WIIiTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1990, PAGE 3 -~o M #U muuno 40DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY 668-4500 (Toronto une-686-3825) 4 Branches Iocaed in Scarborough. Branches also Iocaed in: - Aurora* Richmond Hill The Whitby Free. Press wishes to point out that Bay Sports has o ver 1000 pairs of skates ip their Glant Skate Exchange, .per IstoreT, fot 100 pair as appeareci in the ir ad on 'Oct. 3/90. TheVWhitby, 'free Press wishes tg apologize for-this error. chance Chanýgeorý abolishth Senatde BR osseStovonso Durhamrd MP W Ii1988, ' Iran in.'the federal elecetion to represent the residents of Durham"ridinig. In representations in caucus, committèèès and the House of Gommons, Ihave statod the opinin fmycosttuents to the boutofmy ability. exapIe my Yews oný issues- such as'the environnment agrculureair amatter 'of public record'through press ,l'à ehous ehoôlder nmli*ng sard thi.-reports of *committees in th Hue of G ïmos. eas of my position on the. envioumnt, wa recently appointed chairman of thi e ial committes studying ll C,-78, an Act to esablisha'Canadian environmentalas omnt prcess. Qainputat bugt i mtteroe Ieiè for a large "dorporate tax which Would ueo comnpanles pay.a fairer.sharo .of the. tax. This a psed by the. Houso of Coiion a 98.It involvfes apxia tély$1 billion ii revenues, but thé. Sonate won't lt itpgo througii. - Ivotd t chngèth unemPloyment insurance system 80oý- tbà .e coûld payr people to re-train instead of styin¶,hoene This rwas passeid ýy-tii.. Houesý of Gommons in'1989, but the Séna. o'lotit go trugii -1 vptod for -a ýpackage- of'measures to cut governâme nt b i b dolas.%al was sd by the. House of Inl total,-tiie unaccountable - Sonate is holding up. buclgetiy bil nldinigthi G ,involving in excous of $8 billion per year, completely thwartng,'tii.attempt. of thé e rnmntand tii. electedHouoes fCmmo*nsto reduce.ti.bugtary doficit cf Our country. Youwill,.notice'the extent of thi elay urne. two of tii. major iy.tems above, werein. thi 1989 budget and we're soon comirg up. to tbhé1991 budet., iprat itrc n What ,lu curr.ntly happening luiprat hsoia& troubling Any govrnment at any level, present or *future, must': b. able to carry out its economic programs with no more, than moderato- interference by otiier authorities. Can you fimagine a municipal oucil. attrnpiing: to run ifs econone affaira with major buêedsons runnj close to two years late? Me, Sonate must b. eitiier cLanged, or.abolisiiod! Lane CustomCvrSl -SAVING 0F» 20% With ..over. 800 decoratorfbrc to ,choà ose from, and'80 different.sttj les, select any styleof sofa., loveseat orchair and have it custom built for you, usinmg -the, highest. standards- such. as a web & coil.construction.,Lane.isa n outstanding value. McALLISTEIfS 70,Rossland Rkd. ., Oshawa 57666 t Mon-., Tues., Wed. 1-,Thurs., Fd.-9,sat. 10-5