PAGE 28, WHMTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1990 WORK UN THE DYNAMIC HOS'PITALITYINDUSTRYIR TRAVEL & TOURISM --g- PASSENGER AGENT including FLUGHT ATTENDANT KNOWLEDOE PICKERING CAMPUS 42(>1344 . ....... H----ELP ---- -The Whitby Free Press. is seeldng sef-mtivated individuals to represent us as:. Advertising Sales Representatives prior experience in some type of sales or demonstrated -ability in a related field is required For a challenging and rewarding position in an atmosphere of growth and opportunity, cail the Publisher or the Sales Manager for an appomntment, 668:*6111 TRANSPORT DRIVERS'needed. Now is the time to train for your Ctass AZ licence.. For pro-screeninq interview and j'Ob p lacement information, contact Mrv Ore's Transport» Driver Training. 1-800-265-3559. FREE COMPUTER TRAINING. f you are 45 or ovor and have beon psrmanently laid off or are out of work due to business failure in the Iast 6 months, you may qualify for f ree tuition, books and supplies. Cail now to registor. Reg isterod with the Ministry of Coleges and Universities since 1984. Computer Learning Centre. 668-9713. UMATE YOUR JOB SKILLS. The more you know, the more you're worth. Cail the Micro- computer Training Experts. Class times are tailored to meet your schedule. Cail nqw to registor. Reg isterod with the Ministry of Cleges-.and Universities since 1984. Computer Learning Centre. 668-9713. WE HAVE THE JOB FOR YOU if .you enjoy working with childron, *you have experionce & roter- ences, *you want part-tîmo or tul-time employment, -you can work in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax- or Pickering. Cal 666-3351 for an interview. A CAREER IN DANCING! We are looking for energetic, enthusiastic people to teach dancing. WilI train. Cal 430-0014. LEAKY ROOF?'?? Reasonable rates, f ree est imates, discounts for seniors. Cali Stephen 666-8410. GRANDMA'S COMPANY offers mmother-in-lawwu dean every timel Environmyentally friendly producta - only. Employees are socurity checked,- bonded and 1insurod. 725-9177. WAET AD$wov~w~~!1 NEW COMPANY IN CANADA requires immediately. serlous managers & executive trainees., Earning potential $5,000 .to $10,000+' Per month. FQr interview, please cail 1-705-932-7090,24 hr. recordilng machine. EARN. THOUSANDS stuffing, envlojes. Send $1 and -a sefadressod, stampiec envelope to D. Damant, 344 Simncoe St.S. Apt. 1, Oshawa, Ontario 11H 4J1. M::MNG ARTHUR MURRAY is o accepting children, ages 2 plus, for, dance classes. For - more information, please cati 430-0014. Y OGA CLASSES, dance, ballet, jaz for aduts & children at Balsam, .10 min. north of Whitby. Cali Mangala 649-1136. GUITAR LESSONS'- bo.9inners and advanced. Accoustic or oloctric. Cali Lou, 666-1979, Whitby. HURT ELECTRIC Service Upgrade. ' Installation Of dishwasher, central, vac, garage door openors, roc room, outdoior- ligh4ngWhorbfeeostimate, cal onces.40 eseeroneiPon trmok amitiling, aiting and~~u geeayeairds al (416) 576-7503. a th EARTHWORKS GARDEN Service. Cali now for faill dean Up. Joseph Palmieri, 430-7602. MR. TRIM LAWN & GARDEN Services now booking FaIl dlean-up, tree & shrub pruning & residential snoW removal.. Phono, 623-9711. MAN WITH TRUCK. WIII do painlng, window caulklng, eaves- troughs 'and small jobs. Aftor 5 p.m., 428-0425. FALL CLEAN Up - yard clean ups, eavest roughs and odd jobs. Referencos available. Plione Grog at 430-6280 or John at 434-7565. HOUSE AND OFFICE cleaining aalable. Roliable and dependablo person. Reasonable rates. #f interssted, pos cali Maria at 655-4182. HILLSIDE FENCING and decks. Indlustrial or residential wood and chain' link. Al types of docks. Post-holes drilled, and Opsts set. CalI today for free estimates. (416) 985-9078. Bobcat with back hoe for hire. CARPET' REPAIRS and steam cleaning. Give your carpets a facelift 1 Have burns, tears, ripples & dirt removed. No job too smail. 666-8006. HANDYMAN SERVICES- chimney sweep, eavostrough cleaning, repairs, renovations& odd jobs. 427-1674, ask for Art. AIR TIGHT WOOD STOVES, inserts, insulated chimneyS, certif ied installation. Cal 416-655-8945. KINDERGARTEN ^T5ACHER,- mother, will cars- for- your pre-schooIer ln Wa stimiulatlng, envlronrment. Excellent, references. ReasonaNblo rat.,Gardsn-Rosla area. 430-3825. DAY CARE -AVAILABLE i n my home. Lots of experience. babies welcome. .Close, to, GO. e&'401,: 666-8067, Whitby.. DAY CARE in my home for agos 3 a d- up. Kinsale, H Ty 7. oodMý lunches, spacious ýý:faciltes, rot oronces and genuine .:cars'., 655-4597. RESPONSIBLE DAYý CARE i my home. Very reasonable 'rates; roeits given. Nutritious lunchà ahd snacks provided. Large. fenced yard. Cail 430-2684 or, after 5.30, 668-4995. Brock & -Manning area., OTTER CREEK- Mother of 1 willing to ,babysit, . my -home. Full/part-time, before/after >sohool welcomo. 666-1730. PRIVATE HOME DAY CÀEÉ. arn a mother, of 2 who -would'like,' to provide cars for your child, in i * homo, ages'one & up. Receip referonces. Garden/Rossland area. 430-9077. NEED -HELP- PLACING..your adi Caîl Joanne, Whitby F'rePosi 668-0594._ ~flu~s M da~ O~Qaî t~5-O~i ~F* là ,S~ . HOTEL & RESTAURANT. MANAGEMENT OStf*'&HAWA CAMPUS 7234183Z Pîsase check your advsrtissmsnt for errr on 'the first- day -of- publication. The Whitby Fre Press will ot b. hable for Ifalluro to:,- publish an ad, or for typographic errars-.In publication boyond the cost of the, apace occupied byý the error upo,.a- maximu~m Costo,-f, the insertion. Ti. Whitby ýFr.. Presa roserves the ýright. to classify, or rsject ail advertismsnts. PREmPAID- (Cash, VISA, choque-rscsived before deadlne) $5.00 for 20 words; 120 each additional word BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 150 each -additional word. AUCTIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS 810 per agate line (14 agate lines per inch) minimum cha rge: $5. pre% aid, $750 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS", '(Ada wth bordera, plctures orgraphica). Regular display rates apply - 860 per agate line Minimum aize 1 columninch $12.04' (14 agate Uines per Inchi). DEADLINE '. Monday noon pror toWednesday publication. *:680594:- Toronto School of Business 1 ý 1