8 weeks for de/weriy S~if(e1® 103 Byron Street S. Whitby, Ontario- Tel. 666-8515 PAINT SALE' Create a truly elegant look that you will love ta oeil youri Regal Interior Latex Paint Finishes...beautiful and long la ,ownI AquaGlo Latex Semi-Gloss Enamel For Walis and Trim SN Q3270 Regular Price $42-70 Lae hell Fiat Enamel ~~ ~~~ FoW Tadrim Elegant Intenors' PICE29QI5L Regular Price $39,70 Begin wmin Some Custom Colars may be higher 7lnpdnce PAINTS LAST CHANCE FOR EXTERIOR PAINTING MoorGlo Moore'se'~ UuSE&TIammmIT House Paint. suL $i>f95*UW AE 29*PC 35%*4L -$ '4a* 30% OFF ALL WALLPAPER 0OOK> ORDERS- RSALE ENDS OCTOBER 271h g"Where- QualÎty & Service Make The Dîfference" 19'16D na St. Eý., Whitby 432.-8466