PAGE 4, Ã9 F 'Volunteers canvassinigduring NovembeDaee ot By Trudie Zavadovics Many pluses are attributed te the evolution of what is known as modern society. There are also minuses. More than 1.5 million Cana- dians have diabetes -- about 20,000 living in Durham Region. On e out of every 20 000 Cana- dians suffers from diaLetes. Heredity is often cited as the cause of diabetes. Stress is also a major factor in the onset of the disease. Some believe that there is a direct correlation between mounting 'stresses brought on by prepared for the just living i today's society and the increase i the incidents of diabetes. Shock and viral infec- tion are other ways of developing this disease that is a leading cause of death in North Amemica. November is Diabetes Month. Volunteers from the Canadian Diabetes Association of Durhamn Region wili be canvassing house- hoid s and businesses tming te each their fundraising goal of $50,000. «We'vé hand delivered 65,000 information packages this year,"» says George Cackette, president of the Durham branch of the Canadian Diabetes Association. .His involvement began when his son developed diabètes. Today he runs the Durhamn Dia- betes Care store at 170 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. The store carnies everything involved in the came of diabetes, except for insulin. As well as selling such pro- ducts as blood glucose monitors, they take time and came in teach- Have you? Now is the time to register. Are you ready for the pro- posed GSI? If not, now is the lime ta register and prepare. Registration applies to anyone involved in a commercial enter- prise. This includes fishing, farming, professional services and many activities carried out by non-profit organizations. Revenue Canada is ready to assist you with information on: " How '10 register and the benefits of doing 50 " What the GST means to your operation " Simplified accounting options and administrative procedures " Rebates of the Federal Sales Tax " How 10 recover GSI on business purchases " GST return and filing options Contact us today. Phone: 1 800 461.1082 Tlecommunications device for the hearing impaired: 1 800 465m5770 Or drop by the Revenue.Canada Excise Office nearest you, Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Canada's GST. lt's good business to prepare now. ,I Revenue Canada cusomns and Excise Camadci Revenu Canada Douanes et Acarse You are cordially invited to the Grand Opening of the Constitue ncy Offioe of DRUMMOND WHITE MPP Durham Centre Dru mmond invites everyone to drop in Friday -Nov. 2nd from 3:30-6:OOpm at 122 Dundas St. W., Whitby 430-1141 Refreshments wiII be served. to introduce BREAKFAST SPECIALS from 8am to iiam. To accommodate pur friends and neighbours wc will now be serving HOT-0 1M E ALS ALL DAY 668-8839- 209 Dundas St. E., inuqeople how to use them. a eassociation is ,hl wine and cheesen* ht Nov! at the officers' mess, ntario Regi- ment Oshawa IArmoriesB to launch their campaign. Tickts seli for $25 a couple. Besides the social and fun- draising aspects of the event, product manufacturers wiiI have their limes on display. According to Cackette, 30 to 40 unhard of in Canada's native population. Today, largely due to modern living and a change in diet, 18, to. 20 per cent of Canada's native population has deveioped diabete. In some areas figures nuse to as high as 50?per cent. F r many people with type 2 diabetes, losmng Weight and a change of diet wiii keep their diabetes undercoro for a bife- time. Others may need to take pills. Those with type 1 diabetes are usually dependent on insulin injections. Diabetes can affect other major organs such as eyes, heart and kidneys. 'Persons with diletes are at twioe the risk of stroke. Amputations occur 15 times more often in those with dia- betes. It is one of the moot common chronic ailments affect- ing children. Uncontrolled dia- betes can result in complications that can lead to coma and death. .According to Cackette, Dur- ham is the only regon with diabetes clinice in ail ita hospi- tals.' Caà r, then rentai car are stolgen Just days after bis own car was stoien, a Whitby man had his rentai car stolen from the ocaraae of his home on Ontario Police report that entry waa gained by braking the garage window and steabfng the keys inside the gaag. The rented car, from Owasco Volkswagen Inc. wUs later reco- vered afte it haâ been run into a h dro pole at 5185 Garrard St. The driver had fled by the time police arrived. Police say there was extensive damage to the frame of the car. The car is being held for expert eaminatiori. The man's own car has been recovered and is alo being exa- mined for fingerprints. ONTARIO COMPUTER FAIR Over 50 exhibitors offering savîngs and selection in computers. software, peripherals, training, and related products.. Compuiter clubs will provide information on their activities. Sunday November 4 - il a.m. 10 4 p.m. Bowmanville Recreation Complex - take Hwy. 401 10 Waverly Rd. N. , then Ieft on Martin Rd. (Hwy. 57) to Hwy. 2. For information cail 416-535-3761 # l' j Il à j e: ý y é, e 1, ýjR i. 1 Ji ifý *Jar iri*à f.d"o O'L.t-jt . é j 0. lý-2 ;-P c tz-oi -b n'Ir 1 e p c 6 C. t i, n i x