WEITBY FREE PRE8S% WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBR7, 19M0 PAGE Il Miaking a good first timpression FROM PAGE 8 wordmarks such as IBM's; others include graphie symbols like Ontario Hydro'. and are designed to uggstthe products or arcuar qualities of the company. In either case, the effectiveneas of the logo must be measured hby whether it is understandable and memorable. Small compamies just starting out often look at a logo as an extravagance, flot a neeary expense, and either design it themselves or go to a local copy shop. That canbe a mistake, according to Vonn ïWorden. "Ilf your business carda and letterhead look amateurish ad your brochure is poorly printed, what is that going to say about you and 'your Company? If you aren't seen as being able to look after your own needa, how'wifl The War AmputationsI of Canada... Safcty Is CHAMP PLAYSAFE No Accident Program yo)u look after your customers? You don't have to break the bank to look competent sud professional." Vomi Worden says that the cost of designing a logo and graphic identity package -- business carÉ1s, letterhead, labels, signage and so on -- can range from a few hundred dollars to many thousands. To get the best value out- of the investment it la important to know exactly what you want and why. It is much eauier to work with people who have a clear unerstanding of their compaC marketplace whien designing a graphic image. There can b. a big difference in developing a logo for a shoe store that selse hiking boots sud runninaz shoes and< nna that selse only top-of-the-line footwear from Gucci and other name designers." Jo Marney, an advertising and media research consultant who writes a regular column for Marketing Magazine' says a good logo will be used for years in many critical ways and should meet the following criteriae eIt muet communicate more effectively than the competitions logo to give the. company or product a competitive edge; 0 It must be distinct, memorable and popiear 0 It must bereffectvein the current market, but aloo have A good designer combines various elements to corn u with an effective l1g icuding recommendations for typefaces, size, color sud positioning. A heavy fat typface with straight up and -down lettors says something quit. different than a lighter typefaoe with scipt-like flourishes. ià kewise, a forest green-colored logo suggestsaa quite different image of your company than one that is steel blue. Worden says the most effective logo. are sometimes the implest. "No on. is going to asit back sud study your logo for hidden meaninga. The cleaner, the simpler, sud more comprehensible your logo, the better.8" She alo advises thiat logo. be designed to reproduoe weil when photocopied or sent through a FAX machine. McDonaIwýs @ TM PAcOicke FiIet* o.Fish® OINIY12 THICKSON RD. & DUNDAS (Whitby Malil), At participating McDonald's C.1990 McDonalds Restaurants of Canada Limted 1>~'.'~~ ¶ WHEN YOU BUY LARGE FRIES AND A MEDIUM SOFT DRINK 1 . p 1 9 Lb u - î